poniedziałek, 3 czerwca 2013

200mg of Tramal

June 4 - 200mg of Tramal I woke up really early. Probably before 5:00 or in the vicinity, I woke up well rested and refreshed. I started to go to life. Yes, I think it was even before 5:00. The tailbone hurt after yesterday's fall. I greased it often. I was supposed to go to Krakow to submit my documents to a psychotronic school, although I resigned as usual. Between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. I went to the neighbor's garden for MJ's seeds. I met Monika and Edyta Trzeciak's mother, luckily she was not a big problem for me. Probably going to work. I waited until she was gone. At that time, I was also working with the phone. I was uploading all HemiSync on the phone with which I had numerous complications. I made myself sandwiches for the road. Oh and the most important: I took 200 mg of tramal. Dalo is a good analgesic effect, especially during the day, and I felt great after it. The dose is probably a bit exaggerated, I still feel slight opioid vapors until now. My grandfather went to Mszana for 3.50. Soft in the first row. I was counting on that when I got there I would catch a bus to Limanowa - it failed. I missed maybe 1-2 minutes. I wanted to go to the second stop next to Tesco, but I also wanted to pee. So I pissed off my fear and ... The bus escaped :) it was probably around 8:45. So I waited for it at 9:00. I was hopeful that somehow it would be. Yes, as usual it will be somehow. In the bus to limanowa I had prepared 4 sandwiches with cottage cheese and tomato. I was proud and the affirmation: it breaks my own weaknesses: it worked so well on me. Yes, I was proud of myself :) Then the lady who was sitting next to me asked in this new persuasive way for a handkerchief: - Excuse me (...) Do you have a handkerchief? I was still thinking about my tailbone. Bolala. Actually, it hurts now too. Choler. Due to the fact that the lac started, I got off earlier at the stop in Limanowa. And during the trip I enjoyed the tram and good music :) It was fun :) I had a lot of imaginations during the trip. I imagined how happy I am with Kaja. I imagined my new business selling brine water on Allegro, making my own website, positioning myself, milk bottles and home printer stickers, thanks to which I save a lot of money and I am proud of myself. Satisfied, I have a feeling that I have come up with a really cool business idea! Besides, I also thought about how to sell the osho books that I bought. I've already enjoyed seeing them, and I don't like printed books. Somehow I have bad associations with books. I prefer to drop it on my presenter and read it quickly. I imagined myself making a gold collection on Allegro, adding DVDs with movies, meditations, my own notes. CODE - Please forgive me for being late. - There you are - Do not use the word Pussy, sorry I got off at the stop in Limanowa. Here again, I used light persuasion. After the tram, he feels like a happy and cheerful cheerful teenager. I like myself and I feel that others like me too. I asked people at the bus stop if there was already a bus going to the old village. There were a lot of people, I felt that each time I wanted to help, and two wanted to show their knowledge. Everyone was willing to help me. It was beautiful. It can be really used! I went to the Old Village a bit late, but there was no problem. I missed maybe 6 minutes, which is not that long. I asked a woman who was there if they could give me a lift to Limanowa or Mszana (apparent choice). I felt handsome, well dressed, she agreed. Then her husband left the office. They gave me a ride back. There were also old men who gave me a lift a week ago, but they took my turn and did not have a lift. Interestingly applied persuasion. Wogole I also imagined how you can hitchhike for free. I am handsome after all, it is enough to dress nicely and stand on the road. For sure there will be a woman behind the wheel :) It is enough to arouse sympathy with the appearance :) They gave me a lift, I thanked me and wished me a lot of good health. I had the impression that thanks to the trance in which the sneakers had introduced me and my acting personality, I aroused children's sympathy. I went to Mszana, then to Rabka. Somehow, Grzesiek called on the way, but I didn't notice the phone. At some point I called him back and told Tom to set up the post office in the office. I did it when I got to Rabka. I used the technique of Kasia Szafranowska: I remember to get off near two. It worked. Wogole, on the way to Limanowa-Mszana, I slept in a tramal trance and pain in the tailbone. The pain seems to be overstretched and overloaded. But the psyche after the tram made me not worry about it as much as if I did normally. Before I got into the office, I went to the pharmacy. I asked for some mascara. I also went to everything for the student to buy fastened pouches. I wanted to have my notebook protected from the rain. In the morning I already bought on the Allegro. Maybe too impulsively and impatiently, because there I would have for 7.80 100pcs, and on the allegro with delivery I got something about PLN 11-13. But I don't regret it at all, it's just some new experience. Marcin left me, he was on his way back. I did tomek with these accounts + changed the wallpaper. I also wanted to change the skin. I did not like the appearance. Do more than you expect. When Tom came in, I went back to the house, visiting the site behind the church. I wanted to ask for a bicycle phone holder. Since I did not find it, I just made an order on the Allegro :) Even in front of the house, it was close to me. Heavy rain fell. I was late, I was 14:10 at home. I went to take my feet under the cold water and grease my tailbone. I felt that this water treatment was great for the pain in my tailbone. I also wondered about the trauma, but somehow I felt sorry for the money. I ate my dinner with relish with a new affirmation - I enjoy eating a meal building a strong, muscular body. Then I wrote down what to do during the afternoon. As it is on the tram, I wanted to do everything and nothing. However, I did everything by writing many things on the blackboard. After 5 p.m. I finally lay on my stomach in a tram blog post and hemi sync Healing meditation. It was fun. I wanted to exercise for the evening, but it spilled out. Maybe it is good, since I'm after adjusting the spine, right? I had skipped dinner. I was not hungry. But I ate a lot of apples, because 3. But I struggled with my own weaknesses. I did not eat them like a pig at once, and one after another at different intervals of time. In addition, a bit of carrots and a little cheese just now. I did not want bread, I was not hungry. Ah, the 200 mg of tramal. Something beautiful. I want to meditate for the evening and listen to some nice music :) I had an idea what to do. Lying on my back in bed, I will do clapping combined with RB :) I will add that today I felt incredible comfort and peace of mind. I didn't have any obligations, I didn't have to write a website or a program. It was really cool!

