niedziela, 18 maja 2014
WRITTEN MAY 18 - justus_ciezary_wyciszenie_mostek_vibrations_bieg_20km
breathing after a full meal - I'm better off with a truck!
I got awesome music from the scream
great article: don't do free IT!
new training, dumbbells and weights - I feel so strong!
another day. the night was choking, it was pouring and blowing
I'm going for a medical exam with Justus today. I'm a little afraid of 100 PLN ... fucking ...
but I'm even pleased with myself. I look decent, the energy level is high. heavy clothes and cleaned up quite a bit. I still want to stretch!
I heard the service for PLN 50. like me when I was doing my father's computer. I should take a minimum of PLN 100
A: I spent too much of my energy because I wanted to be obliging. now I want my energy to come back to me because I need it!
yes ... I was able to plague myself with my own energy ....
af: my energy comes back to me!
AF, my weapon will be aggression. enough fear! Aggression!
EXPErYMENT change I practice anyhow, fast when I want, eat how I want, when I want, as much as I want!
Fear of stress: energy stores accumulate, discharging over time
large margin of error!
program: build a font!
Preventive aggression. somehow it will be! :)
I noticed that in the state of suck, I am more susceptible to all emotions!
The excess of WORKED energy is returned to the earth! Endless power and energy!
big margin of error. suppressed energy reserves! (beta)
work perlalgina justus!
100pr reiki (...) to recover from 7xsila regain lost energy!
(beta) once again I think I would like to take a break!
after yesterday's training, despite today's high energy / relax muscles, be super hard. I want to beat!
the guy asked me about computers. must be hard to negotiate from PLN 120 upwards (PLN 100 minimum)
HANIA I am good at giving back energy!
Code to take pictures of the bugs
Excess energy work
kindalini running!
excess without shoes!
'adr arrears breath run no matter when!
I used my energy to run on Rabka. it's about 20km. wow!
despite the fear ... just energy goes to fear!
the next day
I noticed something like that. without breath he still lives with fear!
excess regen workout walk barefoot!
walking barefoot acted like meditation. cheerful energy / strengthened bones!
REGENERATION training opportunity test / sila / workout!
PLAN OF THE DAY read star wars!
I was again near the fountain. someone is stealing my coins. maybe I will ask hania how to do it?
af: only excess energy gives back to the ground! finally succeeded! :) yup!
finally, we will go back to my code and we should help as much as we can!
TEMP work zafu blue chair!
MOTIVATION walrus competition!
wow how i let go of this excess energy i feel so calm confident!
CONCEPT code v 0.2 in zbm? then in k-emotions and so changed :)
MOTIVATION walrus competition!
fun being at home goth and metal I'm more muted and more motivated to work!
środa, 14 maja 2014
May 14 - EXPERYMENT searching for breath
I have a problem with guilt due to lack of breath!
crunches st2
CODE perfect divine body: a large margin of error!
Business IT Tutoring!
CODE: by practicing further and better, you become immune faster (despite the deficiencies of mm)
K workout max fatigue!
AF on A
A: I remember when Arek noticed after 2 months that I was okay
New sensations!
thanks to polarity it is possible to achieve immortality?
yesterday night max barge training watching movies. new sensations for the muscles!
BUSINESS strama bus!
Sasavana belly again. warmer. as if the suppressed energy was deposited in the muscles
BEGIN FAULTS: run, then breathe!
Hania aura torus and rain!
lack of money. I think it's time to throw a bottle of coins from the fountain at night!
Business voluntary donations!
justus phone
voice shame pug. fear of housing. they asked. I have to face them. they remember me!
I informed and a little late by text. So I think that it is ok. At least that's good. I also calculate latency. I think that such a minimum delay of 15 minutes will be fine! I would freeze my eye too
however, I have to think about something else a bit. over social care. face. necessarily. send signs and somehow it will be. they actually want help and don't like cheats. I have to convince them to myself!
for this purpose, 24h post. next meal the next day!
I came back from justus. I have slight concerns (survey). as for the mop, I have to come back and be more firm! I have to go back there and talk to Raphael. and extend the contract! you can see that they want help, but they don't like scammers!
A / CODE: I have more understanding in strangers than in my own family!
A: despite the fear, I am getting stronger (bigger, taller! More resistant)
this woman who was asking in the pug is probably Mariusz's mother ...
But I fucking itch right now. as if I was not mistaken for a long time. but it itches! running, sweat or a blanket. I don't know it itches anyway. and I mean in Reiki. I would believe if I combined with the breath!
All in all, I look good and my apartment is reasonably clean. it's ok!
maybe breathing while sitting?
today, May 13th, I decided to finally do a fast (no money) and feed on light. I am so calm, balanced energy level!
