piątek, 31 sierpnia 2012
As if you could say - I missed writing my diary once again. Sleepiness, laziness. I did not want to write terribly.
In the morning, while at the same time, I met a woman who asked me why I walk barefoot on stones. I told her about the health benefits of water, herbs, stones, and horsetail. I felt very appreciated and happy and I could help her in some way :) Then a man joined the conversation. He talked about his daughter who sang and appeared in many shows, including IDOL. Her face swelled terribly, where doctors could not determine the cause.
As always lazy during the day. I almost finished listening to the rebirth of the phoenix.
I feel stronger and stronger thanks to the power of herbs :)
I learned today and it is worth going out to people and helping them :)
I also talked to Kaja in the evening about how she broke up with her boyfriend. She said she felt weird now.
Climbing compared to my life situation. In the end I got to the top and then only gully.
In the evening and in the afternoon I watched porn. Interestingly, I did not masturbate, I practiced endurance.
Again, I didn't feel like anything.
But the push-up rails came today, but they stinked terribly.
I have finished reading The Rebirth of the Phoenix by Nicodemus Marshal.
Today workers have come to do with the radiators.
I was breathing a lot too. I felt great. So hydrated. They finally cracked the muck in their mouth and they bleed heavily, but they come back again. What is this? Maybe it's from the spine? I do not know.
I also tested Nicodemus Marshal's CSS meditations to stay motionless for 30 minutes.
I also listened to the diary from May and June last year. Today I look at myself how much richer I am in new life experiences. It's amazing how much I learned, how much I got to know myself, what I discovered. How the acquired knowledge allowed me to rebuild muscle mass in a short time.
What I learned today: use music to read books and diary. Music is a wonderful medicine as I have already mentioned before.
czwartek, 30 sierpnia 2012
Peak of Opportunities
Wake up 4:00 total insomnia. I meditated in the intention that the expedition would not take place, I even created a special notebook which I called deathNote.
Romek came for me, we went for Bartek and Olge and to beech wood.
The expedition only made me feel like I didn't want to walk, but I did. I even climbed sharp rocks. I was very afraid that something would happen to me, both my life, my tailbone and my health.
Today, however, when I look at the photos from the expedition, I think it's really worth it. It was a fantastic trophy. I don't want to write the details of the Expedition.
In the evening, Kaja wrote and broke up with her boyfriend and is in despair.
środa, 29 sierpnia 2012
Meditative Affirmation
Yesterday was written with a delay
Just write a few things
Meditative Affirmation - I did it more or less like this, making the affirmations "tomorrow I am having a pleasant trip down the hill" while meditating at the same time.
The meditation does not flare when read from the book Rebirth of the Phoenix
In your mind, say the word "I like you" to the interlocutor in order to have better contact with him.
I couldn't sleep at night. I meditated, I even set up my own Death Note. In the morning 4:00 a.m. wake up after a sleepless night. The rest in a moment.
poniedziałek, 27 sierpnia 2012
After the shock
I feel great
The breaths took the matter out fantastically. I do not know if it was the acceptance of feelings or their suppression, but it was not. Maybe acceptance, because my body needed more oxygen in this state. Wow, 15 min was enough.
In the morning I checked the email from arletta. I was wondering what the cards will do. As he says: The cards indicate that Kaja still has feelings for me and it is worth fighting for. And the fact that the other man is interested is due to the lack of contact, I neglected the contact.
I got up today exceptionally early. I think even 6 and I went to exercise. I came up with the idea that I can practice push-ups on the handrails that I ordered today. Likewise, triceps. I did a full training session with two warm-ups and breathing.
Today I talked with Rafal. I made an appointment with him on September 3. A moment later Roman called. I made an appointment with him in advance on Wednesday with Bartek and his girlfriend. There will be great company :)
Besides, what happened today. Darek came, I gave him the ring, he was amazed at my progress in walking.
I guess that's it. I did not write to Kaja. Somehow I didn't feel the need.
What I learned today: probably nothing.
The affirmation for today was: I am a user of my mind full of love :)
niedziela, 26 sierpnia 2012
Morning only Stretching. I missed training because of a lot of soreness.