niedziela, 2 czerwca 2013

I overcome my own weaknesses

June 3 - Overcome my own weaknesses Yesterday in the evening I was stooling 3-4 times, and it was of very good quality. But this nasty whore and slut has to spy on me as always, know everything and fucking monitor me: - do you have diarrhea 4-5 times you poop? And I don't know if she made me suggestions, but I got it yesterday and until this morning I have a light srake. Although I think there is also wine here, I ate garlic on an empty stomach and then dinner. It is true that it is a good way not to smell the garlic, but you need to refine it a bit. First, eat something a little on the stomach cover and then cut the garlic and the rest of the food at once. Thanks to this method, the smell of garlic does not evaporate all over the house, and I also think that it is using its full power. By the way, I woke up on my stomach at 5:30. I thought it was 4:30 and I was delighted with this news, but I think I was wrong by one hour. But what's good about this situation: I know how to perfect my method with unscented garlic. I know instinctively that bitter Inka Coffee is now the best remedy for this ailment for me. Drinking with milk, I poured it out because I felt that it did not serve me and it did not taste good to me. I'm going to jump to the store for bread. Oh, I found out what to do to make the USB connection work with the phone. 1. The phone is upside down, it may reduce the load and pressure on the USB cable 2. The phone must be charged to some extent The fuck is 8:30 and I still put off the project until later. O... I went to Rafal Pawlik at 9:30. This is probably one of our best conversations. I was very outspoken, appreciated my views on life. Yes we talk. I told him that he was alive for the moment. I had great comparisons with driving from Rabk to Krakow. Enjoy every tree, bush, air, talk with another person. But when there are, for example, lights for 2 minutes, I want to turn back. And about my 3-4 priority goals in life: - move out of the house and live for free for PLN 1500 from a pension or some kind of benefit - revenge on my father, and it's not about sticking a knife in the back, but talking and making fun of him - regaining honor - building a muscular, powerful body. Moreover, I told him how I live the moment and I am happy at the moment. I am happy about the fact that I am happy at the moment. I don't feel like it, I don't want it etc ... I asked him for help too. I think he liked my views. Even so slightly persuasively I said: I do not know whether to ask you for help in this matter, I would like my dreams to come true. I think he agreed even slightly before I offered it to him. I didn't know if he would agree, but he did. We'll see what happens :) Ah, I was dreaming :) After 1 p.m. I started making these windows quickly. Earlier, Gregory 2x called me. The second time I picked up quickly. It wasn't too bad. Before 4 p.m. I made all the windows. I think you fucking liked it. Also to Marcin. I got PLN 500, once again we changed almost completely the look of the main page. It was very fun to work together in the office. I got soft today. Android market and FM radio work. Cool :) but at some point I think I did something wrong and the android market does not download the application, despite the fact that it turns on, and Rom Manager stopped working. But from what I can see it is enough to run the clockWord in Recovery mode and the guitar. In the evening I went to train. I took the training back to 10 repetitions. I felt it would be better this way. When Mruk is fully tuned tomorrow, I will give 11 repetitions, which is like the second training week. This one was so intermittent since I went to Mruk. I felt like I wasn't growing at all. At one point, while jumping up, I hit my tailbone. Come on fucking mac. Breathing, breathing, I ate rafelllo to stimulate serotonin. I stopped training. At home, cooling mask, antidol, carrots and breathing with affirmation. Then another apple. I hesitated to eat or not to eat. I'm not hungry. at all. eat, don't eat. Fast and regenerate the bones - by the way, I would see how the pill fasting works. Or maybe eat and grow, but it is before going to bed, unhealthy. Finally, I remembered the old H. Louise affirmation - Life itself loves me, nourishes and supports me. I'm safe. I liked the affirmation very much :) Tomorrow to Mruk and Ochorowicz. I'm going there. By the way, overcome my own weakness which I wrote down in my notebook - laziness. I also came up with an idea to write a very simple little program called: Plan of the Day! It would take me up to 3 hours at a slow pace. Nice appearance, buttons, a light applet. Cool thing! I had an idea for a great auto-suggestion: - Overcome my own weaknesses by building a strong, muscular body! It is 23:34 and I do not want to go to sleep completely, although the tailbone gives me a little knowledge about it and I think about it. I was able to configure the android as I wanted. I went easy, reset all system settings. Download applications from the market and I think that radioFM also works. In addition, I found an interesting trick on how to make GooglePlay always install applications on the memory card: $ adb shell pm setInstallLocation 2 and that's it, whatever it is. Of course, I used a built-in terminal on this modified system.

