czwartek, 21 sierpnia 2014


After talking to mkacwin, I believed in my job opportunities. body efficiency! TOMORROW TO PROCHYRA! POST! EXPERYMENT - now, after the conversation with Marcin, finish off with your clothes. I struggled at night over the lack of heat - it was enough to put on an extra jacket! CHYZBET - I PERSISTENTLY TRAINING IN SLIPERS. I WAS GREAT TRAINING!

wtorek, 19 sierpnia 2014


HARA: super transformation DREAMS: broken glasses, plunder wood, score a hand! HARA - amazing relaxation and clarity of mind for mental work. COOL. ch balance and harmony :). water with fire! I AM HYPNOTIZED :) I think it worked. My dad and my neighbor said I got a bit of a mess! I guess it worked as well. I have 35 in bic :) I measured at 2 meters :) touch gym ether scratching barbell lack of oxygen without biceps? on the occasion of the exercises! lack of oxygen too int meal slows down homeless... clinging to my shoes ... I lost. I left nervous - GET BETTER (CULTURAL). EXPERYMENT - now, after the conversation with Marcin, finish off with your clothes. Shoes damn energized ... beer reduced water. m. Kacwin sch ... I wanted to fast

poniedziałek, 18 sierpnia 2014


A TEST OF THE EXCESS OF FIRE (OATFLAKES) - YES TO YOURSELF HARA - RELAX / TRAMAL ADVANTAGES = ENERGY BALANCE, ALTHOUGH I FEEL LIGHT AND LIGHT DESIRE FOR A PITCH, BREATH OF THE EARTH! AGAIN! I find it easier to transform small doses of fire! Apple - it's hot in Africa! that's why gorillas eat them (earth!) Retry EXPERYMENT? Small doses of ice cream + HARA? ARMOR + MELLISSA MUST ANOTHER TIME WILL RELAX ME. SPEED + STRENGTH! + CALM Wegle night + armor, day BIALKO (Gym?) MILK? BREATH MASS (EARTH_


control the fire, add water build mass! close your eyes, breathe! I started counting my breath! I blown myself out, I came back home ... great study! close your eyes and breathe with a breath as with "shoes" solid email! it would be nice to teleport to my house in chude. still money flies for it protein breath but may come back to the bubble. yellow cheese etc ... steamers. bob would be great but nowhere to be found ... grandfather drazek teleportation aquarium PROTEIN? BREATH OF THE EARTH? COPY for work! no meditation - breath is the most important thing! the rest are fucking! batrera's eye! GAZ again! It's time to form the lungs. acupressure. hara! ANOTHER asp will stand the endurance seat! great after yesterday tric chair feels triceps! cold water sugar probably a lot of relax! armor chyzbet justusb ubr - awesome! BEGINNING OF GUILTY health energy water vegetables! pomodor in front of the bus protection! AUGUST 18 FAIRLY Excess at home - AutoBreath (ether) I lay down and the body automatically did the Ethereal treatment! Sometimes an excess of energy suggests a lack of one. I don't think he's hungry. I feel hungry, instead I feel EXCESSIVE and I have to somehow balance, with food or breath, in this case the ether has done its job!

sobota, 16 sierpnia 2014

WATER + FIRE = WEIGHT (order-house)

post alcohol tramal heavy ubr! tramal on energy! I think I don't want to run. I do not want to. I will win for the last moment. now only possible mass! overactivity I was standing like a skate. center stop. this is how fear will transform :) I think there may be a vacuum cleaner pipe cool. thanks to this I can think normally :) this type of prost cw instead of the gym! this as my simpler stop vibration! ACUPRESSURE? I wonder if I can wpl on the mass with this! I went down again underserved! on the tramal high I felt great in steskal! breathing without stops didn't work acupressure instead of the foot zest simple cw like uni training system! nadr chyzbet post tramal beer breath the sun! as soon as I finally got to the ground light on heavy weight! lying down as a compression? I slowed down my nitro a bit! order house order in the head! Armor is a great method. energy goes into the body and not evaporates! super silenced me! old oilcloth ubr balcony ogirn plus water zienia! please reiki that nothing is done and the income will grow! ARMOR + MELLISSA MUST ANOTHER TIME WILL RELAX ME. SPEED + STRENGTH! + CALM

wtorek, 12 sierpnia 2014


uni a mess method? the difference between chaos and mess! a carr apples - tam jeswt hot (earth) too little land to fast it's hard. others have worse problems. I am a prisoner of my own body // gamantri code shopping heavy shoes foreign shoes are very late! hitch-hiking. nice day solar water rubber bands underpants biceps!


has time stopped? - amazing, I can do, act, work, all at once. I am immune to fear! K: teleportation - relax, focus on the spot, channeling! K: no car, fear - needs more ENERGY! I understood. I eat more, I need more breath, that's why I want to exercise and breathe so much, I'm full of adrenaline and I have to balance my level to practice quietly :) BREATH!

First freestyle youutube