I met Kube the hare. We had a nice time together while walking.
I didn't do anything special in the afternoon. I was a bit fascinated by looking for the GetElementsByTagName function ...
But that's the ass of it
Kaja just wrote that she has another ... She gets to know her friend better. So who I was all this time, those sweet letters and texts. Well, I'm not without blame either. However, I believe that only something good will come out of this situation
The affirmation for today was: my heart beats with the rhythm of love ...
After writing the diary, I followed suit. I was breathing very deeply only 4 steps. After many breaths, the stress of losing a loved one was almost abolished. Breathing is brilliant !!! I found quite a lot of metal gothic music.
For a moment I felt something like this: I have to take a hand, I have to start changing something in my life, I have to start earning money to regain it. My breaths, however, made me reluctant to regain it. I relieved the tension. Weird...
I also saw a guy who was running and meditating. He irritated me, I wanted to go over and ask him if he was meditating but I didn't have the courage. Pity...
I met Bartek Ose and Roman. We had a great time. I like them very much. Bartek has a great girlfriend, very nice and nice with character.
Today I have learned to overcome a very strong psychological shock. Perfectly leveling.
sobota, 25 sierpnia 2012
Yes, words can hurt, hurt a lot, destroy and even kill. They have so much power. I have found out about it, more than once poisoned by the words of my own father, my own mother, on that day when an unknown state triggered me by Markiewicz.
I never blamed my father for that. I understood him that my mother despises him, ignores him, does not love him. I understood, but from the moment I started getting sick I hate him. Words can even kill.
Today I had an argument with my mother about the vacuum cleaner. In this panic I had to take some drops to calm me down. Surprisingly, they helped me a lot. I took about 30 drops. Brilliantly calms down, in case of problems I will have my weapon. Accepting the state, pain - it doesn't work for me. Let's compare our condition from December - by not taking drugs, I have brought myself to a beautiful state.
Then he quarrels over drugs. It took my good talk, although I tried to grunt something: you better be careful because I can take a noose, hang myself and then people just think about you !!!
Besides, in the morning I did Streatching + exercises. After a thorough analysis of all the exercises, it seems to me that I can do all of them in the field by changing push-ups on the chairs to the usual push-ups :) I have also written all the stretching exercises that I am able to do.
I also learned how useful brain wave vibration is for the feet. It took away all the stress in the body. First a few relaxing kivans to the sides, then very long feet. It was like a hydroxyzine injection in the Dietl hospital.
I forget about the music for the diary again, which makes me not want to write it, I will turn it on in a moment.
It's better now. PyroZone's madtracker music is brilliant electronic music. The mother feels stress again.
I repeated the affirmations: I believe that only something good will come out of this situation. I created negative situations in my life myself. The negative situation is there to meet the inner need. What is the inner need - love?
I also read the rebirth of the Phoenix today. A really interesting audiobook. I found out about outstanding people, how the author had passed with the wind to 32 publishers with her book. Nobody wanted her. And yet she finally found the publisher of the book that found something in it that the others did not find. The filming of the film became the greatest cinematic hit of the 20th century, and the novel became a bestseller. Einstein was one of the worst students in school, and today he is recognized as the greatest mind of all time.
I also believe in myself. I believe that I am physically ill, my mental problems persistent a long time ago. And I hope the strong truth destroys the lie and I will eventually find a doctor to cure me.
Today I learned a lot.
PS I would like to forget I had a moment of slight euphoria after alcohol.
Music for the diary makes me really want to write.
piątek, 24 sierpnia 2012
Morning wake up at 6:30, however, I did not perform any affirmation or prayer. Weight below 74 kg, some 73.7 kg. Brilliant
In the morning I resumed my physical exercises in the park. I felt great after stretching, I got to know my great exercises that could replace yoga or brain wave vibrations. I felt so fascinated again :) I did half of the training, then I went to the last treatments. I did not sunbathe due to cloudy weather.
