piątek, 27 czerwca 2014

_przemyslenia_informatyk_ resigns

LOTS OF EXPERIENCE, good word I'm handsome! POST I'm not mentally ready yet. I am addicted to improve my own sbj I don't want to be an IT specialist anymore - he quits! - I WANT TO RUN SPORT! meal (ecr), music, work are my favorite drugs! :) ENERGY FROM OUTSIDE She protected me. WAS NOT COMPRESSED IN THE BODY! eat is one form of energy. I don't have to worry as there are many considerations so this is one solution! I am better than others: I'm handsome I did pretty well! good word - the more he gives, the more he gets! - "like Lucynka" Sometimes nothing for a long time, until the end of 2-3 months you can make up a lot ... I feel that the rope is starting to hurt me. something else? 1.2.3 ... I forgave myself ... fellowship with myself. without guilt for doing something, I forgave myself for doing something! lying down, fear ko - sensation in the legs. energy for healing or for earth? 1. BLOCKING FEAR (W). Even if I get a mistake, I can fix it (INTUITION). I HAVE DEVELOPED AT LEAST SPEED (CONDITIONS)

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