I also have an interview!
and any af distracts from pain!
job interview. bakery port
diaphragm cross bed. much better.!
A memory of 37cm in 6 months. own body sensations. lack of knowledge. new sensations. break weaknesses etc ...
I read os borderline by chance. they have no chance, sooner or later they destroy themselves. that motivated me even more: REVENGE!
I noticed that I have a very good position for the word EXPERYMENT instead of a compressed everything system
yes .... EXPERYMENT!
EXPERYMENT excess WORKED ENERGY gives back to the earth!
? good relationship with the police as a last resort understanding
I asked in a weak voice for a potato and a donation of 10gr. I felt like a pussy, like an orphan Mary
EXPERYMENT: despite fear / guilt, I am getting more and more muscular!
BUSINESS qacrobatics sword balls!
TRAINING park I understood how to do sit-ups on handbags
CONCEPT Breath after a meal comes out like a breath with a burden!
sobota, 10 maja 2014
Kamil Kurzawa called to meet :)
visual zbm small goku (that's enough for me at the beginning :)
af: excess to the ground. I have a low amount of energy. excess gives back to the ground (visual of the super man pages of little goku)
K: EU funding
MSS - fresh air torus (aura)
a moment ago a guy is sunbathing on the net: d it's awesome that I didn't think of it myself: d
CODE visual pak tymbark sprite!
rafal xer started guilt croissants butter running stomach ache desire to vomit
I'm worried about the least bullshit. how to fix it?
reiki attempts ice energy!
I managed somehow!
codex perfect divine body high margin of error!
a bonfire lid. feels that, with stomach poisoning, it needs smoke energy (like coal)
TRAINING heavy backpack!
interesting. I was in the police, but not the head. I did not feel that spark of this impulse. only when I saw this little fat man: Kaplon. pissed off. there is a spark. there is an impulse. it is. now there is that energy!
and, in general, being in the park ... I wanted teleportation. for the first time I visualized a teleportation like a goku on the planet namek.
I took too much poison: beer with garlic. too much garlic. but my body did well! I did not take vomiting. however, it was successful. the garlic itself seems to be stronger. I felt a cold catching me. it worked.
May 7 this Wednesday. I'm furious. they robbed me of the coins in the fountain. whore. almost night is gone .... I'm going home!
I think that as a waiter I can earn money on tips ...
K: Fountain coin magnet
shopping drill!
conversation with the security guard. P02
running PLN 1200
sasavana belly breath exceptionally strong voice. share to reiki!
I remember how it was fun to work in the kitchen 2 days ago. and slept. I think the sleeping bag came today. I will also be right in the park to get some oxygen for a chair and go home for bread!
St I feel like I feel better and better which muscles to exercise
business balls sword market!
The CODE of looseness can also be a stress-building factor!
TRAINING cw aura!
TRAINING plus Breathe!
write work in deathNote!
and by the way, maybe I have not written for a long time, but I have perfected the technique of eating so that I can eat when I want almost nonstop. he feels like joining meals himself!
now in a state of sucking (ki / ecr) I do not want to run or exercise, but the body automatically arranges the movements to regenerate the neck!
today the energy level is very high. I'm cleaning I'm resting I'm at home. I feel great. finally home is not an escape from pain!
TRAINING the tops
BUSINESS athlete sponsors!
I went for a walk. calm silence without a backpack. I look at the clouds. I was running around the stadium. here will be my new training ground!
walk without a backpack. only wallet and keys. something new!
to feel better, I went out to do the shopping. PLN 243 awesome clothes in alberta!
I have the impression that I can control the weather ...
oh, I'm under the fountain now. what a great day today. nothing hurt me. I had a great costm working. shopping. it was beautiful!
AF: I collect powerful, enormous energy and power in the body, earth, aura (torus)
getting a ski lift in zaryta. meeting of Patryk Kocaj. you were fucking talking!
and being on the pitch today, I wanted strength in running competitions!
today may 8 friday laptop linux fast reading. cool clothes in stescal. at the contact of the rent. a drag from the corridor. more coins from the fountain, including change. with peas close to PLN 3.50 and a few zlotys side. oknoplast an opportunity for additional business. spectacularly Oscar: a conversation about the website of the massage parlor!
now relaxing training in the park.
af: I eat anyhow, exercise as much as I want, be stronger, more resistant, happier (muscular!)
monami fountain new experiences!
REIKI business!
On May 10, I am impressed that someone picked me up again from the coins in the fountain!
2Silver in a row will be my anchor, although there is almost nothing under the elephants. oh, I'm fucking ...
DREAM Pizza from the baby!
