niedziela, 13 stycznia 2013

Predicting the Future

January 13 - Predicting the future Morning 5:00 AM. For that night, I tested the recording of 4 hours of sleep in 40 minutes. I woke up at 5 rest, but whether this is the intended effect that this recording was supposed to give me - it's hard to say. However, the tape is very pleasant to listen to. Morning jogging, then sit in front of the PC and read books. I tested Adam Bytof's exercise to stimulate the right cerebral hemisphere. It consisted in describing as many uses of a given item as possible. I chose Notebook as my subject. I have described 50-60 different and interesting applications: D. Today I read the dreams of winners and the art of getting rich. At 7 pm I was hypnotizing adrian. I released future prediction inductions. I installed him a program to predict the future. There were pictures. The numbers are 6, 14, 12, 18, 23, 2. I wonder if it will work: D To make sure it works, we have predicted the future of today 22:05 what the TV program will be. He said that a bit as if it were correct and it was a great success!

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