poniedziałek, 1 kwietnia 2013
April Fool's Day
April 1 - PrimaAprilis
It's 1:09 am. I woke up a moment ago. My methods did little to help me. I still have a bad cold, it even feels stronger than before.
I decided to take the leftover lemon and in addition I wanted to drink terribly. So I took 2 cups of coffee with honey. It was what I felt like doing. In addition, I did a nettle too and am considering taking the NAC. I have a fondness for this preparation and I will read about it in a moment when it comes to colds.
oh, also before going to bed I took baking soda to rinse my throat and nose. It moistened the throat and mucous membranes a little. Now at least it doesn't hurt me that much.
I also took the book Immediate Healing and found out how to deal with a cold. 2 cups of water which I have already done, a blanket of forgiveness. A cold I can conclude is a suppression of anger and you have to explain to your body that you don't need to be angry anymore.
I just found how to check who visited me on facebook. Here is the link:
03:19 - I fell into a nap. I woke up, drank nettle and took NAC 600mg.
It is 7:17. I guess I don't feel better. I had a dream that I was in college. I was sitting in a bench on the left back with Artur Krasinski. The teacher was picking on me that one sheet of notes was broken. It was like a physics / math lesson ...
When my parents were gone, I stuffed myself with the dough like a pig. I regret it, I told myself affirmations: white sugar is fucking poison. It destroys my mighty body. But on the other hand, I used to say to myself: there are holidays. I hate the world, you have to stuff up like a pig.
I was afraid to forge the vertebrae in the spine again, so then I put a massage mattress on the bed and my whole body vibrated. I felt how my bones were strengthened and it was cleansing my body of toxins. After 30 minutes, I entered such a meditative relaxation. Now my body is extremely relaxed - my eyes are moisturized. I feel great. I will add that I did it immediately after eating a meal. After the eyes and the body I feel that the meal has been absorbed, the body is firm and juicy, the eyes are moisturized, as if it has helped the digestion of this meal.
I see. I mixed a lot of cake, mainly lemon with orange juice and sugar. I added Citrosept to it - it drips poorly. I will take NAC in a moment, I would like to train in the afternoon.
It is 3:06 pm. But I wish I was stuffed like a pig with this cake. Fuck, but this will motivate me not to lose cakes and sweets like a pig. White sugar is a POISON FUCK which destroys my mighty body. In addition, my head aches more than lunch. But he is ill for a long time, and up to 4 days. With garlic it would only be 2 days ... Why is that stupid Echinacea practically not working? Probably because I got caught on the first day with the window open.
Afternoon training at home. Tomorrow at 8:00 to Rafal. I told my mother that I was going to have treatments at that time. I wonder if it would be possible to postpone these treatments for some morning hours?
I only found a salad for dinner. Although I ate her quite a lot. It seems to me that the vertebrae in the thoracic spine are back to their condition.
In addition, I think that NAC, although I'm not sure (it's too early to say anything yet) has caused little chlamydia to pass through my body. I watched a movie with my family for the evening about this slim fit guy who lost his memory. And when the pain did not travel again, I imagined a circle of various thoughts, dreams and imaginations. Gotta get it back! How I felt well then. I have to get this state back.
Eh, I guess I missed it, because this is where the cpn appeared in my thumb.
I also read a Trakai book about chakras and possibilities today, but I think I will read it tomorrow. I think it is going away, the headache is less. I ate little for dinner, a nutritious meal.
niedziela, 31 marca 2013
Cold 2
March 31 - Colds2
It's 4:37 for the new time (old 3:37).
Since my mother entered the Room I have been suffering from a slight insomnia. The symptoms of a cold for the night worsened. Gee why? There is nettle, echinacea, good diet. But I was pissed. Well, I have to live with it, and so I had enormous ambitions to heal myself in one day. In 2 days I was successful.
I feel like I have a fever. Ever since my mother came in to look for a teaspoon, I am suffering from insomnia. But I can handle it. This is some kind of stress reaction of the body. During this time, I am watching the Death Note. I almost fell asleep, but I still haven't fallen asleep. I'm cold, I think I have a fever. I closed the windows. Maybe I got colder through the open window? I do not know...
A little before 8:00 for a new time. I woke up twisted, in a strange position. Cancer and head ischemia. I went to "take the medication".
Sucking on a lemon slice - it helped my throat but had a side effect of hypersensitivity to my teeth. The citric acid just burned away the enamel. I brewed sage.
I was playing the old hacker Gre UPLINK for a while. I enjoyed it for a while, but at the same time I think about the spine. I raised the lapotpa a little again. Good for the eyes and head, but slightly worse for the hand of the thoracic spine. At the same time I think about the spine. In addition, the game has already crashed twice. Interestingly, the game is in Polish, which makes it much easier to use.