PLAN mirror med power!
sasawana brzuxch!
exp a week without eat?
the neighbor herself pays more
I think I have learned to control the energy level to some extent (increase and decrease its level)
he is experimenting with sasavana on his belly. better voice and easier for me to breathe. I'm warmer!
I think it worked. finally, I have the right position. diaphragmatic crunches.
so decided. I think I am prescribing a few days of fasting. 3-7 days. complete. energy only from altsourcePower. mainly the sun. it's already 10th May and it's very warm!
I can clearly sense how the juice has worsened or rather contributed to the pain. I haven't felt it for a long time, but noie reigns. some strange acid. it's not good only in small amounts with beer. medicine with tea, sun!
poniedziałek, 5 maja 2014
you want to be strong-run
5 May
On May 4 or 5, the fountain will start for the second time
I put on a lozna bluize as a jacket and not a black outfit thanks to the fourth I look like a kid who has fun and not like a thief. I perfected the technique with sleeves!
teznia, albert, karpatka!
A chair and a sweatshirt from home!
I went for a run. powerful sweatshirt and lion shoes. weights in hands. optically heavy spine. I feel like programming people this way and I feel powerful! builds mass!
Motivation: running competition!
16x Kundalini Day Plan - Feels Better to Breathe!
I am pregnant at the suggestion of Szymka and that I will not get any money ...
first resume and part time job!
dream survival program
feels like on a running trip today!
K: Check the mission list in your head without saving!
TRAINING: running all muscles F
janosik clothes. and I have little money ...
I look great in the combination of clothes I have!
surival coin drill!
af: running toughens fear!
being fucked up in this sweatshirt feels like a strong construction boy!
look in the sun:
Termonator motivation!
Yes, this is it. with the power of the terminator, I would have easily retrieved the flashlight!
police denunciation accusation of greater losses!
now sitting after training there is a lot of energy, but the body is so fit that I want to work :)
super communication
May 3 - powerful healing
so generally in this blue shirt outfit and something underneath I feel so "powerful". In addition, feel the power of the sun. Something beautiful! divine!
Oat flakes - garlic - peace and quiet!
But I enjoy working lying down on the ground right now. Cool :)
I faced the lock now in the evening. sad. I don't know what happened ... 29cm, maybe between 29 and 28
af: strengthening / loosening
building regeneration
I send 100% signs
x Interesting what it came out to me. by accident. intuition. window. star Wars!
mix self-healing system
bed ground purring (rb) twisted at the position / touch
K: old clothes towel? dries faster and stinks less!
altsourcepower: clothes :)
own vampirism
: play clean!
: 8 hania!
CODE: planned or not: just pass the time!
CODE: happiness enjoy every learning (no extremes!)
after meditation, calm. own system. intuition is great again. I used the gloves to unscrew the tap. fascination :)
mix self-healing system.
heal, rest (work) heal
CODE simple rules: satisfaction, persistence!
now, in a chaotic system, self-healing satisfied the needs of body and mind. I satisfy my hunger with a belly massage!
self-healing system names:
business place for advertising!
Today I am com- municating with my body. He doesn't feel reiki energy but he adjusts his movements perfectly and exercises (hips / head) at the same time!
af revenge: the same system that defends them. the same one will destroy them!
garlic fast music. energy, great relaxation without sleepiness!
window wide open second door. night meal warm!
what a euphoria. in the morning I went to get the coins. I got as much as PLN 8: d jupi! :)
and in the morning I managed to work lying down. I was reading the code then!
so recently I think ... convenient bhylaby teleportation!
sasavana feet grounding!
piątek, 2 maja 2014
way to order - prestrzen!
visually muscular body wearing (feel)
I watched the world by poor ones. great form of entertainment!
I feed on light. I'm getting healthier, taller, stronger, happier, more resistant!
mix self-healing system: pain - appropriate forms of stretching at the drazku! drazek in the morning. prog sun
K: The sun for self-programming / self-control of the mind?
K: with the power of the sun, I release all locks
af: fire: after all, David is barely eating and is packed. not eating. this energy builds the body!
Sequence: pain, muscles, work
CODE: add affirmation / programming!
K: sending signs (mantras) instead of affirmations?
I just finished my meditation on the mantra 3 of the Reiki sign. I feel calmer!
CODE Rafal's suggestion: persistence!
AF: my body regenerates 5-9 times faster!