sobota, 1 czerwca 2013

The day of PelenSuccesow

June 2 - DzieńPelenSukcesow Oh, a lot has happened today ... There has been a lot going on today ... So much that I did not write anything during the day, only now in the evening before 8 pm I have time for it. Sunday morning around 5:30. For that night I gave myself affirmations to remember in a dream how to put the circles in their place. I had a vivid dream. I do not know if it was about this particular case, although there was a dream, just what it was. At night, as if I woke up "wet". It is difficult to say whether I had any night ejaculation or maybe I got wet. Judging by the quantity, the former, but I was not able to define the quality. Why did this happen? Because I haven't donated my semen for a long time? I guess the last time I was on a spermiogram? Who knows ... I hope it's nothing serious. From what I remember, when you abstain, you end up getting such things on your own. Yes, Sunday morning. Cool in the morning, but not cold. I went to get myself a pot. Due to the fact that the day before ... because of sweets I had no motivation to do herbs in the morning, I did it now. It was quite early and the herbs tasted not bad during training. Also, something else in the morning? I pulled off my quilt cover completely. She's too small and pissed me off. I did a lot of things today. I wrote most of it on the blackboard, but I already erased some of it. I made a few orders on the Allegro: SATA adapter, ATA USB, small 10cm usb cable. I was patient and looked for a cheaper and original counterpart. Because they were Chinese with shipping for just over PLN 16. Maybe I will not crumble into small pieces, but I was most proud of myself when I finally put my removable disk into the ADATA pocket, which is much more convenient and handy due to the USB cable on the side of the pocket. Immediately I thought what I could do with the old pocket. I did not want to sell it on the allegro, therefore, in view of the book The Greatest Secret of Enrichment, I decided to display an advertisement on facebook or a gratis and I would give this pocket for free. I wrote a great text encouraging you to have this pocket. A long detailed description, possibilities, the composition of the kit and finally: first come, first served! Jurek came quickly. He was supposed to come, but he hasn't come yet. I thought I'd give it to him. I wanted to get rid of this pocket, but on the other hand: it would be too much for me to come to him about it, although it does not bother me at all. Give it more than they expect: I packed the pocket really nicely, the screws in a guarana bag, an elastic band and a nice wrapped USB cable. Yes. Here, too, I was proud of myself that I did it so nicely :) During training I trained alternately. Somewhere between 7:15 and 7:30 I started. Today I mixed Guarane and Inka together. It tasted much better and I have the impression that it worked harder. Maybe the magnet and the B vitamin from Inca stimulated the effects of caffeine in Guarana. I think so. In addition, Cuba is clearly dirty then. I have a good excuse to wash him off after the drugs. I trained alternately as I agreed. It was fun and even very pleasant to squat on one leg with the 3rd bar (the lowest one). Besides, I exercised in jeans rolled up, there was even sunshine. During the training, a lot of ideas came to mind, which I wrote down a little in my notebook, a little on the phone. I will try to list them here: - RB breath + TB-WFM clapping (I tested the method in the morning and yesterday evening). I wanted her, very enjoyable - Gourang's Breath + Clap TB-WFM - Squat on one leg at the 3rd hand - Breath upwards - stronger voice - The warm-up consists of 15 exercises (this will make it easier for me to want to do them) - Instead of a journal of personal beliefs, change to Jedi Code - this makes me want to write in my notebook - To do something big, first you have to do something small. For a tree to grow, it must first take root - "THROUGH" (...) my breath strengthens my voice. The keyword "through" is an interesting manipulation trick. It can also be used on other occasions - Start with small things and leave the most difficult at the end. Regula 3x Yes D. Carnegie - Breath + Stretching - I did it instinctively when the breath made me feel relaxed - Sorry (...) - what time is it. Pause technique. It has recently been used by telemarketers in the form of DzieńDobry. I used it today asking for a handkerchief. This probably makes the subconscious contact with this person, moreover, I do not come out to chatter like a rifle: "Good morning and I'm sorry, what time is it?" I paraphrased a little - There comes a moment when something does not work, it got bored, it stopped tasting. It's time to change the technique, do something new. The body and mind like new sensations, they are looking for an adventure. - It takes time for a given thing to take root in the subconscious. It's like driving a car. At the beginning you look where there is gas, brakes, one, two, clutch ... Then you do these activities automatically - In order for someone to do something for Ceiba, you have to motivate them properly. Not necessarily money. In 90% of cases, all you need is gratitude and satisfaction with the help - this is where I think of yesterday's request for an elastic band for our neighbor. I felt she gave clear signals that she would like to give me more such erasers or help with something else :) - Everyone wants to help, earn money, change the world for the better. Each... In addition, I also had other ideas, affirmations, which I also wrote down in the second notebook. I ordered Szymon's shoes. Also, I gave more of myself than expected. I set him up positively by texting which was also true and I chose a seller who had 4918 positives and no negatives, he can return the product up to 10 days. I did not want to help him a bit. I wanted to help but I didn't want to help him. However, I realized that I wanted to help others and I forced myself to work. Oh, the morning is also a morning sweets meal. I immediately felt better after him. Inka to unlock, then carrot juice. It was only at dinner that I felt a slight hunger and the meal came in brilliantly. Dinner too. I am proud of myself :) Light thoughts whether to drink coffee or not to drink - it's not yet 1 hour. However, he drinks with little sips. So today I was really proud of myself :) Okay, I think I've already listed today's most important events. It makes no sense to write more. I am even slightly proud of myself, in particular of the three successes mentioned: Jurek, Szymek, Kieszen na disc and finding a cheaper and original offer. I have eaten a decent dinner, and maybe I don't feel a little hungry, but a little emptiness than resilience. The meal + garlic gave me energy. I also want Inke coffee with milk which I drink at the same time :) Awesome day! :) I also recalled a positive event that I forgot to notice yesterday. Well, in the evening I listened to some short hemi sync something like Healing. In this hemisync I nodded my head, earplugs. I was tired and fed up energetically. I needed that.

