sobota, 9 kwietnia 2011

Transformation6Huge Impulse

Yesterday is traditionally written with a delay I can list yesterday's meals that I ate along with the hours: 6:43 3 glasses of krinyczanka water. I woke up with a bigger shit - hell, I assumed too much creon 8:00 Dentovit for breath + bacteria in the mouth 8:30 Tranxene - to calm down after a goddamn argument with Dad. Excellent action !!! 9:29 manti - on the t� sraczke / indigestion�� 13:00 Tunczyk, 2 slices. Just water. Kreon 1 tbl // at that time I felt like a better physical well-being (legs). My head continued to hurt 14:25 Rhodiola 16:00 Chicken sandwich next to Fuss. Do�� good 17:20 Ice cream for 3 PLN 17:30 moments later Sandwich with a cutlet 19:00 Salatka from dad. Health itself // physical well-being when it comes to legs. Slight pain in the head and eyes 21:00 I finished the leftover salad. Somehow tea from the employee and fruit from dad without any chemicals on the way // other factors: A day away from home in the new market, away from me. Strong stress in the morning but tranxene helped me. I felt like aggression I had a great, enormous hatred in myself, that I could hear my talk about - that was my feeling. I ate quite a lot too Especially meat foods. I didn't feel this strange gurgling from the side. SUMMARY: The diet and factors of the day made me feel good !!! So, night / morning, I didn't sleep very well. I got up before 7:00 am drinking water and thinking about taking manti. I was fucked up a lot, the Creon poop was thinner than before. I thought maybe I took this drug too much and reduced the dose. I drank some water. Dad started to remind me that he saw what was happening to me. But there was a quarrel, a row. But I was not afraid, it was a mastery of my arguments like: that I criticize people who have a master's degree, but you are wiser yourself. It was good!!! Then he criticized me for my education, for any further arguments. I could use a woman's retort in a calm voice: you don't know what you are talking about, when I fix computers, the factor of a given thing may be many different reasons, you assume only one reason, That it was definitely this one, without having any knowledge on this subject, later it turns out that it was something else, Wi��: THINK YOURSELF BETTER ON YOURSELF !!!. If you were to leave for me: A TALK TO KIMS AS YOU ARE BELOW MY LEVEL. HOW YOU WANT TO TALK WITH KIMS, I WISH YOU HAVE A LOT OF FUN, I WILL GO TO GO, I MAY MEET SOMEONE KEEPER. Other arguments: I reminded him that he could not admit his mistake and apologized, even though he was wrong !!! Dad left, I went to bed. 8:30 I took Tranxene to calm down, I was so damn nervous, I haven't been in this state for a long time. Tranxene had amazing power !!! It worked perfectly, the pain is gone. I wanted to take a Tramal, but one time it was not enough and two: I feel sorry to take it in a row! In bed I wrote to nearly 40 people if I could find accommodation with them for a few days. Arek, Drops, Olga, Kuba Zajac spoke / it was a pleasant surprise / Kuba later called and said: listen, you are cool visitor, as if he wanted to talk, we would boldly leave the bell and I will try to help you, although soon We know you because you are honest. I said that I am grateful and I really appreciate it, but I'm stupid that I unnecessarily engaged you / I think that after these words he felt nicer, because he really got involved and then he he says he doesn't need any help. They were brilliant words / Wow, amazing bond, friendship. I will gladly take his offer, then he will feel even nicer that we met. In the afternoon I felt better, ate breakfast and went to Nowy Targ. Dad also sent a text message, which made him feel nicer / first he apologized /: "I forgive, although even though tears are falling and I'm sad, I'm stressing now, I don't have any grudge against you. If I'm nervous or stressed, it will go now, but it will pass. I decided to meet my mother, but that doesn't mean that I am against you or conspiracy - I am on your side, because I know that you are trying to be a good father. If it is your psyche, the second thing will be initiated. I will record a conversation with my mother so that you do not have concerns that after one argument I am suddenly against you, because I am on your side I value you more. For me, the whole shape counts, because all my life I think that you were a better father and parent than mother. // as I read it now, I like it very much, a lot of implications, presuppositions, apparent choice. The news is brilliant !!! And my dad liked her very much. I went without breakfast, I took my warm jacket, hat, glasses and my dad's laptop. On the bus to NT, I listened to music from wireless headphones. Some guy wanted to go to the 1st disability group. With 5 zlotys they gave him 2.50. He haggled a bit that he always pays 2 zlotys. I went, I went to the mood, I looked and I felt mentally like a macho / tough guy who will destroy every rudeness in this world. Earlier, I bought a chicken sandwich in stescal. Then, on the moodo, the girls saw me, but as if I had a weak voice. One said something, I asked what she was saying. She am I? I could answer: my hearing is good, but I can't hear you. Either the music is playing loud or you always keep your voice low // apparent choice. And in a moment: but you speak clearly up close, so it's the fault of loud music :) I started to do with it, I was in sex for a different cable. Dad has something wrong with the network card and battery, I assumed the cable might burn. And so I did, I saw that keeping girls at a distance made them slightly interested in me. maybe they consciously had me by the tip, macho, shows off, but subconsciously something attracted them to me. I had a lot of fun talking to one of the ugliest I spent a few hours with the camera again, but nothing came of it ... Dad even bought me a salad. Earlier I was in fuss, there were 4 girls. When I was going back home I was very tired, I hadn't felt tired for a long time at this time. I fell asleep without problems, and in the morning I woke up healthier and more refreshed. I felt really great !!!

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