wtorek, 29 marca 2011
Yesterday was written with a delay
It would be written in great detail, but ... I'll tell you about it in a moment
I was up at 10:00. As I probably wrote in the previous post: in the evening I took 5 mg Tranxene + 5 mg Zopidem. I slept sensationally, hence, relatively early / as for me / I woke up. The grandfather himself was very surprised.
Grandpa went out to town, I was working with my laptop on the cold porch. I put the laptop on the freezer (I think I came up with this idea the day before) and I put the phone behind the freezer. I think that thanks to this factor the radiation could be reflected and absorbed by the freezer / this is of course a theory that needs to be checked / although when I was sitting, I felt some irradiation a few times, but this only happens when I'm on a laptop and the phone at the same time. When I talked to the ester on the phone - there were no complications. maybe just the laptop is for some reason? in the laptop there is a copper plate at the bottom, maybe it has a side effect and reflects electromagnetic waves? Cable not used after the Wifi card? or maybe dirt, light pollution - isopropanol? Anyway, you have to undress and check it, so if we do an autopsy, only we will bring the deceased back to life and it will function much better
Today I have been working on a hamster for a long time. I sent the hamster aware of the success as many as 4/5 of the things he asked for. Unfortunately I didn't get much in return as it was just a Memory Code. I also asked for a reading code or multi-reading (apparent choice). He said "okay thanks. Password: kodis". I was wondering on what basis does it create passwords? if it's only 5 characters, maybe it could be broken with some cracker? I was also looking for a way to bypass the password on a hamster in google, but I found nothing useful. I am thinking about changing the search engine for the better? maybe there is a multi-search engine somewhere on the web? who knows .. I have to send Gut Hofman's last file to this who is aware of the success ... Boss, but the link in terms of upload is very weak. Only 4kB / s.
I was looking at some things on Google Reader. I added a few pages to it like: Laptops service, blog with programs ... generally quite a lot. know in a similar way to search for information on the Allegro on an ongoing basis. I found out that migraine is one of the symptoms of cellulitis. There was also some special oil / fat that burns the abdominal tissue, but it is still being tested and it is not known if it is completely safe.
I talked to Greg a bit: he was a little scared to write virus meningitis. I wrote a question to Kasia if there was a chance she infected me. At 5 am she gave me a total of 4 sms. It resulted that some of them wrote much earlier - I destroyed her good and positive mood a bit. In the morning I wrote a slightly persuasive text: "you will probably go to sleep soon,
I wish Zuzia to give in the morning an amazing desire to go to school: D Good night my love: * ". Words
It wasn't, but I think if I had used it, these words would have had even more power. Although, as it was apparent from the recently read news - Kasia had this incredible desire to live. She was in training, high school graduation. She claims that there is no chance that I will get infected from her, because it is just an inflammation of the connective tissue. Strange, because she said that it could be viral and I can't accurately diagnose the cause of it, because sometimes she has these symptoms, and sometimes such ...
There were also some new symptoms: red, wounded skin between the fingers
. And also in the late evening or in the morning - probably the kidneys. Maybe I had a cold - I don't know ... but I'll get to that in a moment.
Traditionally, prophylaxis: washing the ears, sage, garlic. Peralgina did not help. When I took the last paracetamol from my jacket and sipped my coffee - I think I felt a significant improvement in my eye and head. In the evening, almost nothing hurt, and my dad bought some paracetamol + codein + cofenin / 500/8/30. I used the same salt on the muck in my face. I also read a bit about the tram, downloaded info about herbs, a few episodes of Dr. House, I was looking for an omnia cable, but the cheap ones have a lot of negatives. I created a profile on GoldenLine - from what Lukasz estimates 20 out of 10. And nk estimates 4 out of 10. The solution seems very interesting to me and it suits me to complete my profile there, make a CV and start earning money.
I found loads of youtube videos about ATI rebalancing by accident. There is some kind of laser technique, and besides, instead of the oven, it seems to me that people are using something like a dryer ...
Late at night I started talking to my grandfather and here it was as if it had started.
