środa, 7 sierpnia 2013

Bicycle and affirmations for controlling the world

August 6 - Bicycle and WorldSetting Affirmations - 1:30 wake up. A glass of magnetized water 16x Affirmation then lemon. Making structured water for training + magnet (energy) + lemon - TEST - Energizing water and apples with chestnuts. Oh, it wasn't until 3:30 am I woke up, earlier I was doing RB with the intention of building a body. I couldn't sleep, I could get up much early because I had the energy to work. - 3:30 Yoghurt a moment later apple. For food. My thoughts circulated around the problem of whether these products can connect and whether I have eaten too much protein recently. However, I felt like eating this meal. - 4:30 Another apple. Earlier, I quarrel lightly with my mother, but thanks to my self-suggestion: "I scare this fucking whore ..." - I survived her attack. From 1:00 am I don't feel like sleeping. I got a good night's sleep, so I read A. Carr's book and I still have to remember to take my measurements * / Sleep somewhere between 5:00 am and 6:00 am. Regeneration of strength * / - 6:00 - another apple. Earlier sleep. B and c measurement only 34cm. For a comparison of 1:00, it was 34.3 cm. - CONCEPT - I get an impression after these measurements and such intensive daily workouts are destroying me. Change Tuesdays to running or biking and stretching. possibly. A foretaste of the next day. I think it would also be beneficial to break 2 intense into 4 light ones - CONCEPT - malgosia spiderman's cellar bag - 7:00 ice cream and then dark chocolate. Then another sweet wedge to have more energy for cycling. Again, half-hearted thoughts: I will eat fat, I will not eat wastes on MM. However, it probably turned out to be good for me - Rusty bicycle - that was what I needed. Get some oxygen in order. There is mild satisfaction, but I was not enjoying the activity. More of a schoolgirl in front of the house and a family. I felt a bit like a coward and tip. Appropriate affirmations will have to be made. Earlier, light stretching in parks and energizing. Structured water for the road - I still remember having nice imaginations between saying affirmations. As I measure myself with Uncle Jack, I use my methods to defeat him in a bike ride. - After the biceps bike, heather almost 35 cm. He's also tougher. The effect of oxygenation and rapid blood exchange in the body? - CONCEPT / CONCLUSION: Running / Cycling accelerates the regeneration of the body. I think it is because of the oxygenation effect and the rapid circulation of blood. Our WFista already mentioned it to run after training. When I got home, ECR fucked me up !!! - mother AFIRMATION. Lots of imaginations and short cuts. Until I want to write them down. Maybe I'll write a few - Mother is always on with everything I crack like she hasn't fucking heard herself what she's been doing for over 20 years. And I try to do everything gently. And here I came up with an idea: do it quickly, quickly, and at the end delicately like a feather, on your fingers, nibbling on her in this way. In addition, create a separate file for the fight with my mother. - I had visions that I no longer remember exactly, how she was clinging to me. I would like to write them, but they don't come to mind after going to the office. - Other methods to keep her from telling her anything. Even hello and good morning. Okay, maybe I won't write these imaginations. - Treat the current utterance of 16x affirmations as a PREFACE / WARM-UP - Until I write everything down in a red notebook. Plus, being at home before the meal, the ECR was fucking me up. -10: 00 - Slice with half cheese, tomato, onion and horseradish. A slight feeling of hunger. Satisfactory meal. Fear and can not be connected, but now, after nearly 1 hour, ECR is still fucking me up. - Cycling to the office takes only 5 minutes: D Jupi: D Now I wrote down a phone report in the company - CONCEPT - Pisac Kronike in the points on the phone and then rewrite it. This will get me used to keeping a Diary in points. ECR is fucking me up !!! : D it's a pity that I can not train now, I can not wait for the afternoon, I have to force the bike to my training plan. - WORK: I finished the TGS banner. I really like it a lot. In addition, I experimented with affirmations - completely chaotic and spontaneous to control the environment. Yesterday I kind of made a similar end to the day without any problems, but I don't think I described it. Here are today's morsels: 1. "It directs energy and power to make my spine and tail without fear to endure the whole day at work" - supposedly alive with a slight fear, however, the tailbone has not been annoying yet, the neck only locally / temporarily. Aczkowiek is nothing compared to other days 2. "Sylwia and her superiors like the design of the TGS banner. They approve it." - I don't know if it worked yet. I have a feeling I must repeat this affirmation. However... 