niedziela, 17 listopada 2013


November 16 - concept_sztuk_walki Buy from a Szymka Lenowo s10 for PLN 350 Bike - energizing. Very high level of ECR. I haven't felt such enormous energy for a long time. AFFIRMATION: Adrenaline! Concept: Martial arts training + football tricks. Anyway, today in the evening I practiced my fist and leg against the wall a little. In the ECR state, the body automatically reclined to the best punch position. AFIRMATION: I don't feel like anything. SELF-SUGGESTION: He toughens his body through new experiences CONCEPT: Command AUTOSUGEST! CONCEPT: I had a brilliant idea again, but of course it's just a theory again. Or maybe just looking at martial arts movies is enough to learn how to fight - as it was enough for me to develop an acting personality? After all, everything is possible - you only need to believe in it

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