- I found out that St. C eliminates alcohol, so when my grandfather treated me (and I did not want to hurt him) I drank one wine glass as if at the bottom, and the next. It seemed to me that the alcohol kind of solved my head and eye problems completely - I don't know. But those kidneys came out. We were also looking for a friend of my grandfather: Zdzisław Broniszewski, he was talking about the tenement house, as we checked it has nearly 6000 m2, so it could be worth a lot. I even thought about forging documents. I drank alcohol on an empty sponge, then I wanted to overrun with ice cream, but grandpa had drunk the rum. It was really fun to talk, the alcohol probably made me laugh a little, my grandfather was talking like a bull or a drunk ... When we went to sleep - I went to the porch. I was sitting there for at least 1.5 hours in the cold. I didn't feel cold after the alcohol. Only when I open the refrigerator - it does not fucking heat up ... I went to bed, I felt a pain in my kidney. I slept maybe an hour.
In the morning I wanted to hydrate myself. A bottle of mineral water did not help, unfortunately. Grandpa checked - he tapped the back of the kidney and it was fine. I thought it might be overstretched from the position I was in all day standing at the laptop on the porch. In addition, I could catch them by being so long in this position, I also drank cold water and the husk of sunflower as fat, so that the alcohol would melt somehow. It seems to me that all of this may be the cause.
In the morning I read about Doda who was beaten by the present fiancée of Radek Majdan. I told my grandfather about my 4-point technique for recovering women. He said great.
poniedziałek, 28 marca 2011
Yesterday was written with a delay
Here are two interesting techniques from the poet Łukasz:
I will be very thankful - Luke's technique
Hello, my name is Łukasz Chrzanowski I am a salesman. No specialist or trainer. I am a man of deeds and practice. Because I realize. That it is much longer to teach how to sell than to sell.
eyes, lacquer test, internet, herbal encyclopedia, Russian,
Besides: I worked on the Internet, I still had a headache, I was following the treatment. Later in the evening I noticed that one bottom eyelid in the left eye is lower than the other eye (so droopy).
In the morning I made a preventive bath, rinsed my mouth with sage, salt. I ate garlic 3 times a day. I cleaned the laptops with isopropanol.
Besides, I decided that I would cure him of his scratching. I bought him blueberries (they also cleanse the body, they are bactericidal and antiviral, and have a positive effect on eyesight). I gave the lacquer the garlic for the sandwich along with the ham. I managed and ate it, although he spit it out first, but then I put the garlic deep in it. Then with the inn itself.
I only took one tranxnene and zolpidem at night. I burned sensationally
This is what I was wondering: what was the effect of this radiation from the modem, because I felt a little irradiated in my head. I put the laptop on the freezer, I hope that its metal structure absorbs some of the radiation. It will also be useful to do and complete a book on brain wave vibration.
PS I found out that Lavender is also great for bacteria / viruses, especially the purulent ones (my case could be interesting.)
I also wanted to clean my ibm properly, but I didn't make it.
PS 03/28/2011 | 17:23
I also noticed a certain dependence. Sitting with the ester at night for a few hours did not hurt my head at all. while being on the omni and sitting on the laptop at the same time, I have the impression that I am slightly irradiated. We will also have to check it on dad's laptop, maybe something is amplifying this radiation. or maybe it's the fault that it is on the freezer?
niedziela, 27 marca 2011
Making a diagnosis
Yesterday as most of the time was written with a delay.
I think that night in the morning is completely sleepless. I still had a headache. I spent the day mostly in bed.
I listened to OSHO - balance of body and mind. I liked this book terribly, or rather the audiobook. Besides, the Art of Attracting People - great position, also includes D. Carnegie's teachings and many new things. You will need to make neat notes of them, but so far I enjoy listening to these books. When it comes to OSHO, Iwona's computer voice is, however, quite professional, a very good accent - no wonder that it is the best speech synthesizer in the world. It's just brilliant.
In the evening we watched Apoccalypto. During the day I read the encyclopedias of health and meningitis. From what I write, the disease is extremely rare, as the brain is cleverly separated from the rest and blocks all viruses. they can get in the eyes or ear (old plugs - it is suitable to clean them in a sage).
Late at night I was talking to the HG ester on the phone. I also sent him my documentation from the laptop. I took the garlic in the evening and felt like it helped me. We have prepared our temporary treatment plan
- Rinse sage mouth in the morning (also inhale vapors), Shol�. This muck from your face may enter your body with food, so rinse well first. Also add hydrogen peroxide
- then I can eat. After a meal, garlic and peralgin (interestingly, they have anti-inflammatory properties). I will also drink heavily, from what the ester found is antibacterial / viral / fungal /.../ However, I did not find accurate information about drinking it
- Lots of vitamin C and other vitamins. They strengthen immunity. So far there are lemons and oranges.
