czwartek, 27 stycznia 2011

Eurobrand training

Yesterday was written with a delay I completed the Eurobrand On-line training on positioning. It was about cataloging: Short description: Dating agencies - Ranking instead of: List of the best marriage agencies in Poland Directories check for a similar description in other directories.�ugi/Matrymonialne/ A modern ranking of marriage bureaus Website devoted to the evaluation of offices. Ranking of matrimonial offices Imagine how many people today are looking for their other half. Already every third marriage breaks up, and divorce matters dominate the court. However, think about it, wouldn't it be beautiful to finally meet a real Prince Charming? You are here, you are reading this text and you probably want to finally meet a person who will smile and share with you every happy moment, support you in difficult situations, and most importantly: it will show a sincere and true feeling with which you will wake up each day. Therefore, answer the question: is it worth making one click to make your dream come true? Then I was going to write an OCR program, but I did translate this work.

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