niedziela, 20 lipca 2014

drug + drug_EXPERYMENTY

DRUG + DRUG WRITTEN JULY 20! the art of persuasion alcohol instead of hydro! visual sex kaja I practiced reflections in the mirror! The EXP 112 justus feels powerful. bomber jacket black dressed! HARA - transform earth, mass or other training! I feel that I am already almost pre-programmed. infinite power and energy and I use food to lower it! / visual metallurgical furnace food like weights / rubbers / scisk (new sensations) body - please for a steel skeleton. Send me the necessary signals. I will listen to them. I will be grateful to you! Soft energy - regeneration like a protein meal Certain teach in HARA. I could do a massage, I did it a little. I also had such a psychophysical urge! I have blown away the energies of the EARTH. today it is nitro. I will call fire alternately called fire / nitro. I have the impression that my body is already a self-sufficient recharging energy system! yes ... an excess of nutkao made me relax to work! I MUST ACCEPT THE NEED FOR FOOD - THE EXCESS OF LIGHT ENERGY MAKES I HAVE TO RESTORE THE FOOD! (LIKE MELISSA) I CAN BREATHE, BUT MENTALLY ONCE TOGETHER THIS IS TOO DIFFICULT FOR ME! CONCEPT: OPPOSITE POLE - NEVER BE GLODY? Better not to tell my father anything because yesterday he emphasized me with mushrooms. Counterattack! Keep talking until it finally happens. Can't you stop? I might as well stress you out, stop smoking pipes or you'll end up getting cancer. You smoke for 20 years and you don't have cancer, j 3. EXPERIMENTS: - I am asking the sun to let me enjoy every meal, without fear and fear and without guilt, and its power built my body and returned to me in more and more quantity 19.07 - I am asking Reiki so that fear and guilt also build total mighty health, a perfectly divine body! chyzbet: outdoor training (sun) - it's my first time doing it!

piątek, 18 lipca 2014


adding a meal to a blast furnace neg thoughts are not on me .... REGENERATION (goku) zientara varnishes. 300 PLN advances! BREATHE slowly today there is no psych desire for training I was also toughened when I walked. I'll try to make it with beer in a moment! K: Teznia instead of sleep?

czwartek, 17 lipca 2014


JULY 16: juventus! Call from juventus - increase your self-esteem! tv - it relaxed me great I've been eating me lately, seeing in the sun. I feel horny. Fantastic pumped up today! I was listening on the radio how a woman won 25k giving some doctor to the court. she wanted more ... good and that, the information came up by itself ... This can be useful to me!

wtorek, 15 lipca 2014


WRITTEN JULY 15. POWERFUL SWEATING WORKOUT I am a sayan. we are a race stronger, more resilient! visual txt pieniazki come back to me! G hissory scissors! NT buttocks! again the guy with the bus. he was clinging to the gr. I have to do something about it! I transform this fear into visuals in a different run! clasp your hands with the body, this energy will later be discharged! bic urusl energy hara dbz I relieved my stress with a beer. I'm calm! eat less - I am more resistant to lack of oxygen! lungs sternum hyperventilation! cut back the cage! let's unload it on frame stritching. i'm heavy! COMPRESSION OBBOXER SHORTS! Breathe after TR awesome! bic has grown between 35 and 36cm. cxzuc! belly down plus shoulders! training max Tren Rozren on the way regeneration! dumbbell in the park! the tail of the curb! bowl socks meshes! int czasning relax relax stress! My wealth is knowledge, skills, a strong body, health, happiness! ... Compress wet T-shirts! understand the energy surrounds me with 0 ext. has not yet entered in the year ... I found 2.60 as if my spell worked! capon. after today's tr more resistant to stress! 100m sprint energy went into the body! I want more! power and energy builds / heals k kom ciqala! first chaot syst self-healing then reiki!

niedziela, 13 lipca 2014


he could summon power at any moment! coffee meditation auto breathing - I haven't meditated for a long time lemon - no desire for a meal tanning intuitively sensed when to finish! marked lack of oxygen! I looked at the stubble in the mirror, I felt strong, I wanted to weight again, 80 kg I am asking Reiki to make every meal my medicine and drug! "Every meal is my medicine and drug" stool black wide slits I broke the glass with salt. I didn't want to work - what does it mean? by eating less, I can draw energy from the poorer quality of oxygen! I UNDERSTAND: the dyspnea occurred on the Skawina Street because I had a lot of toxin in me ... After a long time, I found which point of the foot was responsible for the healing of the hip. I think this form can boldly / often replace even a touch! feel sorry for yourself again. I had to write something down, I forgot because I think about pain and ailments ...

exhausted! hara_SZBJ_% 20 PLEASE ...