A warm armchair is very relaxing for reading ... Speed reading on the computer, of course. I am reading a book by Elen Kanicka about channeling. So far, a lot of fuck about love, after all, somehow I absorb these words to the rhythm of the music - although I know that I do not need love for anything - I want hate !!!
I drank the whole lemon juice. It was delicious. I felt that this is what my body needs now! I'd like another one.
I came up with the idea of speed reading hypnosis: SpeedReader, a warm armchair and the right music for it. Only then the scripts would have to be really very long!
Mezo Revenge. Great song on youtube.
I had just finished hypnotizing Esther the night before. He put together a great script to stimulate Lycanin. Very rich in vocabulary, simply POETRY.
I was finally reading a book in my Speed Reading program: The Secret World of Energy!
sobota, 30 marca 2013
March 30 - Cold
I woke up a bit before 2:00 am like 1:25 am. I feel that I have a slight runny nose, a slight cold. I went to eat an apple and a few kiwi fruit - a natural antibiotic and lots of vitamin C to strengthen the body. For this I also brewed a nettle which I did not have time to drink.
During this time, I was thinking about the number that I once took, and najzszychodbezpieczowan.pl. I imagined the conversation with the lawyer to whom I present my whole situation ...
Colds under control. A really proper diet, cleansed organism, nettle and echinacea made me go through this cold quite gently. Almost nothing hurts me, I feel them quite delicately!
Incredible. My body is really healthy like never before. I just ate 2 more onion sandwiches. I feel like the onion has improved my health. My head is getting better, my throat is in better condition, I hardly have a runny nose. COOL!!! :)
After lunch, I felt weak. The meal was like "poisoning" me. The body had to use extra energy to digest the food.
The angel wrote back. I think he's starting his adventure with esotericism on the Internet. It doesn't have its own website. The prices are quite low. I hope that he will finally give me his account number and will help me.
Today I added a new photo on facebook. In addition, I removed Kaje from contacts on facebook. I want to forget about her, I don't want to think about her. I shouldn't have gotten a notification, we checked it on two of Esther's fb accounts.
In the evening the ester hypnotized me. I had the impression that my hand was gently lifting, I don't know - I'm not sure. However, focusing on them, I think I felt her lightness.
I wrote down notes on 12 ways to get super brain.
Oh, it is worth adding that Echinacea probably helped the heart and tailbone. Today I did not feel practically wandering pain in these places. It was only in the evening, during hypnosis with Esther, that she slightly attacked her tailbone, but I was calmer. Echinacea is AWESOME!
I was going through a cold gently. Little mucus shows that my body is fairly well cleansed of toxins. I am glad that I have such a powerful and strong body as never before.
piątek, 29 marca 2013
March 28 - Psychodelic
Nothing extraordinary happened since this morning
In the morning I was able to sneak in my breakfast. I ate nuts for breakfast. A nutritious meal, I felt I needed it.
Apart from that:
Although I am ashamed to admit, but since I broke up with Kaja - I started to think about her constantly ...
Well fucking good, I didn't want her a few days ago.
She writes nothing, changed nothing in her description. Nice tactic. It really works for me. I would like to write to it, but honor does not allow me ...
I found cool psychedelic music to listen to on youtube. Really great! I took, about 2, and even more than 2 hours to listen. My head nodded pleasantly in its rhythm.
What mentally:
I don't know what to do with myself. This fucking chlamydia wanders here, here I want to exercise, regain my super-fast mind, and on the other hand I want to do nothing, give up and have everything in my ass. Here, from the next page, I want to meditate, have great great power. What the fuck am I supposed to do. I'm calling you fucking angels and telling me what the fuck am I supposed to do?
Listening to this psychedelic music during another attempt at meditation, I had an idea: how about writing to Kasia Szafranowska asking for help? At the same time, the pain wandered, and at the same time I ate a lot ... At the same time I got rid of the slices, but ate a lot of cheese and nuts. I literally stuffed myself like a pig. Whore. My stomach was full and I was still eating and stuffing myself like pigs. Whore. Because it's already 18 because you have to eat dinner. Well fucking mac ...
What to write Kasia? I have lost my power of words and I do not know how to ask her to agree. What can I write to her?
Well, now I stuffed myself like a pig. Time to go for a walk and breathe. Time to burn it all down. This is already a sick pale colour ...
For the night I wrote again on the Allegro, this time instead of channeling: clairvoyant.
I bought auctions from some tramp who has been clairvoyant for 50 years. I asked 6 questions
I wrote to 2 more fairy. One can communicate with the dead. The second writes that she has a gift from birth and can contact Angels. I also wrote to her by email wrozkaanielica@interia.eu
I also talked to Karol Olszak just now. He offered me cooperation on his website: nowybrzmienie.pl. I wonder whether to cooperate with him ... I would get to know a lot of interesting pieces
It is worth adding that listening to this music gave me an amazing experience. Interesting imagination again, imagining a fight with my father, and I even imagined my sharp retort in action. It was just great for me.