- garlic again. I might add some more onions
- drinking nettles - cleanses the body. Lots of water. Check the operation of the application with sage
- I take care of hygiene prophylactically, I clean my ears (now, when I am writing this, I did it with sticks), bath, hair (maybe nizoral would be useful - I will look in the bathroom), I cleaned my laptop with isopropanol and the phone, change of towel - it flies a bit already. I just ask for a new fresh towel, wash my hands, change underwear more often
- I will have to talk to Kasia about it. maybe he'll give me some of his pills
- I wonder about creatine. It adds water to the body, increases the energy to the cells, thus possibly increasing these crap
- other: purification cucumbers, ice cream for the throat, coticosteroids (maybe I still have flixonase at home - you should also read about steroids.)
// now I'm thinking of using my invasive group to the hospital
At 5am in the morning I took 10mg of Tranxene and 5mg of Zolpidem. I guess I fell asleep pretty quickly
I will write a little more what I ate yesterday
- in the morning: some slice
- spaghetti dinner
- supper: cottage cheese with horseradish + garlic
- large yogurt 500g
- fruit: orange, 2 apples
- tea with grandfather's lens
- sage (rinsing), nettle (cleansing the body)
sobota, 26 marca 2011
A day written with a delay
Late to get up at dad's, quick training, going on the bus, busier issued a bill in rabka, taking a big bus, table, old town, picking up a samsung (checking the regulations to be signed), going for ice cream, then to McDonald, headaches, buying glasses, answering 2 girls to the questions - I answered first (interesting, like the reverse of the under method and I did it subconsciously), nice feeling with these glasses and staring at Kas, early conception, headache, writing with a dictionary, yesterday activating 1000sms in heyah, u aunt entering with a cap and glasses, telling about ailments, fixing her phone, taking dr. House, Wellbeing, Letter from Kayah R.
Peralgina, anesthesia of the hand, some movie at home, deer, testing omnia and the Internet, arguing with Kasia about an early conception.
When we got to dovu, probable numbness of one of the cancer, completely sleepless night. Playing with the Samsung omnia at night - the screen is great
Google Tłumacz
Tekst oryginalny
Gdy przybylismy do dovu, prawdopodobne dretwienie jednej z rak, calkowicie bezsenna noc.
Zaproponuj lepsze tłumaczenie
A day written until with a 2-day delay
So I will shorten the maximum
Yesterday my eyes, head, kidneys, and at some point my thigh hurt. I tried to finish by worshiping the book on brainwaves. Unfortunately, boarding a computer or watching TV made it unpleasant for my eyes and head.
Dad wasn't there at night, so I decided to sleep with him. Some porn was accidentally triggered, but I switched to fairy. I slept a little with them. I guess I didn't take the drug for that night, I did body loosening for the feet.
During the day I was also shopping, canceled the meeting with Damian. His grandmother reportedly had a stroke and unfortunately had to go to the hospital.
czwartek, 24 marca 2011
The day is traditionally written with a delay
Morning / early morning sleep was good again. If the situation is finally stabilizing, maybe it is due to the exercises of the cross with the legs that he recommended to me
I don't remember much what I was doing after waking up. I must have practiced a little. I think I got the first light bastard from my grandfather since I've been here. It concerned that I had given the charging phone wrong and it pissed him off a little when he opened the wardrobe door.
In the afternoon I went to Arek. I was walking along the tracks, at the bus stop I met Kube Zajac with a friend. He tanned his hair blonde and asked Arek not to tell him anything about it. Kuba is a really great guy - he could be a real friend. he has a new girlfriend, from the same class, and the previous one, as I asked, is slightly jealous, we discussed the phone calls, the brain, school, I found out that he would like to become a doctor in the future, and probably by appointment. We chatted for nearly an hour - the conversation was fantastic, we finally broke up. He went first, although I could go first, especially because I neglected the Ark a bit.
