piątek, 24 sierpnia 2012


Morning wake up at 6:30, however, I did not perform any affirmation or prayer. Weight below 74 kg, some 73.7 kg. Brilliant In the morning I resumed my physical exercises in the park. I felt great after stretching, I got to know my great exercises that could replace yoga or brain wave vibrations. I felt so fascinated again :) I did half of the training, then I went to the last treatments. I did not sunbathe due to cloudy weather. Recently, however, I have noticed I have a very low self-esteem. When, however, I wrote something in my notebook or programmed and came up with something new, I felt better again and I came up with something new :) Throughout the day - I stretched a lot, read this book, completed my training book. I met a guy who accosted me and asked where I was from. So I'm wondering now if he was with the police. He said he would go to dr. Zbigniew, ask for a prescription and sell it on the black market. Suspicious for me ... In the evening I was carrying jars with a hammer. In the afternoon I finished my training. Drugs in a moment. I hate them. Yes, I would like to contact Rafael, get the answers to my questions ... Today I learned to stretch. I am a sect leader ...

czwartek, 23 sierpnia 2012

Hormonal Panel

Hormonal Panel - because this is today's title ... I was hypnotizing Adrian on skype. Anyway, we already talked yesterday about how much he would like to control the hormones in his body. Despite a slight lack of self-confidence, I managed :) Adrian was able to control his hormones in the body after hypnosis. I put him in a trance with the Mozgu Wave Vibration method for the hips. During the first trance, your subconscious mind explained exactly how to make it all go well. In the second trance, only from gorka: The subconscious asked to imagine the extreme situations for these states with the testosterone and insulin sliders. For maximum testosterone, I asked him to imagine Arnold Schwarzeneger - strong and powerful. He said he was really powerful. And for the lower end, a poor woman. I even managed to anchor it all. The whole conversation lasted from 11am to 2pm and I was proud of myself that I was able to do all of this. Besides, I read a little book - strength training without equipment. I plan to start this training tomorrow in the morning :). What I learned today: Create a hormone panel during hypnosis.

środa, 22 sierpnia 2012

Rheumatoid Rafal

Rheumatoid Rafal In the morning, Rafal, a conversation about what was in the hospital, a girl you loved, a conversation about good and bad feelings, treatments, Kaja can't swim because she is afraid of low sugar, Rheumatologist lies that the drug is working - my mistake, I guess. Coming home, sleepy ... In the morning I went to Rafal. I missed him 3 minutes. We talked about what happened in the hospital on Skawinska Street, about "a girl I supposedly loved" - as he put it. I wonder what he meant. He's a great psychologist, could he make me feel? He also explained to me that there are no good and bad feelings. Now I also agree with him, it's just like good and bad don't exist. I almost wanted to cry when I was talking about the Skawinska street, but I couldn't cry. Then I went for treatments. Somehow at that time I got a text message from Kaji why I can't swim: I'm afraid of too low sugar ... I went to the Rheumatologist. I was afraid of not accepting me today, fortunately, while searching the photos, I found a note with the date of my visit. I have an appointment today :) I am also glad that while writing this diary I am returning more vocabulary. I took the bus and before 12 I was at the clinic. Fear again - I wore heavy denim pants and a blue shirt. But somehow it was, I didn't even have to repeat my learned self-suggestion. I was registered, accepted - unfortunately I lied that the drug helped me. It seems to me that it has resulted in the fact that he will not look for another disease, although I have continued to say about the wandering pains ... But maybe he will diagnose me. Well, a man learns all his life from mistakes ... Coming home, awful sleepy, nothing more important happened during the day. I decided to work on only one affirmation: life itself loves me, nourishes me and supports me. It's safe to live ... What I learned today: always tell the truth, be honest.

Training without equipment

In the morning treatments, sunbathing - great, buying a frame and notebook and meeting Raphael again. Rewriting notes and getting fascinated by it. I enjoy praising myself.

poniedziałek, 20 sierpnia 2012


Morning as standard, treatments, then a long time I sunbathed near the police, because I was accosted by this drunk and I did not want to see him. I chatted with him for a while You will not be back home until around 10:30. Then I did two game hacks for a day, bought a dream healing book - finally money came to my account. I sent the ionizer and the book. On my way back, I met Patrick - we talked for a long time. We practiced together. I noticed that pulling up with series of 5 series I feel amazing muscles. Maybe that's the key !!! Doing Exercises in series !!! He also mentioned that I should take care of my grandfather - he was right. Haven't seen him for a long time. Maybe I'll surprise him one day. He also showed me how to properly do push-ups. Plus, we talked about drugs, exercise, and a lot of stuff related to doping and bodybuilding. We're just cheating the body. Today I called dr. Zarowski. I said goodbye to him. What a relief, finally this stress does not bother me. I was glad when I settled this matter, you can say I breathed a sigh of relief, I also managed to buy a book today and return the books and an ionizer. After lunch, I was in the mountains. I must have worn out all my muscles. Come home, something to drink, now I want to finish reading osho books. I'm terribly tired. I guess I'm going too.

niedziela, 19 sierpnia 2012


Morning sleep until 9:00. What was good about eating ice cream yesterday? I found out on my body how big a mistake it is to eat ice cream for the night, or to eat ice cream at night, especially sweetness. How the body was poisoned by toxins after eating ice cream. Over the day - I wrote one hack, pasted an ad on my website. I have played a lot of tetris The relaxation of nodding my head calmed me down a lot and gave me even more motivation to work. Today I made an appointment with a chick to watch movies, but somehow I don't want to go to him. Mateusz came up with the idea of ​​a "magnet link generator". I suggested that I also write something like that. I also started taking notes that I didn't finish regarding whether it was possible to live 150 years. I resumed my prayers and affirmations. Only one thing affirms: life itself loves me, nourishes me and supports me. I'm safe. 15 errors that kill a compound: You are attracted by unreachable people You are greedy You are inclined to dramatize You are involved in previous relationships Negative attitude You are too powerful and demanding You have friends who limit you You are only interested in non-binding sex You prefer practicing rather than romance You are disorganized You prefer to work rather than romance You can't say NO " You have a problem with your ex-partners You have possessive parents You don't care about your appearance or health

sobota, 18 sierpnia 2012

Feels Cancer

Fast and rested, I got up in the morning. I made herbs, but not exercised. I went out too. Then sunbathe. The weather was amazingly beautiful. The sun makes her feel much better. Vitamin D works great miracles. Perhaps it is good to voluntarily put myself in a psychiatric hospital. They are looking for nothing else in me so I can continue to discover myself :) Coming home, I wrote practically no hack for the day. I've played a lot of Tetris, found a better crack. You will laugh at the game;) I was about 5 in the mountains. Excellent condition. I read an article this morning about the starving men how the guy did a 21 day fast. It made me believe in this method again. Now I have worked out my body better, I am more resistant to stress, whenever there is an opportunity, you will have to try this method again :) During the fast you should exercise, move, keep a good mental condition. Drink lots of water. Then it works best. I read the article in the program I created For tomorrow I made an appointment with szymon for a movie I wrote the diary exceptionally earlier thanks to which I feel that I have more time for myself. And the weather was fine today.

First freestyle youutube