CODE: work remind your customers
today I interrupted a 2-day fast with a little bit of guilt. why? I wanted a croissant with chocolate. I tried to make up for the blame with my breath - it almost worked gray. even 20 PLN with a monster. feel guilty again. now I have butter and chocolate. to make up for it, I want to run the water to the albwerta and save the chocolate for tomorrow ...
so i feel great! :)
BUSINESS psychological office
renting an apartment!
albert 2zl cupboard - what a fart :)
I think that my combined businesses would be good if I had one permanent job
af: I feed on fear, cause others to blame!
today a slip without legs (shoulder workout). I feel my muscles better!
af: time to move hard!
now with a new escape, shoulder workout and triceps feeling strong sensations. strong growth and huge demand for water!
run walk self respiration!
system compress: BEGIN WIN AF plus visual as the body grows (gnat gnat gnatvgoku)
I partially broke today's post. in the morning I had a lot of energy but I lost it from the moment of arrival to Krakow ...
I drank the grapefruit juice. I missed the alberta water the second time. make up for it and buy bread from the Krakow gallery for Raphael
K: my body as a self-energizing mechanism? (weights / loose clothes)
CODE I am in a hurry I am doing it quickly (but also exactly) I have time I rest / enjoy this activity!
an hara day's walk!
after yesterday tr feels super soreness (tric silver forearm leg)
I am now a bit afraid of weight loss
af: david hardly eats anything. food is only one source of energy. there are other lepers (sun, water, oxygen!)
but I was so excited. a moment before the death of the circuit. almost 30cm. yup! :)
af: I have a perfectly divine body. always catching up! I have a perfectly divine body! :)
tr without eating, slowly, altsourcePower like a moment of meditation!
TRAINING hip, buttocks: goal pitch (net)
blame: fasting!
sun square: earth / water energy (calm)
srerbren / night - building
codex perfect divine body v 0.1
work park exercises - a cool dream and an excellent teaching!
SSNW: running stress?
CODE: scratch, equalizer, v 2.0 (compression)
CODE visual problem (dripping tap) on the positive aspects. somehow it will be!
CODE: stress of the psyche of a squeezed ball. even chill (redirect sensation / drain (ground) and discharge!
TRAINING: strengthening / loosening / massage!
meeting of Kamil Kurzawa. we talked for at least 2 hours. talked about his girlfriend's neuroblasts. it was fun to talk. but what is in my head the most is neuroborreliosis!
Lukasz Polowiec!
I have an excellent body divine. pain-resistant suffering. serve me faithfully. I have an excellent body divine! // tight doggy fear running!
I felt fear to see this fat woman. run. hug tight. vibromasase. I faithfully redirected ucUcie. relax
wibromasaz kundalini!
mom vacuuming house. beer. I tasted and my buddies. I have noticed how strong my condition is. I don't need to breathe. only legs hurt after kundalini!
peraca firefighters: CONCEPT
is it the power of the sun? I've been carrying heavy stones and I'm not tired. muscle sore. I used to run before. I can't breathe. I can but I don't have to. what a mighty divine power. solar steroids. divine solar power.
SSNW fear drazek 3in1
describe yesterday's title May 1 "power from the god of the sun!"
Reg sie x kaxd learn I have an excellent body. Except mm lung
Suer odd term instead of karate
kamil talk about ki / ecr. great bonfire. beer relaxed me. momentarily breath distracted while talking. it relaxed me. Observation Tower. we made an appointment for Sunday 3 am! great condition. I felt that thanks to the power of the sun god I was indestructible. Before carrying the wood, I yelled upwards. cool spot. beer. this relaxation. talking about diseases as in nfz. Observation Tower.
chaos and order
May 2 - chaos and order
K: sternum instead of breath to discharging there to stretch!
just a very strong form of touch (pressure actually relaxing!)
breath imagine distraction!
AF: Everything that dosw is for my best good!
AF: I have an excellent divine body (with superpower visuals!)
amazing success. bones so strong and i run barefoot :)
I have an excellent bare body (check my method with Hania)
breath plus kundalinii vibrate - to the minor tensions in the breastbone!
finally. after many hours of the morning I found the best exercise. spider red where wibromasaz / kundalini. - I think, or at least I hope. yeah as well as what he feels.
scisk piesc plus visual signs :)
list of distractions!
visual signs ssnw
belly meditation!
meditation weights abdomen, legs against a wall (grounding)
I have together and in this way I transform teaching to build my body!
I noticed that at the time when I was sitting at the diary I had a problem with travel pain ...
drinking beer again. diamond. thanks to this I have and I can work!
Posty (Atom)
February 24/25 after November 22nd, but as usual, I didn't clean the apartment, unfortunately, although I'll wait until I'll ...
January 2 and now it's high time to write a new entry from January 2nd. fuck me. fuck me. How in this prison I still feel so dirty, t...
December 9 - Today 2 dreams around 6:00. Holes as in the matrix (I wrote so, but I don't remember what's going on anymore). Rafal...