WRITTEN JULY 13 - UBR _BLOGO exhausted! DEVELOPED SZBJ_HARA PLEASE REIKI MROCZLANDIA REPORT beautiful morning diaphragm chyzbet to eat was medicine and naro - now tox apples. chocolate serotonin. I can connect! goku vs raditz tr + foreign clothing great! again heavy foreign unbr prer justus. awesome. I feel that the energy is not wasted and I have no guilt :) tighten the hara plus breath! AGAIN HARA massage with relaxed hands! PREFACE HaRa massage! CW body parts too loose I feel as if the focus on the hara center is also pumping me! again HIPERVENTILATION 23 RELAX chairs kr shorts pants! NEW TECH gentle purring! hara 3 ether again brings you awesome peace! steaming nettle! I do more and more! COMPRESSION your intuition prompted you to pull your clothes off. continues training. herbs alternately! in the meantime blogo exhausted. I refilled with ether! INCREDIBLE, your urge to eat adjusts automatically! HARA REPORT: it goes on before I replenish with ether! now I feel that I don't want to flex my biceps anymore! but I feel exhausted even though I haven't trained intensively. heavy clothes? Fear at the checkout for purchases NApin Hara, I gather the energy of experience! ow 0jeah I have restored the energy from my muscles :) BEGIN guilt odecxh hara or full quick deep breathing! I look in the mirror too. I remember how a year ago I looked at my radiator with pride! It's been a long time since I have not unloaded my energy blog. until I want to measure myself! today the air is exceptionally fresh even in the apartment! I eat haphazardly ... v 2nd body fulfilled its whims. to run. mim o and i'm burnt! HERE ALREADY CHYZBET take a shower before hot water! soft after ice cream (a variety of water) I took off my shoes! just like warming up before going to bed! darkness! please REIKI!

sobota, 12 lipca 2014


JULY 4, POST - 13th post, breathe out (laughs) - herbs, gmail compact view (compression) (clean up PC) I also see my health at work (compression) - I registered for studies - short mountain run. open windows. finally woke up well rested 1:00 am white hip chair - I picked up a few bottles. TODAY NO IDE SPAC! let's try - touch + hip pump (as if directing the energy of movement to the hips ...) JULY 5, HAPPY - heal hips kundalini head (TOUCH) - similarly (VIBRATIONS OF MOZG WAVES!) REPORT: I WANTED KUNDALINI, SELF-REPELLING MOMENTAL STRETCH, WZM BICEPS I ate only cuier. I sensed the moment when I was done, when it hurts me ... BEAUTIFUL! c17 + buu absalon! + skinny strongman! I sense cpn, a threat. desire to sip melissa / nettle ... + breath purring! googling sabine fear of beating, breath / diaphragm - relaxation. K massage hara - maybe that's why the biceps are relaxed ... I already have another ASPECT. sk AS WFM-TB brisket with belly crunch - that was what I needed! LAPTOP + TRAINING = FUCKING! CONCEPT: relaxation - strengthening / strength drugs -> other aspects * exercises) nutella HARA! I MUST PLAY MY PSYCHIKE! Fear of energy, fear BREATH WITH HARA MASSAGE? - THERE'S SOMETHING TO HAVE A COMBINATION! 1. WHAT I FEEL WHAT I HAVE OCOTE FOR 2. WHAT ENERGY DOES IT NEED? HOW TO USE IT? WFM + CRUHCH_BRZUCHA - I HAVE A FUCKY METHOD k: fear, sparks - these impulses just flow through my body, through me to the ground! I already forget about the sandwich myself. then I will eat ... but suddenly it reminded me ... NOW ENJOY YOUR OWN SZBJ V2.0 BETA. KEUDYS WILL DO POST C17 VISUAL COMPRESSION OF THE BODY IN ME. TENSION + ATERIAL // WHILE FEELS FEAR instead of fearing, I am GETTING DOSS. - VISUAL / AFIRM ALL. COMPRESSED ITEM! wfm stop - I guess so calming - I haven't done it for a long time ... the state of the psyche indicates the progress of UZDR / WZM CIALA Yesterday I was just going with someone for PLN 1 to Zakopane!

First freestyle youutube