Czeslaw's refusal
March 29 - Czeslaw's denial
From the morning, quite a strong attack on the tailbone. I cried out
In the morning after 5 WFM of the hips to the rhythm of this psychedelic music.
During the morning training, I felt a clear hunger.
Today is great Friday. I didn't eat sandwiches again, some 300g of nuts for breakfast. Great meal. I felt that my body needed it. I read a bit about nuts today. They have anti-inflammatory effects, A lot of vitamin E, arginine. I ate them with the intention of regenerating my tailbone. And I remember that it has a similar effect to the Japanese RDest - they contain a lot of Reservatol.
I found Elen Kanicka's Channeling guide. Converted to txt and put it into my speed reading program. In the morning, I had a great desire to read this guide.
Being some 30 minutes ago while shopping, buying intimate insoles, my mother in a chemical store, I met a tutor Ewa Kurzejewska.
Moments ago, literally a minute due to attaching chlamydia to the heart and tailbone, I started Echinacea therapy. I have very nice memories of this drug! Echinacea also heals injuries.
A moment ago, while I was taking a second cup of Inka Coffee with milk and honey, my mother remarked to me: Krystian, enough, Lord Jesus spent 40 days for our hens ...
Fuck, I thought to myself: you also do not know what the truth is, that this Bible is one big lie and a bulshit like the National Health Fund. Jesus took 40 days for fasting to give him strength before an important life mission !!! But I kept silent about it in my mind, thought my own way and only said to her:
Yes, but Jesus had divine power. For him, it's a good idea to go through 40 days without eating.
In a moment I am planning to go out to town for Echinacee or Echinacea.
I just got back from my trip for Echinacea. I ordered from this cheap pharmacy. In addition, I checked at the pharmacy in stescal. They have Echinacee there if needed. I also ordered a purple hedgehog in a herbalist's shop. It will definitely be cheaper than tablets and probably much more effective. Echinacea stronger than antibiotics.
I still think about my heart. Chlama began to cling to her heart intensely ...
Moreover: I was talking to Szymek now. I was at his apartment. He has no money, he doesn't know what to do with his life. I would like to help him somehow, but I don't know how ... He says: I have it well with him ...
I feel how. As if I didn't eat nuts too much. Fortunately, there will be dinner in a moment :) A beautiful gift of hunger. I want a few breaths.
A moment ago I watched the world according to the bad ones, but I laughed. Unfortunately, due to the fact that the chalmydia clung to my heart while laughing, my heart ached. As if for a moment the part of the body under which it is attached is weakened / damaged.
Wlansie got an answer from Mr. Czeslaw: Clairvoyant. He said: I am sorry, but I am not receiving bright pure energy from the Lord. Scare can harm you more than help ...
Fuck mac ... When you're happy people don't need any kind of shit like meditation. Such things are reached in times of need. I know because I was happy once and felt no need to meditate. I feel now! Because I'm angry, full of anger and hate! Hates of Father and Mother! Shit, such a good shit, 50 years of experience and unfortunately I lost it. How can I convince him to myself?
Got an idea: we'll do as we get the girls back. I won't be writing to him for a while! Let's say 2-3 weeks. I'll be back in these 2-3 weeks! Then he will feel as if he has lost something, and until then he will write back with the explanations of this negative energy full of non-aversion to my father! Maybe then he can help me. At least there should be a better chance of that.
I watched the Death Note a bit
Now, between 5 pm and 6 pm I am training. But depressing weather. Simply depressing, supposedly a few degrees above 0, the sun is shining, but it is depressing and depressing. I long for darkness, let the sun finally go down, I prefer darkness. I feel great in the dark. I feel safe in the dark! In the dark I feel myself!
After training, I was going to buy butter. I drank a liter in the cold air so that my mother did not see it. On top of that, I was a bit cold. Coming home, now I have the impression that I have had a cold. My nose is dripping, I feel like the first symptoms of a cold. But then I'll take Echinacee, and I should help for that too. In addition, my stomach hurts a bit after the butter.
The last fairy wrote back to me. For PLN 30 he can channel me. Jupi: D I promised myself that my first question would be to ask for affirmations to get rid of the traveling pain. I'll figure out the rest.
I also did it so that she sent me her account number first. I will give her an advance so that she feels a certain obligation towards me and does not refuse me like Mr. Czeslaw. I hope he doesn't sense hostile intentions towards me. Maybe now resend some extended message?
środa, 27 marca 2013
In the evening of the previous day, Ester hypnotized me. Channeled again and didn't come out as usual. In addition...