As the bus 18:37 was not there, I ordered a taxi. I paid 10 PLN. In the taxi, I talked to the taxi driver a bit - quite good conversation. Somewhere someone wrote that taxi drivers know everything that is happening in the city, maybe one day I will be able to use it. He dropped me off next to the school and I went to Arek
As usual, the specific smell of dung, Angelika opened to me - the girl grew up pretty well. The Ark was not in the room, it turns out that now he has room only for himself, more space. A lot of cool jokes with morphine came out, the homeless - we had a great conversation
Arek came up with a brilliant business idea. Make a boot like mine, just to download our files from Rapidshare, Hotfile etc ... and we will get 22 $ for every 1000 downloads, to do a multiuploader for these sites and to add additional posts to forums. Here, you could earn extra money for buying the program via SMS. It's just a great idea, and I can do it with an ark and I like it very much. The stake wants 50:50 - with my heart I am willing to give him this much, although I understand, I know that just for bringing an idea is a bit too much, but I will give him a lot of things to do, possibly he will bargain the profits by 40:60.
I went after 21, I walked 1.5 hours to zaryTY. In Zabka, I talked to some guy who wanted to buy pipes - a tall, skinny blonde with a faint voice. I was also in Stescal and bought cookies - in the end I'm on a bodybuilding diet and you need to take care of regular meals.
When I was going toram and some guy followed me. It was terribly dark and I imagined he would stick a knife in my back. Fortunately, I somehow lost him on the way
At home I put my eyes on my eyes, something long because I didn't sleep until 4, even though I was listening to the files from my grandfather's phone, but in the morning I got up anyway.
Idea I really fucking like the Ark !!!
środa, 23 marca 2011
Yesterday was written with a delay. I think I've been falling asleep a little better lately
In the morning I listened to the recording of under, which I once bought for PLN 9. There were 10 techniques, one of which I have forgotten that piercing gaze: looking from behind a woman, as if piercing her with my gaze. Then the Art of Communication with people and somehow I fell asleep, because in the morning I woke up and it was going on.
As usual, I got up quite late, I did a training session for yesterday: I discovered a technique for the shoulders: elbows slightly bent at the bucket, although I guess I felt a lot better on my right shoulder. My other hand was either on the hip or on the edge. For dinner and as a post-workout, my grandfather made baby balls
I went to the city to see the ophthalmologist on the tracks. On the way, I met Bogdan Schmidt. I greeted myself:
- Good morning
+ What's up?
- And I don't do anything, I hang around all day
+ I would like that too (with a sense of humor).
I screwed up a bit during this dialogue. Perhaps I had consciously coded that schmidt had a much better genre than me, and I was already coded to talk ridiculous things. I could ask questions. Although I asked at the beginning: do you live here? And what will you come to break the glass with stones? I could answer: you know, I respect you, but it's good that not all of your disciples live in Rabka: D
When I was at the ophthalmologist, there was a huge queue. I asked if everyone? I replied: nice: D and people started laughing. Next to me, a kid was playing some game on SonyEriccson. I saw a wonderful mother: not quite any, black hair, she had a lovely little baby. Despite a few years, the child was bold, brave - someone would say that it is naughty, but this only proves the mother who raises / treats her child differently.
Somewhere after 2 hours I walked in, it was 6 pm I tried to explain my situation, but she focused on sitting on the computer for a long time and this is probably the reason, and in my opinion the radiation from the modem. She did not hear that my head aches too, she ignored me. She examined her eyesight, both eyes 0.5, although I'm not sure, because now, as this diary writes, I can see that I can see much better with one eye. I paid 50 zlotys, the assistant asked for the payment in a rather unpleasant voice. From what I can see, she was in a hurry and therefore did not examine me thoroughly. I want to go to the green center - Grzesiek flew this woman there and let her examine me carefully to be sure
I went to eat something sweet, earlier to the pharmacy - they had standard glasses for PLN 13-15, but they didn't have anti-reflective glasses, and they were glasses only for feeling. I went to the sweet to eat tortillas, saw some girls - they were pretty sweet
PS Earlier in the center I asked a girl if she was seeing Dr. Gabis.
I went across the tracks, wanted to go home on foot and met Sylwia Karkule. I think she was fascinated by me, because I talked with her for an hour - I felt that I was talking sensational, finally I checked my abilities on another girl. I took her phone number.
At home, I sprinkled my eyes with a firefly - I think it helped a little. After the Cuba we went to sleep and today I slept sensational. I took 10mg tranxene straight away, I think I fell asleep quite fast, maybe thanks to my eyes. There was Janusz Gajos and some pretty tall blonde at Kuba Wojewodzki's
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