poniedziałek, 6 stycznia 2014
hydra-what-the-disease is
January 6 - hydra-what-is-disease
Hydra succeeded. I attached a mini dictionary to break my dad's account on o2.pl. Broken in less than 24h from the dictionary. So cool :)
In order to experiment, another account is tested. Old Kaji account: kayson
Maybe he'll do one of the things in life and feel like a hacker :)
K: New stretching plan - Rakowska
K: Power definition (health, strength etc ...)
Reading what the disease says about you. Rage. Momentary fear of illness etc. want to reach for Reiki even deeper. I decided that I would only read the topics of what the disease is to be pointed out to me: balance, self-knowledge, but without any interpretation. I prefer to get to know and understand myself, arrange my own methods and affirmations ...
I can also read Kaja's disease with curiosity: diabetes .... How love flies through her life.
for the moment I had something nice about the pectoral vertebrae - I was eager to fight the pectoral vertebrae.
I have some kind of a teaser to watch the last samoraj on film.134.pl. I've already watched it once. I associate this music with max and besides this strong shock and depressive period of life of 16-17 years until almost 20 by this fucking Kozanecka whore !!!
Concept: write a list of people you want to get revenge on. Who hurt me ...
piątek, 3 stycznia 2014
January 2 - quickly-felt-breath-3oko-tb
Yesterday I saw something really beautiful. Life without pain. A day without pain. Only in the evening I came back, unfortunately
Now there is a problem - it is at work - the pain is back ...
However, watching myself like that ...
When there is pain I think about pain and when there is no pain I have all sorts of interesting thoughts that finally come true. Maybe that's why I attracted the attention of the policemen :)
Moreover, today I think about pain again and again. I took paracetamol half a tablet, take some 250mg with a coffee that supposedly strengthens the pain relief. However, the fear that coffee was with sugar and paracetamol belongs to the acid compounds
Hence, I came up with a solution at work so as not to think about pain:
valerian drops - soothing at work
affirmation: (tomnienieboli + music)
That's how I work today in a blue T-shirt. I feel sweet in her. So slim, chiseled and agile. Cold needles catch me. I looked at my figure in the mirror. I do not have a radiator anymore as in summer holidays, but I still have a pretty cool figure. Maybe it's time to get in shape like that means'health guy!
Today Jarek's wife came by - very nice. In addition, it's pretty - although I didn't look at it for too long. I avoid women quite a lot
Today I also noticed that I was able to breathe very discreetly. I feel that my body needs to breathe, I just don't want to breathe
Just a moment ago I got quite an interesting phone call about work ... Interesting ...
In addition, in the morning I found a video of 5 ways to save time. Really curious :)
I'm in a T-shirt at work today. He drinks a lot of hot coffee or rather hot coffee. Very diuretic .... However, I am warm and in a T-shirt I feel so handsome, attractive - I could even say that I feel a bit gay; 0
CONCEPT: diaphragmatic breathing at work discreet, i.e. diaphragm deep without trapping air in the lungs!
Whore, it was so fun and now the pain again, strange ailments in the head, needles - well fucking !!! I'm scared. I hate it already !!!
Or maybe by giving my excess energy to the earth I will gain even more strength and power? in the end what gives comes back to me 7 times
You don't deserve to know anything about me!
A moment ago, as if at home, I felt a breath. I felt. Long apnea. A gentle long breath. Briefly lightly held. There were even ants in places.
Pain panic before leaving work. I told Marcin about various stupid things during the time of junior high school
I felt my breath tighten as I exhaled. Now I am breathing and doing activities at the same time! Would use such skill at work.
Full exhale> long hold> long steady breath in (nose then mouth)> short hold
Shortly after the meal, I began to breathe rapidly. I felt that I had to! Fast and shallow with sensitivity. Nice ants in some places again
Now it's like relaxing blogs. As if I ground the energies. With the fact that I grounded this energy with an excess of mixed food ...
I have to learn this hania method and I think to use weights more often.
Today I am a little sick of those needles and ailments in my head. However, thanks to this grounding / relajks, I have a greater desire for tb + rb. in fact, I haven't used these names for a long time
tb + 3oko + rb
wow what a cool relaxing blogs. Cool blogs to relax.
I have to write down sometime that during the fast the body draws energy and power from the waste according to my and rafal definition: make the most of something
Hah, what is good in the situation and I have confused myself, that is, I mixed up:
I am relaxed. Extremely relaxed ... Oh yeah
I am craving tb-rb3 as a regeneration method. I even want to calmly wash my teeth and in this relaxed state, nothing is almost painful for me, nothing bothers me :)
środa, 1 stycznia 2014
December 30 - biceps-search-flat
I am learning to tell the truth
I earn more than my father
I am wiser
Life for Gregory.
Work: Random Test Marcin Keys. He was so nice that he did not even bother to take them out of the door ...
Putty android
NT expedition by bike. I went out on foot
Conversation in the buffet with the woman. Tea. It's been a long time since I talked to people.
I think better when in motion.
Before 1pm a huge amount of ecr. Rozladownaie training
K: daily training as for building After all, sourdoughs are nice. Then the building material, water, is invited!
2 boiler light pos fear of life!
New market to visit 2 apartments. One PLN 650 with utilities. Fear of life. Imagining how it would be if I was meiszkal alone. Can I handle it?
The second is already nice PLN 750 only vadium PLN 2 thousand.
Then I found myself returning to Rabka with the intention to live in Rabka. I called a woman a 60m apartment for 600 PLN. I made an appointment with her after the new year.