Recently, however, I have noticed I have a very low self-esteem. When, however, I wrote something in my notebook or programmed and came up with something new, I felt better again and I came up with something new :)
Throughout the day - I stretched a lot, read this book, completed my training book. I met a guy who accosted me and asked where I was from. So I'm wondering now if he was with the police. He said he would go to dr. Zbigniew, ask for a prescription and sell it on the black market. Suspicious for me ...
In the evening I was carrying jars with a hammer. In the afternoon I finished my training. Drugs in a moment. I hate them. Yes, I would like to contact Rafael, get the answers to my questions ...
Today I learned to stretch.
I am a sect leader ...
czwartek, 23 sierpnia 2012
Hormonal Panel
Hormonal Panel - because this is today's title ...
I was hypnotizing Adrian on skype. Anyway, we already talked yesterday about how much he would like to control the hormones in his body. Despite a slight lack of self-confidence, I managed :) Adrian was able to control his hormones in the body after hypnosis.
I put him in a trance with the Mozgu Wave Vibration method for the hips. During the first trance, your subconscious mind explained exactly how to make it all go well. In the second trance, only from gorka:
The subconscious asked to imagine the extreme situations for these states with the testosterone and insulin sliders. For maximum testosterone, I asked him to imagine Arnold Schwarzeneger - strong and powerful. He said he was really powerful. And for the lower end, a poor woman. I even managed to anchor it all. The whole conversation lasted from 11am to 2pm and I was proud of myself that I was able to do all of this.
Besides, I read a little book - strength training without equipment. I plan to start this training tomorrow in the morning :).
What I learned today: Create a hormone panel during hypnosis.
środa, 22 sierpnia 2012
Rheumatoid Rafal
Rheumatoid Rafal
In the morning, Rafal, a conversation about what was in the hospital, a girl you loved, a conversation about good and bad feelings, treatments, Kaja can't swim because she is afraid of low sugar, Rheumatologist lies that the drug is working - my mistake, I guess.
Coming home, sleepy ...
In the morning I went to Rafal. I missed him 3 minutes. We talked about what happened in the hospital on Skawinska Street, about "a girl I supposedly loved" - as he put it. I wonder what he meant. He's a great psychologist, could he make me feel? He also explained to me that there are no good and bad feelings. Now I also agree with him, it's just like good and bad don't exist. I almost wanted to cry when I was talking about the Skawinska street, but I couldn't cry.
Then I went for treatments. Somehow at that time I got a text message from Kaji why I can't swim: I'm afraid of too low sugar ...
I went to the Rheumatologist. I was afraid of not accepting me today, fortunately, while searching the photos, I found a note with the date of my visit. I have an appointment today :) I am also glad that while writing this diary I am returning more vocabulary.
I took the bus and before 12 I was at the clinic. Fear again - I wore heavy denim pants and a blue shirt. But somehow it was, I didn't even have to repeat my learned self-suggestion.
I was registered, accepted - unfortunately I lied that the drug helped me. It seems to me that it has resulted in the fact that he will not look for another disease, although I have continued to say about the wandering pains ... But maybe he will diagnose me. Well, a man learns all his life from mistakes ...
Coming home, awful sleepy, nothing more important happened during the day. I decided to work on only one affirmation: life itself loves me, nourishes me and supports me. It's safe to live ...
What I learned today: always tell the truth, be honest.
Training without equipment
In the morning treatments, sunbathing - great, buying a frame and notebook and meeting Raphael again. Rewriting notes and getting fascinated by it. I enjoy praising myself.
poniedziałek, 20 sierpnia 2012
Morning as standard, treatments, then a long time I sunbathed near the police, because I was accosted by this drunk and I did not want to see him. I chatted with him for a while
You will not be back home until around 10:30.
Then I did two game hacks for a day, bought a dream healing book - finally money came to my account. I sent the ionizer and the book. On my way back, I met Patrick - we talked for a long time. We practiced together. I noticed that pulling up with series of 5 series I feel amazing muscles. Maybe that's the key !!! Doing Exercises in series !!!
He also mentioned that I should take care of my grandfather - he was right. Haven't seen him for a long time. Maybe I'll surprise him one day. He also showed me how to properly do push-ups. Plus, we talked about drugs, exercise, and a lot of stuff related to doping and bodybuilding. We're just cheating the body.