piątek, 31 maja 2013


June 1 - Today.txt The first entry of Krystian Broniszewski's Chronicles. Wake up really early. 5:00 rest and rested. As usual, I got to life, but after 7:00 am it started lacing and I did not go to training because of it. Meanwhile, my mother greeted me with wishes on the children's day. At the time, I was fighting in front of Toshiba to send files to my phone. Bluetooth failed because the files were too large, it did not detect the drive through the cable. I lost an hour anyway. Come on, mac! I also downloaded the bluesoseil program to control Father and Mother's phone via bluetooth. Especially my mother, as I will be able to get in more easily when I need to rip her mp3 file. In addition, I bought a new phone on the Allegro. Samsung B5512 with dualSim and qwerty keyboard. It looks just like a blackberry phone. Then I regretted that I did not buy David's phone, as he said that his is the best for a similar price, although I always have a 10-day right to return. I went to training after 11. I really didn't want to exercise. Some nice kid gave me a four-leaf clover. That's nice, I put it in my bag. I asked a grandfather where he bought such a small backpack and about a handkerchief. Lalo, I didn't finish training and stretching at the end. I was wrong at home, previously I met Pania Lucynka. She said I lost weight. At home, I really liked my figure, although it was maybe 35.2 beats. Before that, I was doing the Gouranaga breath according to osho. I felt I had strong lungs and a stronger voice! I needed that, maybe it's time to change my breathing technique? A bit of a bad cutlet for dinner. As always, I did not want to eat at this time. And again a lot of thoughts - to eat or not to eat? I'm doing a post today. I decided so. I do evening and morning fast. This should be enough to make you think again. Ah, mum is so tight in the eyes and head from the spine ... I also have to jump to buy an Inka coffee. Ah, just a moment ago, some Virus simulating Antivirus entered me. I suppose it's from the false side of the toshiba. And that browsers also have such vulnerabilities ... I just finished breathing GourAnG's breath by osho. I had a strong voice for 3-5 minutes after I finished breathing. There was no ant or energy, but that voice. Excellent! I'm changing my breathing technique to gourang. Also, for a day I didn't do anything with gerland again. The manger called me in the afternoon. Srac I, however, wanted to and went to the toilet. The moment of the flushing was fun: We talked about Lenovo laptops. During the day I did something and nothing at the same time. Before evening, I started reading mind self-control using the silva method. Ah, the feeling that knowledge comes to me so fast now. Something beautiful... I wanted to eat because of lunch. I said I won't eat anything today, but I ate tons of sweets. - 125g Tofifi - Cake - 2 apples - 6 Raphael For a while after rafaello I was doing quite well. I felt that this is what my body needs at the moment. Fresh eyes and satisfaction with the stomach. Either I don't eat sweets at all or I eat them like a pig. How to fix it? I already know: I will make some affirmations as part of building a strong, muscular body, for example: - when I feel like sweets, I limit them This could help my problem! Just like last year, when I even ate 5-7 slices for breakfast. Before going to bed, I decided to do one of the silva methods: sleep programming. For this purpose, I wrote down the self-suggestions: - body, give me a way to put the vertebrae in their place. * / I will dream such a dream, I will remember it / * Of course, during Gourang's breath. Now it's time to read last day's Chronicle entry. I have just read the entry from the previous day. Despite the large size of 9KB (I wrote it really long) it took me 3 minutes to read it. I felt great - as if my life made sense. Just like it used to be. Just like a year ago, during the summer holidays, when I started to write and read my Chronicle again. Reading and seeing what I do wrong: I write down what I did wrong, where I feel bad, where I made a mistake. And I had an idea. It's time to put affirmations where I will write down my successes, and for that to be the case, I must strive for them! - Instead of writing schizophrenic and hypochondriac analyzes, strive to record your own successes! Strong, quite strong, but I still have to work out.

