poniedziałek, 6 stycznia 2014


January 6 - hydra-what-is-disease Hydra succeeded. I attached a mini dictionary to break my dad's account on o2.pl. Broken in less than 24h from the dictionary. So cool :) In order to experiment, another account is tested. Old Kaji account: kayson Maybe he'll do one of the things in life and feel like a hacker :) K: New stretching plan - Rakowska K: Power definition (health, strength etc ...) Reading what the disease says about you. Rage. Momentary fear of illness etc. want to reach for Reiki even deeper. I decided that I would only read the topics of what the disease is to be pointed out to me: balance, self-knowledge, but without any interpretation. I prefer to get to know and understand myself, arrange my own methods and affirmations ... I can also read Kaja's disease with curiosity: diabetes .... How love flies through her life. for the moment I had something nice about the pectoral vertebrae - I was eager to fight the pectoral vertebrae. I have some kind of a teaser to watch the last samoraj on film.134.pl. I've already watched it once. I associate this music with max and besides this strong shock and depressive period of life of 16-17 years until almost 20 by this fucking Kozanecka whore !!! Concept: write a list of people you want to get revenge on. Who hurt me ...

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