czwartek, 3 października 2013
October 2 - picking_the_z_drzew
Yesterday I went to bed dirty and unwashed. I burned well in my clothes. And here is my concept to go to sleep in clothes, i.e. a T-shirt and underpants. In the morning I would wake up faster, I have more motivation to act and go to bed
CONCEPT: Sleep in clothes
I thought a little about Łukasz. For the first time in a long time, I wanted to be friends with him.
I got up quite late, in the morning I had a great desire to be alone with me to the beat of the Krakow radio. I'm going to train soon.
Pleasant eating breakfast at ZWM. I made it my meditation. I gazed with pleasure at my slides.
CONCEPT: Watching slides while having breakfast!
In a way, my mother at home attacked me that the norm is one glass of carrots. I could answer a nice retort that later came to my head:
- "And who set such standards? Some wise doctor from the public health service, the one with the drug med?"
Instead, at least I was answering something like (albeit hesitantly) Gerson setting the standard for 6 glasses a day. Tombak has developed a juice diet where you give more of one glass each day. I prefer to listen to Tombak and Gerson than those Konovalas and morons from the National Health Fund. I drank only 2 glasses - actually, now, when I write better retorts, I come to my head, because then such nice retortes did not come to me at all, but at least I did something: I replied something!
AFFIRMATIONS: THIS IS ME and I impose my rules, that's why I overcome fears and guilt
I respect my time, energy and money, so I overcome fear and guilt.
Grzegorz said: Krystian gives you 300 bases + 500 per page. The rest as you finish. I, as a dog, did not shy away from my voice, I said
- "okay"
Instead, I could answer with confidence.
- "ok, the website has more, but let's treat it as a security, I want to be fair to you. I agree"
THIS IS ME and I impose my rules, therefore I overcome old age and guilt
I respect my time, energy and money, so I overcome fear and guilt.
Overcoming fear and guilt, I dictate and impose my rules
Showing his worth, he accepts a lot of money.
Showing his value, he accepts the appropriate amount. (after all dawit and the nt certainly deleted it more for worse projects)
Maybe it even happened well. I have extra time to show Grzegorz what I can do and complete my dreamtoys as I dreamed, thanks to which I will earn more.
By the way, I changed the order of the slides today. First an apartment, then a powerful body, then a mind. Now I like it, the order is excellent, or at least much better than the previous one. I deleted old unnecessary affirmations. Clean, simple and beautiful.
After work, I feel that you will also be a good choice.
How cool it would be to move out of the house. The power to pick apples from trees - what a beautiful, even poetic affirmation.
Now, after the evening training, I feel strong, powerful muscles. Pretty strong and powerful. Chest and biceps.
Ah, how I don't feel like writing this journal.
wtorek, 1 października 2013
October 1 - LukaszECR
In the morning, fascination with the notebook, taking some photos
Work. In the introduction from Grzegorz, the text that he does not cover human stupidity (regarding the Podlog as if I did all the scratches). Anyway, along the way, I developed a great Affirmation / Self-suggestion, which I will now quote:
AFFIRMATION: I dictate and impose my rules, so I overcome fear and guilt! - // Man, saying it feels so aggressive
Now I'm kind of pissed off with Marcin. I feel angry aggression. Gosh this affirmation is great, I have to put it into epic.
Probably the first time I did such a number that in the afternoon I jump on a bike on a track in the park: D by the way, I almost fell (I landed strangely) hitting the pedal on the floor. I ate a lot of apples in my office. I had energy and power.
I made a beautiful orange banner for gerland. Gregory, unfortunately, the first thing he said was an illegible font.
Leaving the office, I spoke to Jarek. I said that Rakowska turned me up nicely.
Teznia - drawing energy and power from the air and plenty of apples. Then a bike ride to Ponice. Then a kind of light training
TRAINING: I also found out that the playground was great for push-ups. By the way, you could do triceps.