3. Affirmation of cooling the room - cramps successful: D It was cool in the room, in fact, I also intuitively knew what to do in this direction. Marcin came back and was probably amazed at the chill. 4. "He persuades Marcin to open the windows to make the air cooler and fresher, his mood is better and my energy is even greater" - Here I explained to him the principle of empty eggs or drinking drinks from straws, e.g. Coca-Cola - It's after 3pm. ECR is still very high. I am perhaps a bit weak, but this state lends itself to reading A. Carr's book. I enjoy reading it. A feeling of light hunger, maybe not hunger, but emptiness in the stomach. In any case, ECR at full capacity! :) - CONCEPT: So I had an idea to continue my DeathNote which I created a year ago and I wrote down one thing. Then it concerned Romek Luberda, so that we would not go to the mountains, yet to the Tatra Mountains. I was afraid. Interestingly, he suffered from insomnia that day - me too. Fortunately, however, we endured the trip uphill. I don't know how I did it, but it was a massacre - a red bench, the sharpest peak in the Slovak Tatra Mountains. I was afraid like hell. I guess that's it. - Now I feel like energy, a slight hunger and weakness. Supposedly I am supposed to do sit-ups, but I will use this state to finish reading the book. I will eat between 16-17. - 3:30 pm - but sometime after this hour I ate potatoes. ECR has risen high. She's fucking me up. - 4:00 p.m. and after this hour I finished the final piece of bread. It's hot, ECR is down, headache tension is hot, sun is on my head, but it will pass. - We're done with the work. I was a bit tired when I left. The ECR took the heat and the sun away from me and I left as if exhausted. I left in the direction of the park, then too. There intuflow and breaths waiting for the ECR to return again. Then to the playground and there again I wanted to get the energy from the tree, but the ECR still wasn't there. It wasn't until between 18-19 that I gradually began to feel its power, although not yet. Interestingly, there was both ECR and physical fatigue - as if ECR ​​were an additional form of energy that drives others. For the sake of simplicity, for now I will give 3 forms of energy in my body: - physical - psychical - ECR - Thought I'd do it every morning. I'll ride a little bike, get some oxygen and the ECR will be back at the hell out of it like in the morning. However, I was tired. I left my spiderman "rucksack" in malgosia. Later I was cycling for a bit. I wanted to go to the pollack, but I ran out of strength. So I only drove a little in the park and I got tired. - Coming home, but I was tired. The ECR may have been coming in gradually, and with it, high levels of fatigue all day long - 19:30 - Carrot juice - 8:30 p.m. - chicken, cucumber salad, garlic - I almost fell in while making potato staples, which I would rather not eat, because they are not good, too salty and unpalatable. I almost popped in when mom was getting married. Why isn't my intuition warning me. Luckily it was a bit dark and I put the potatoes on the plate right away. Mom asked if I had anything dark to wash, I said no. - And I fell into a depressive state again, probably because of that - I don't know. Around 10 p.m. I went to sleep, but before 9 p.m. I wanted to go to sleep and fell asleep in an armchair. Probably a protein evening meal + a lot of stress from this situation. I was afraid I was losing muscle mass. - 20:00 Chicken with cucumber salad and garlic. previously carrots. Mother stress (I almost ran into it). Warming. Somnolence. The meal, combined with the stress, weakened me. Finish tomorrow! IN SUM: DIMENSIONS [65.3kg @ 34cm (although the dimensions on the bike have increased)] - the rest of the dimensions TK, water ... does not write. I found them unnecessary. TODAY: [wbww-WBn-Ww-w B] - 3:30 - Yogurt / Kefir + Jablko - 4:30 - Another Apple - 7:00 - some ice cream, dark chocolate, then sweet wedge - with time I think it gave me energy for the bike. I was enjoying the taste * / Bicycle - Oxygenation, blood exchange - ECR is fucking me up! * /? - 10:00 - slice of bread, half a cube of cottage cheese, tomato, onion, horseradish - ECR was fucking me up. - 15:30 - Potatoes with peel - 16:00 - Bread from the Morning - 19:30 - Carrot juice - 20:30 - Chicken, garlic, cucumber salad

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