In the morning I woke up with a headache on the side of my head. He feels there is something there: a trobel or a cancer. I even thought ... It would be even fun if the doctor made such a diagnosis ... If my revelation found out about it, I would like to die already. I want to fucking show him ... Fucking dick !!! I wonder what zarowski would say then if he found out that there was a tumor in the place of the head where I reported pain!
I hate you fucking motherfucker !!!
I recently returned from morning training. I also planned to jump to the ladybug for apples, peanuts and baking soda. However, I did not want to. So then I went to Adam, but it does not spread out. I met Damian Wnekowski. He kept talking to me. We talked a bit about health care, about his and my health problems. I found out that there are similar sensations with lumbar puncture. Anyway, we talked about Dece - the steroid. He said he could help me. Not only in health problems, but I will gain 5-10 kg.
Fuck as he said it, I wanted to get this steroid, but I could only take it under medical supervision. Moreover...
I was wrong mentally. How the pussy listened to him. Now, as I think and analyze, I should say firmly and firmly: I will check it!
But again in the morning I imagined how strong, healthy and powerful I am thanks to steroids. As my spine regenerates ... I fucking want Dece. I would get to know another arsenal of modern medicine, I would have more medical experience.
Oh, in the morning around 7:00 I took the tramal. Now it's 10:45 and I don't feel its effects yet. Strange, the first effects were always after 2 hours, and now one big ass ... I have to wait a little longer until I am positively drunk :)
Oh, there's something else. Wneku told me how he lay in a hospital in Zakopane. They refused to let him go, even though he wanted to. In the end, he escaped from the hospital, because he did not want to stay there any longer. Fuck and they only kept me for one day in the addition of wild boar with an unknown disease giving heavy drugs without any problems on their own task!
This is life. Not only with women but also with people. When you want them to help you, they don't want to. When you don't want help, they want to help! This world is strange :) l
The whore is after 12:00, 5 hours have passed since consuming the tram and somehow I do not feel any effects. By the way, I drank some 1-1.5l of Coffee with milk in an interval of 1 hour. Maybe too much fluid for the drug and it dissolved badly?
In the evening, Ester sent me Energie Likanine. I don't know if that was it. The feathers did not crackle or the forks flew in the air, although I felt the pleasant warmth of my whole body on the blog. A great feeling. I had to unload it, do squats, dips. Wow, Adran and Esther said: This is it !!! Then I still had to run. I jumped to the ladybug for nuts and discharged myself. I want to run a little in the morning too. I feel great. I think I met Damian Wnekowski again with some visitor to the river and then when I returned close to the drazka.
Today I only ate 2 meals. I felt great strength thanks to it! Light meals give me a lot of energy!
In the store I felt adrenaline, self-confidence, failure to adapt to society. Quite what I felt in the past! Extra!
Tomorrow morning, if I don't forget, I'll go for a run again. I think my feet have regenerated already!
wtorek, 26 marca 2013
After a Breakup
March 26 - After the Breakup.
In the morning I thought about Kaja, about how I broke up with her. I was still thinking about it. I feel good about it, full of hatred, full of power of the dark side - that's what I would call it ...
I didn't want to hurt her, I only wanted to finally get rid of her life, end it all and have holy peace. He does not want her, let him find another prince from the fairy tale - so my heart thinks.
On the other hand, if I had to consider my mind - maybe I am doing something wrong. Maybe it is a temporary crisis and it should be rebuilt somehow? I don't know ... I chose my heart, although my mind also doesn't want anyone. I want to be alone, give my ass up and live a quiet life.
Throughout the day - panic over the spine. Chlamydia has traveled through my body frequently. In the morning I practiced my outstanding training. Tomorrow, father and mother are leaving. Supposedly the perfect day for a hunger, but ... I think I'll let it go. I am so tempted to move it, but I don't think I will. David will not be there either - he goes with them to Krakow. So cool :)
I read Kaji's blog. She wrote in it that she made cupcakes, a little smiling smiley. Its description has not changed in general. He does not let you know that he is probably suffering. Or maybe he hates so much? Maybe even on her hand that I wrote something like that.
I listened to that song Snowman most of the day today - invariably.
In addition, the Horizons 12dbi Antenna came today. The Cable is missing.
I took Ms Basi's laptop back, accepting a £ 20 loan.
Posty (Atom)
February 24/25 after November 22nd, but as usual, I didn't clean the apartment, unfortunately, although I'll wait until I'll ...
January 2 and now it's high time to write a new entry from January 2nd. fuck me. fuck me. How in this prison I still feel so dirty, t...
December 9 - Today 2 dreams around 6:00. Holes as in the matrix (I wrote so, but I don't remember what's going on anymore). Rafal...