Meeting with Lukasz Lopata. In fact, we were agreed today. I think it was the first time I enjoyed our meeting. Exchange of training experiences. Sweet conversation, I also told him about the ECR.
Eating eggs at home, then cheese, hohland, a little cream - almost all milk-based. Almost no conception of guilt. Later, after the meal, go back to the bike for a light, restorative workout. Ride. Thanks to affirmation, he feels that he is overcoming the fear of eating. I have energy and power, I don't want to sleep
CONCLUSIONS: Eat a given meal until you feel satisfied with it.
Lukasz recommended me some hip exercises as well.
September 30 - WOMEN'S POST
Asking for suggestions for work (pipes, closed window) / smoking, pipes do not hurt her
Asking for suggestions on fear of food, quantity, combination of meals, gaining weight, losing weight etc ...
Price for e-dreamtoys 1700 PLN - 2100 PLN?
Confidence - The boss can't sense my hesitations.
1-2 arguments, I must also be convinced of it. (short)
- I gave a shit, I am suffering losses for my irresponsibility.
- the site is worth 2500-3500.
- I want to be honest 1700 PLN.
Patient Rights Charter. complaint to the medical chamber and the prosecutor's office.
21 days of reprogramming.
what makes me happy
Why do I need relationships with other people, especially women?
Clean salt as often as possible - its recommendations.
My skills are still only "hidden".
- Work: taking pictures of palm trees at Grzegorz and in the Park. Really nice photos came out
- In the office from Grzegorz, I got Denlax's notebook. Beautiful only terribly fat. After work, I stayed longer and rewrote the nearest tasks for purely.
- We ate French fries in the park. Wow, almost no fear or guilt. Praie, I was getting energy and power from these fries. Below there is a slight feeling of guilt because I felt something unpleasant in my stomach after them, but I have perfected the affirmations:
AFIRMACHA: My body and body can handle every situation perfectly, maintaining energy and power
- I sat in my office until the end, copying my notes and fascinated by my new notebook of Denlax. Leaving, I also went. 16 breaths energized me enormously. I think I went to practice earlier. I don't even remember the order anymore and it's hard for me to say. However, I have not breathed at the same time for a long time. Something new, maybe that's why the ECR gains were so huge!
- Once again training, although I probably missed some of the exercises by accident. With soft energy.
- TRAINING: Exercise F2 based on my favorite tree. It looks like I'm practicing and on occasion I touch a tree, draw energy from it and can :)
- When I left the office, I covered the metal bottoms of the palm trees with styrofoam so that it was not visible that they were scratched. I guess somewhere subwaidomie or consciously I wanted to praise Grzegorz and I did a good job. And I guess sin was worried because in the end he wrote back a text message on this matter. I wrote back to him more or less:
"Steroate is stronger than texture. Be calm, metal bottoms are covered. Until tomorrow."
And here, referring to this situation, I was arranging affirmations and wondering how to deal with this problem:
"Grzegorz is embarrassed and wrote such a text"
"I respect my time, energy and money. Everything is fine"
I remembered that I had an interesting situation at home. Namely, my mother complained that she had enough life, she would like to find her job. I reminded her more or less: After all, when I was looking for a job, you said: you don't want this, you don't want that, you are not suitable for that, etc. ... I wonder how she felt when my whole life with my father treated me similarly ...
AFFIRMATION: Builds an even stronger, powerful, muscular body overcoming fear and guilt! #previously interesting
CONCEPT: Comparison of meals to coal / coke in the back (calories).
niedziela, 29 września 2013
September 29 - ciesz_sie_do_syta.txt
CONCEPT: I feel that when I eat my fill, I do not need any other food. It is true that I am thinking about another meal, but I do not feel the need for other products, especially garbage.
Selling szymkowi 8gb pendrive at an attractive price of PLN 10:
AFFIRMATION: Everything that gives others serves them and strengthens them!