In the hospital, hot tea warmed me up a lot. Increases the ecr level
David measuring the biceps slack. He was 38 or 39 cm. His paw looked powerful. I thought that I have so much and after its measurements only 35cm ...
Mother: stop. I could answer don't be nervous or don't freak out, but usually when this fucking whore attacks me - I guess I'm a little scared
new year's eve-hania
December 31 - New Year's Eve-hania
AFFIRMATION: I want to do nothing. I have a high rent of PLN 1500
She explained to me what is 100% health and safety Reiki about. On my hips, she said she used up to 500%
I just forgot to ask why should I wash my hands?
Grounding the breath. Power control. Energy is not wasted!
Energy missiles
Simple cw inserting the vertebrae. More work on it!
Once again 100% of the complexion to breath
Protein after training - relax + regeneration?
One simple cw drazek plus fighting
On that day, the tram is at home after work. I was only at work until 12:00 no one was there. As usual, I promised Szymek the auctions. I wrote so in order not to lie, but rather not to lie, and with technical problems with the Allegro
I wonder how the single parents felt at home at that time
Despite my fear and my guilt - whatever I say it works
Despite fear and guilt - every affirmation works
Despite fear and guilt, he keeps his health, strength and musculature.
Coming home, I was a little afraid of the mother's / parents' reaction. I was uneasy. High tension in the chest and biceps. I feel it's time to train. In addition, I started applying the gifs I bought - cool and stretched my biceps. I breathe because I feel such a need. No fear
I'm wondering if it's finally time for bach's little ones.
Moreover, after talking to hania, I didn't think about pain. Something beautiful.
I came up with the idea to give my armchair as a business chair. I would earn PLN 500 And additionally I will have comfortable working conditions
I also had alternating thoughts: quit / work? Time to get out of this apartment. However, I want to work, but I have to fight for my job and get a job or a 3/4 time job - and I would work until 15:00. After all, others have better working conditions.
I now feel at home blogo relaxed. I don't think about pain, I needed that
January 1 - gentlemen_police
I came home in the morning. The amount of energy was quite large. I felt a little unloaded, so I stretched and breathed. Later I went to training where an interesting surprise met me, but more on that in a moment ...
Bless you, good man, and get as far away from me as possible!
Talking about kundalini
Energy to earth (grounding). The earth will send her to a good place!
Energy bullets (hara), vampirism
Drazek, head down. More work on yourself
While at the playground, I met gentlemen policemen! Someone allegedly wired me and reported that I was "acting strangely". Charged with adrenaline, I clenched my hands / clasped in front of me giving them my ID. The policeman looked at his computer and finally asked: Have you already had a conflict with the law? I answered in a childish voice - Yes!
What plans for the rest of the day? I changed my training place. I don't want to argue and I don't want problems.
Then I thought to myself - who would have the courage to report me to the police? It seems to me that I was just in the sight of the cameras, they had nothing to do or avoid the paperwork at the police station. And a slight fear for life, flat, work ... I hope, however, and somehow it will be ...
Despite my thoughts and imaginations, we are not in a parade. You certainly have more dangerous criminals to catch.
Bless you good policemen. I see that earnings have risen from PLN 2400. Great job. I hope we respect each other
I told Hania about it. She calmed me and made me laugh
I felt like reading the Akashic book for a while, but the pain came back. It is now on the right side of the chest.
wtorek, 31 grudnia 2013
December 28 - film-meditation-hall-jedi
I noticed that when I eat my food, I intuitively want to breathe the wind (maybe because it brings lightness) and I feel like doing activities such as reading books. I do not want to act because I am too heavy, but in a moment everything returns to normal and I treat my breath or rather a meal as one of the forms of energy
AFFIRMATION: I speed up the process of self-regeneration
Every organism has the properties of self-regeneration!
Football. Jedi training hall. Rusty
TRAINING DT tric plus buttocks
M - hands clasped together a cage
Breathe of the rope a moment of relax (fire)
Cut the pipe sideways
So many thighs, leg back
AFFIRMATION: Once he thinks you need to practice like on a construction site. Rest once.
Whatever I do, my body is perfect for any situation!
Huge energy after training. Sun. Glasses. Make affirmations on energy from the sun!
AFFIRMATION: Despite the fear and guilt, my body is doing well in any situation, building zsspmc!
Bic 38cm after training, although he seems soft and regenerated!
2 days of meditation videos
In the evening, a meeting between the farmer and the romek on the escarpment! We talked about psychoactive substances1
December 29 - guilt-malgosia
In the morning, fear for the hips. Healing juice. No net
AFFIRMATION: I am asking God for Reiki energies
I wanna be a pure reiki channel (2x)
100% reiki for my hips!
CODE: Stand up for yours!
AFFIRMATION: Laptop. Tel. 2300 PLN - former Carnegie
Yesterday as well as today I licked by the stick. That is a little embarrassing. Yesterday af the transformation of fear into anger
Home position. 2 rear airbags Front knees The chair is low. Laptop far away (item developed as a result of fatigue / relaxation)
// I think it relieves my knees
Huge body soreness after yesterday's training
Even so, I lent him a suffocating phone
Feeling of guilt: Jarek, Malgosia ...
Master: Please help. What should I do?
Hania: why do I want to go easy and I can't get it?
Posty (Atom)
February 24/25 after November 22nd, but as usual, I didn't clean the apartment, unfortunately, although I'll wait until I'll ...
January 2 and now it's high time to write a new entry from January 2nd. fuck me. fuck me. How in this prison I still feel so dirty, t...
December 9 - Today 2 dreams around 6:00. Holes as in the matrix (I wrote so, but I don't remember what's going on anymore). Rafal...