wtorek, 25 lipca 2006

How is% 20boli

How it hurts ... How fucking it hurts :( Why is Aska like this for me: (((((: ((((((I can't stand her hideous ignorance any longer :( Why did this happen to me, why did I fall in love with someone like that. I have to hurt like this :( Why why .... It hurts so much: ((((It's been a week since she thanked me, and nothing :( Why. I tried to invite her for a walk, and she doesn't :( in ass :( Why is this; (I ONLY SUFFER FOR THIS: (; /

How is% 20boli

How it hurts ... How fucking it hurts :( Why is Aska like this for me: (((((: ((((((I can't stand her hideous ignorance any longer :( Why did this happen to me, why did I fall in love with someone like that. I have to hurt like this :( Why why .... It hurts so much: ((((It's been a week since she thanked me, and nothing :( Why. I tried to invite her for a walk, and she doesn't :( in ass :( Why is this; (I ONLY SUFFER FOR THIS: (; /

How is% 20boli

How it hurts ... How fucking it hurts :( Why is Aska like this for me: (((((: ((((((I can't stand her hideous ignorance any longer :( Why did this happen to me, why did I fall in love with someone like that. I have to hurt like this :( Why why .... It hurts so much: ((((It's been a week since she thanked me, and nothing :( Why. I tried to invite her for a walk, and she doesn't :( in ass :( Why is this; (I ONLY SUFFER FOR THIS: (; /

How is% 20boli

How it hurts ... How it hurts: (Why is Aska like this for me: (((((: ((((((I can't stand her disgusting ignorance :( Why did this happen to me, why did I fall in love with After all, she is a really great girl, but she has to hurt like that :( Why why .... It hurts so much: (((It's been a week since she thanked me, and nothing :( Why. I tried to invite her to walk and she doesn't :( She ignores me, she doesn't give a shit: (Why is that; (I ONLY SUFFER THROUGH IT: (; /

First freestyle youutube