czwartek, 30 maja 2013

Chronicles of Krystian Broniszewski

May 31 - Krystian Broniszewski Chronicles The day started somewhere at 5:45 am, although I woke up at about 4:00 am, despite the late meal. For the evening I wrote down affirmations that I get up 5:30. Despite the late hearty meal, as many as 4 slices, I got up well. My body and mind came only 10 minutes late. They worked faithfully to please me :) By default, I was getting ready for training, I also did some shopping. I did add some money, unfortunately. Although I have no complaints that I spent some of my money. The training was pretty good. Due to the fact that the pain did not travel so often, and yesterday I also did not plunge into my imaginations. I imagined how Ola's children would translate - where the children come from :) Warmth, sometimes the sun. Mostly cloudy, but quite warm. Before leaving, I downloaded a piece of trance mix from YouTube for 26 minutes. During training I came up with the idea to listen to newer and newer music for training. I can download some long compilations from youtube. In addition, change the end of the affirmation to: - Build (...) a strong healthy body * / by imagining this photo / * Yes, a strong, healthy body reminds me well. Better than a powerful word. Yes, at the moment better, somehow I don't want to be that powerful. I want powerful armor in a slim, healthy, athletic body and a strong body. I think mighty bad. I also modified the sequence of the warm-up: first stretching, then intuflow. And today's guarana + Inka gave me a lot of stimulation! I also came up with an idea to change the name of the Diary of my Diary. The diary is associated with something for women. And if I give the name: - Krystian Broniszewski's Chronicles - sounds better. I need to think about the name. For now he will write yes. I came home barefoot. Julka and her dad were staring at me a bit. Then I thought to answer them: I got my shoes soaked :) At home, I needed an eraser - an old-fashioned flyer to mark a broken pen. As a part of self-confidence (today a new 3-day stay) I went to look for my neighbors. I also went to the chairwoman - she found it :) I think she was happy that she could help me, because she even said that I can still come if needed :) yes, people love to help, advise something, show off! I made her a real joy and I strengthened my personality. I thought to go to M. Gajewski for this purpose, I was even ready to do it and overcome my fear, but Mrs. Gosia finally opened it. Now, for the last 1 hour I was doing a few things at home which I wrote on the blackboard. On Zajfon.pl, they completely changed the interface. It's gray, I can better program my free calling program. I even felt like it. I also called the hospital in Zakopane I also came up with such a spontaneous idea that, since I am a graphic artist, I should learn Photoshop to stimulate the Laws of the Brain as part of building a strong muscular organism. I wrote it down in my notebook with goals. With Donat I had an idea to simulate Neuroses. Take a tram for this purpose, then I can play anyone. Then I feel that she is regaining her acting personality ... Yes ... Because, after all, Neurosis - I can be angry and furious. I am proud that I have Neuroses, and so Schizophrenia - I feel like a psycho and creep. Yes, I will strive to change the Diagnosis! I am going to register for it, then buy headphones in alsen. Around 4:00 p.m., if the weather is fine, I am going to collect nettles by taking bags from Adam. Headphone cable on the back - I unscrewed this technique during training. Not only that it gives a cable from the headphones from behind the back - the stomach is better to exercise, in addition it is a discreet solution and you do not see how I carry the cable. Very nice idea;) Before dinner I went to alsen in search of headphones + donate Bargiel. There was no earphone, one single one that I really care about ... Donata probably took a vacation before the long weekend. Going, I met chimon on a bench with Bartek, zazim, and someone else. You can see they were looking at me. Moments later, Szymon wrote to me where am I going? I wonder if it had anything to do with them? I wonder what they said about me ... I was