I resumed training today. In the morning I was writing a plan from Lafay's book. Later I went to practice. Finally, I felt more powerful, I felt as if I needed more food (energy), the building blocks for my body. I changed the tapete in my slides to the one with the scharceneger and uri boyka that I used to do in photoshop.
My mom complained about her legs today that I smoke or something ... I don't know ...
I bought today also Creatine in koperniaku. We do mass!
In addition, from yesterday with a feeling of excitement, and especially today, understanding the carra method (after reading a photo), he is testing his method with AFIRMATIONS:
- I can eat what I want, when I want, as much as I want to enjoy each meal
- I can eat what I want, I want as much as I want to draw energy and power from each meal!
sobota, 28 września 2013
BigCheingsNoAmair% CB% 98w
September 28 - great love
I had an idea how to get back an acting gift (slide, photos, videos)
Imagining yourself as Ryan Easywood. Now on the proton radio there is this lovely song S05E02 whose title I don't remember. What a strong and beautiful mind cramp
A great desire, no intention. In a word: fucking shit again, I didn't do anything.
Wanting to read Carr, why can I eat what he wants, I didn't finish.
AFFIRMATION: Pragne a painless death
I am respected and respected by people.
They respect my time, energy and skills
I want a painless death.
Hip stretching, legs to the side
Finding a few new places for apples:
- Ponice a bit further from the sheet metal trapezoid. Beautiful ripe, low red apple tree
- 2 places next to the police
- Another somewhere near Tadek junior - you have to turn to the side place
- Cafe and bookstore at the same time. There are even pears, although it's a private apple tree
These apple trees are rather private, although the fruits fall to public places. Today I ate 3 apples incl. Delicious and ripe.
I have practiced the dbz method today
I noticed that one finger was very swollen today. I'm a bit scared if it's some kind of RA
AFFIRMATION: I am completely healthy. My body is radiant, harmonious. Each cell vibrates with pure and creative light. now I approve the amen.
So I had a certain desire and desire to write to Elen. Channeling on death and love at the same time. But how do I convince myself to agree? Protect yourself and rely on its integrity!
Now I still think that there is a lot of bread in the house, potatoes, nuts, cheese ... Ah, so much delicious food. I want to eat. It is a pity to be wasted.
Affirmation: Despite my fear and guilt, my organism can handle any situation very well!
Cramp yesterday I had beautiful thoughts and imaginations, especially when I left work. I was euphoric, I imagined how she shows what I can do, how I work. Today fucking shit again. I want to do nothing. I'm dirty, unwashed, I'm going to sleep soon. I picked up my laptop, I have not worked standing for a long time.
EXPERYMENT: Really eat what he wants, when he wants and how much he wants? Drawing energy and power from a given meal?
AFFIRMATION: I can eat what I want, when I want and as much as I want to draw energy and power from each meal
Interesting, I ate yoghurt for the night, nearly 300g of cheese at different intervals. Eyes, moisturized and quite high level of ECR energy. I feel that the energy in the morning will be really high, especially if I still keep the evening fast. That's how I feel, that's my feeling. I read A. Carr's book again. According to him, I can eat what I want when I want and as much as I want and it is a matter of eating habits. I read on, but I suppose it's about the correct combination of meals.
Since I have a lot of food now, maybe I can actually eat what I want, and when times come bad I will save and keep a slim figure, hmm?
This is what I wrote to elen. This time I wrote firmly and firmly:
One with the other channeling is as if merged into one and I am not interested in separate, so pay in advance only if I receive these two at the same time.
She wrote back: YOU ARE HAPPY, BUT WHY DON'T :)
I broke my fear, wrote firmly and firmly, and despite the fact that my request was intriguing: love and death, it was taken much more seriously than the previous ones, or at least I have this impression.
