poniedziałek, 31 grudnia 2012

New Year's Eve

Blog: 34 ways to link: http://www.lexy.com.pl/blog/pomysly-na-linki Wordpress.net.pl blogs catalogs Sitemap for blogger /rss.xml << GREAT! validator.w3.org << checking for errors perfectalezdrowie24.pl December 31 - New Year's Eve The last day of the year today. How have you gone? I didn't do anything, I didn't achieve anything, I didn't learn meditation or healing. I am useless. 2 years ago I felt like a god, and this year I feel like nobody. It must have all started since I was hospitalized in Wroclawska Street. Today I met a maw. He was rummaging around my teeth again. Finally, I showed him my broken semen from Tomek G��b, which I left with him by accident. I have enough of this rummaging around my teeth. I don't know how to solve this problem. However, I was giving affirmations back then: I feel better and better every day in every respect. This self-suggestion somehow made me feel stronger. I've been working a bit on my blog today. I found out some interesting things which I wrote above. I bought a course with a list of strong catalogs for PLN 27. David paid me the money. New Year's Eve - like a special day and I suppressed my feelings. How could I survive it in a unique way? Maybe take the Tramal ?? Maybe I will finally get meditation? To merge with a higher self?

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