also in Malgosia. I bought 2 cabbage rolls + 2 fudges for my mother. As part of my confidence, I said that I will show you which I want to have. The lady also gave me 1 grosz. I'm thinking of going there again and giving her this one penny :) Even when I came back, I was a little irritated that my mother heated the noodles for me twice. After all, it is unhealthy - it loses its nutritional value ... Well, I ate it, although this thought remained a bit in my head. I forget about the mobilization after the meal. I do not remember whether I did it in the morning - did not ... And no ... but I did, it is written on my board. A bit late, but I did. I will do it too, almost 30 minutes after the meal. Before 5 p.m. I went to gather herbs. Before I left, Paszczak called to buy an UltraBook. I advised him on Lenovo Yoga, although, as I emphasized, I do not know much about the equipment. When I went to the mountains, sunbathing at the same time and finally found nettles, I gave up collecting them. I was attacked by a kind of wasp, then I went elsewhere but I was already tired and I did not want to collect herbs. So I returned home On my way back, I met Pania Basie - Bartek's mother. I like a super woman very much. We chatted for a while along the way. There was also a conversation about work, I was a little afraid that it would come to the topic of where I worked in my life. Then I met Dad. He suggested that I should come to the store tomorrow for Children's Day to make something for myself. At home, although I wasn't hungry, I ate a really hearty dinner. My mistake - 2 cabbage rolls - a large pie with butter - a slice of dad - cheese - egg - strawberries - apple All this in 40-60 minutes. But then I regretted it. After all, I wasn't hungry at all. Again this metlik thinks - after all I will not gain weight, on the other hand, why should I eat when I'm not hungry. In the end, when I liked it, I ate one big bigos for dinner. With a strong sense of guilt, I began to breathe and asked my body - is the combination of carbon and protein, or apples and bread harmful or healthy? I listened to the sounds of my body and found: headache where this bloody lump is. Stomach - overcrowded but no pain. Eyes moisturized. So I state: - Mixing fruit and bread is healthy and feasible - I felt like my stomach, although it is overcrowded, I am satisfied with the product - Once, 2 years ago, when I had problems with my stomach, I felt like the dinner eaten together (potatoes + sorowka + chop) are better digestible than eaten separately as I did * / one but - in my head Tombak thinks that you have to eat it all separately / * - How to get rid of it if my body says it's healthy? But my Master Tombak says otherwise? I also called the psychotronics school today. I think I talked to the director himself. I made an appointment with him on Tuesday. Until then, I have to complete the application form and prepare the documents. I just finished meditating recently. I applied - Traffic jams - KEY MATTER! - SoundHealing - WFM up-down - Vibrating chair These 4 elements introduced me to an interesting meditative relaxation. When there was some strange sensation from the spine, I didn't care about it. I was quite relaxed. It was pleasant in all of this. And again today I didn't do anything with Gerland and I probably won't do anything anymore :) He also wrote a guest on the offer. He had some degree programs to pass for college. I'm supposed to do it. I gave him a fairly large price because PLN 369 but I wrote that I would do it to him in one day. I thought that the others would probably be screwed up and the guest would come to me the day before, but ... He called in twice :) I offered him what he expected - time! Plus a satisfaction guarantee, although the price is cosmic, it tempted him. He reduced to 250 PLN. Now I have to consider whether to cooperate with him. Now, after this 1 hour of meditation, I feel that I have eaten a really great meal and my body is happy. Although Tombak's thoughts about a separate diet are still in my head, I feel that the fruit goes well with the bread, apart from the fact that I was stuffed that evening like a pig. Cramp after this meditation, I feel extremely calm and composed.