September 27 - raise
Such an impression on this guy who darkened that he would take the same products somewhere cheaper in Wrocław (retort):
Please Lord, we are the distributor of these slippers, so either something is wrong or the Lord you laugh
Especially for you, the price is PLN 9
Please call Mr. Taraszewski from my phone. I have free. According to Samsung, he probably has galas in T-Mobile and they have a weak coverage
For our company, 50 items is not a lot, for you Driving 300km in two directions for fuel, counting 5 PLN * 5 * 6, may be a bit more painful loss. So, considering the amount of losses for your mockery of all of us, you will lose the Lord here. Please tell him that the employee shouted the price of PLN 9, but he does not tolerate mockers even more, and that he would not charge you PLN 10. Of course, you may also benefit from it to some extent, e.g. you will deduct more tax from the invoice we issue. Do you want such an exit?
// Fuck what a cool image: D: D
AFFIRMATION: I respect my time, energy and money!
So, yesterday is written with a delay. I will write 2 things:
- Consultation with Rafal Pawlik of my increase
- A raise at Grzegorz. 1000 PLN. Part-time job. I still have to send him the tax identification number.
piątek, 27 września 2013
The first fightAccept Lies (affirmation)
September 26 - fight
Michal Tombak (fight) - the first match
OldSpice for shaping the hair (already from yesterday)
Better behavior of evening fast
AFFIRMATION - Gradually I overcome my weaknesses and get out of the house! (good job!)
AFFIRMATION - Gradually preserves the evening fast which gives me energy and strength.
Jacobson training test. It lasts a long time.
CONCEPT: To create 1-3 exercises on its basis that will immediately tighten all muscles. Working name: dbz_superSajain
AFFIRMATION: A quick and skilled mind will be useful for my plan of revenge.
AFFIRMATION: Directs fear to fight.
TRAINING: hanging stick head down, stretch your leg and 2 hands
CONCEPT: The greatest gains in weight are at the beginning of the training (new sensations)
A moment ago I was a little pissed off. Marcin came back around 4:00 p.m. to visit the Russians who had a lot of dust here. I left 2 windows open and a stove at the same time. It was fresh and warm at the same time. However, Marcin turned the stove off first, then "asked" me to close the windows. I did it. Please, I respect him very much, I am tolerant and he has a slightly less immune organism. and this a few minutes later turned on the stove. Is it not possible to make the window open and at the same time turn on the stove?
AFFIRMATION: Since Marcin can heat, I have the right to open the window. TRUE?
Eating chocolates at work. I overcame my fear and threw the packaging in the office into the trash. I decided that I am dealing with myself it will be a bit of a cowardice. And this is the idea: someone ate the chocolates and had nothing to hide. Besides, I felt it would be better this way
Make an appointment with hania for September 30
I almost made an appointment with Romek to climb in Nowy Targ
Make an appointment with a maw. However, the meeting did not take place. His and mine late.
Buying a6 notebooks worth in stescal. I had to go back for gloves. Suspicious price of PLN 7.40. I stargated 3.50. It was too easy, as if the notebooks were even cheaper, which I regretted later
AFFIRMATION: I respect my time, health and money!
I respect my time, energy and money! therefore overcomes fear (?)
Meeting with Szymek. He also eats nuts and apples from trees;) hehe, I guess it wasn't just me who came up with this idea.
A phone call for an apartment. 60m2 but it was too expensive.
Huge dinner of potatoes with cucumber salad. Then the bread. Great food. I ate the meal for about 1 hour, maybe even longer. Despite eating, I felt a lot of energy and power. Epic! As if accepting an affirmation for truth:
AFFIRMATION: Enjoys drawing energy and power from each meal.
Every meal is like a breath. This is extra energy and power for my body.
Every meal is like a breath. It is an additional building block for my body
Posty (Atom)
February 24/25 after November 22nd, but as usual, I didn't clean the apartment, unfortunately, although I'll wait until I'll ...
January 2 and now it's high time to write a new entry from January 2nd. fuck me. fuck me. How in this prison I still feel so dirty, t...
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