środa, 29 maja 2013


May 30 - BozeCialo Night after the tram. I woke up a bit before 4:00, somewhere like 3:35 by eye. I got up for a moment, wrote my coffee and wondered what to do. But I went to sleep again, this time on my stomach. Sleeping on my back is getting better and better since I modified the position of the pillow. Then I woke up around 7:00 but it was raining a little, then even harder. So the weather was not suitable for training. I breathed, then around 9:00 am I ate breakfast. 3 slices - I increased this limit to build muscle mass. After 11:00 I went to training. For training, I actually ate guarane - just raw, without brewing. I had a lot of energy. Before that, I was looking for some ambient music, but I didn't find it. During training I met a few years old Kube. He told the children a lot of fairy tales :-) I had that too, probably at his age :) The training was really great - a lot of energy, a lot of power. I exercised in black pants and a T-shirt which gave me confidence. Then I downloaded them. After training and before lunch, I measured my biceps. Only 35cm less. I felt very soft in my biceps. I don't know if my biceps are unstretched ... I think I need to stretch my biceps. And that's it. I want to do nothing. I don't want to work on Gerland's website. I don't feel like fucking ... I don't feel like it. Such a "do nothing" life is now the best for me ... But something, I guess I have to. I have no choice. Between 3:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. I slept on my stomach. I slept quite nicely under the folder. I have already mastered the technique of sleeping on the stomach. Then I did over the page. Despite my modest graphic skills, I came up with a fantastic logo. I'm proud of myself. I've been doing all this for a long time ... Late dinner. Az 4 slices. However, with this amount, provoking affirmations, I feel how it can build a strong body, a powerful musculature, a strong body.

wtorek, 28 maja 2013

Hania (3)

May 29 - Hania There was also quite a lot going on today. Really much. I did not write the diary on a regular basis because I simply did not have time for it. Let's start: So I woke up quite early in the morning, well rested and rested. I slept almost nonstop on my back, maybe that's why this was the effect, despite the fact that the day before I ate a lot for dinner. Light preparations for the new day and around 6:30 am I started to pick up the herbs. I was especially concerned about the nettle. is the end of Maja and I wanted to get it. As part of self-confidence and building a muscular body, I went to Adaś to take 3 fresh bags. I think and I do it in order to build a muscular body broke my slight fear. I felt great with it. Going up along the motley, I saw Darek who was probably walking in the company of some nurses From 7:00 am it was really warm, although the morning was quite cold and I was still after a cold. After 7:00 am I already took off my shirt, put on short shorts and walked up the mountains. I met an old man who was also shirtless so early. I was also still worried about the spine - instructions from the purr to save my right arm. The walk was quite long when I got a lot of horsetail. Then going down I went to see how Kaja and Strasko were doing. Kaja is a bit low, but the leaves sprouted, I couldn't find it. I also wanted to pick up the nettles later, but somehow I was afraid and I didn't. So I transferred it to another day. I was going down, fearing for the spine, because in one hand a bag, in the other a sweatshirt + herbs. When I went downstairs, I went to the playground to stretch my spine. Wonderfully crunchy circles, I felt relaxed. And home. There was no one, during this time I was thinking whether I was eating breakfast. Yesterday I ate so much for dinner. I missed breakfast: I drank the juice, ate a few bad champions' apples, which made my stomach ache. I laughed that no one was home. I quickly prepared Marcin 7 visions of the website so that I was doing something there. I was also going to make a laptop and partition Tomek. I lied that I did it because I was really just starting out. Yesterday I said that such an operation would take me about 1 hour. I also have to value my skills, which is why I said so. In the meantime, I was wrong, I prepared my laptop, Russian dumplings and Tom came to pick me up at 12.30 at Adam's place. We went to the office together. With Grzegorz, we agreed on a new look for page 2 - without this blue border. Besides, he told me how the catalogs should look like. I noticed he has a Cool black KIE. Great car. I set up something else for Tomek on the laptop. It couldn't read .pdf files so I installed FoxitReader. I feel like a computer specialist here. It's good that I took the pillow, it calmed me down about the spine and tailbone. In addition, I also set up a printer. I dressed well, hairstyle, black appearance gave me confidence. When we finished making arrangements, Marcin drove me back. I had to go upstairs confidently tell a guy to repark the truck because we couldn't leave. Tom slightly hooked the fender on the gutter, but luckily nothing serious happened. I was in a hurry at 2 p.m. because I had an appointment with this fairy Hania. Tomek could see that he was in a hurry and every now and then we had some obstacles on the way :) I missed the interview, but Hania was not upset. Nice old woman. I still had a thought if she wasn't reading my mind now. I did not get an answer to my questions but wrote down her things. What captivated me was that her son committed suicide six months ago because he was labeled a mentally ill person. FUCKING DOCTORS !!! I really wanted to end this conversation asap. She said that I should treat my family not as a brake, but as a bar for my growth. But I don't want to grow anymore. I just want to survive in peace. In her opinion, it would be good if she did not quit her current job at the present stage of her life. Although I don't want to work. I want to do nothing. And by doing nothing, I mean not to worry about expenses, receive a decent retirement due to mental illness, travel and do whatever I want. To live alone, feel free as a man. It would give me joy in life! :) I also talked a lot about this subject. After the conversation, I ate dinner, and at the same time it wanted to shit me. First, I was able to shake myself off because when I ate these delicious dumplings I had a stomachache. But the breaths eased it quickly. I also had to clean the house. Somehow I only started around 17 when my mother came in. The last few days had been quite quiet on her part, but now there was an argument. I cleaned it up, but I was angry with myself again that I couldn't tell her. I couldn't and in addition I fell into a slightly depressed mood. So I took the tram. As I watched, I did not take almost 12-13 days of this remedy. And after the tram, when I went to training, I felt like a young God again. I felt outspoken, my thoughts were full of sharp retorts. I felt I could do anything. I wrote down to look for natural methods of stimulating serotonin and adrenaline. Maybe testosterone too. Tramal is a miracle medicine. I did training in black pants and a black T-shirt. In this outfit, I felt confident! After training, after 9 p.m., I ate dinner. I don't think there was any feeling of garlic due to the fact that I ate the garlic at the very beginning and then 3 sandwiches. It might be late for dinner, but I was quite hungry. In addition, I increased my breakfast and dinner slices to 3. I have a feeling that I am still lean and decided to increase my food to build a strong body. I do not know if the effect of the tram is still holding. I have the impression that it has stopped working for 30 minutes. But we will see. I have planned to listen to Hotara's music for the evening. Ah, end of the day and Tramal. Tramal is a great tool. I promised myself that I would use it next time for Donata Bargiel to make myself feel more confident and convince her to my opinion.

First freestyle youutube