Today I called dr. Zarowski. I said goodbye to him. What a relief, finally this stress does not bother me. I was glad when I settled this matter, you can say I breathed a sigh of relief, I also managed to buy a book today and return the books and an ionizer.
After lunch, I was in the mountains. I must have worn out all my muscles. Come home, something to drink, now I want to finish reading osho books. I'm terribly tired. I guess I'm going too.
niedziela, 19 sierpnia 2012
Morning sleep until 9:00. What was good about eating ice cream yesterday? I found out on my body how big a mistake it is to eat ice cream for the night, or to eat ice cream at night, especially sweetness. How the body was poisoned by toxins after eating ice cream.
Over the day - I wrote one hack, pasted an ad on my website. I have played a lot of tetris
The relaxation of nodding my head calmed me down a lot and gave me even more motivation to work.
Today I made an appointment with a chick to watch movies, but somehow I don't want to go to him.
Mateusz came up with the idea of a "magnet link generator". I suggested that I also write something like that.
I also started taking notes that I didn't finish regarding whether it was possible to live 150 years.
I resumed my prayers and affirmations. Only one thing affirms: life itself loves me, nourishes me and supports me. I'm safe.
15 errors that kill a compound:
You are attracted by unreachable people
You are greedy
You are inclined to dramatize
You are involved in previous relationships
Negative attitude
You are too powerful and demanding
You have friends who limit you
You are only interested in non-binding sex
You prefer practicing rather than romance
You are disorganized
You prefer to work rather than romance
You can't say NO "
You have a problem with your ex-partners
You have possessive parents
You don't care about your appearance or health
sobota, 18 sierpnia 2012
Feels Cancer
Fast and rested, I got up in the morning. I made herbs, but not exercised. I went out too. Then sunbathe. The weather was amazingly beautiful. The sun makes her feel much better. Vitamin D works great miracles.
Perhaps it is good to voluntarily put myself in a psychiatric hospital. They are looking for nothing else in me so I can continue to discover myself :)
Coming home, I wrote practically no hack for the day. I've played a lot of Tetris, found a better crack. You will laugh at the game;)
I was about 5 in the mountains. Excellent condition.
I read an article this morning about the starving men how the guy did a 21 day fast. It made me believe in this method again. Now I have worked out my body better, I am more resistant to stress, whenever there is an opportunity, you will have to try this method again :) During the fast you should exercise, move, keep a good mental condition. Drink lots of water. Then it works best. I read the article in the program I created
For tomorrow I made an appointment with szymon for a movie
I wrote the diary exceptionally earlier thanks to which I feel that I have more time for myself. And the weather was fine today.
My name is guilty
My name is guilty, morning treatments, aunt 6.00, new post and more and more views, Osho seven human bodies, Kaja discussion about guilt via SMS
What I learned that day - reading interesting books is extremely fun !!!
Sen Monika Friday and sex with her - baking of the sexual organs. Maybe you should be careful to protect yourself from intercourse, take care of your sexual organs ...
Sleep Cyst and second pulmonary
czwartek, 16 sierpnia 2012
5:00 wake up from the alarm clock. Earlier I couldn't sleep, nervous tension, I felt a little hungry, stress related to hunger so I went to eat an apple. It helped. I abolished the nervous tension with one of the yoga exercises similar to the chest vibration exercises.
I made a mistake, I went on foot to cornflower. In the morning I only ate breakfast.
I practically fasted for the day. Now I feel this has given me an amazing improvement in health !!! Feet do not hurt, eyes are tearing, niesetty returned to me old habits of tearing. I also felt intestinal contraction and I wanted orange juice. Amazing starvation, although she was in a smeirdzacym bus, I have the impression that it helped. And I also used NAC as a support, you can say that it replaced lemon juice and cleansed the body of toxins.
Returning to Kaja - she dressed beautifully today. Fantastic feather earrings. I didn't even get to tell her all this.
It failed, we did not have the courage to talk about what we should talk about. We talked about other, incidental, less important things. I only managed to hug her in the gallery, I did not have the courage to do anything more - I have a boyfriend. I don't want to destroy her life, her relationship. On the other hand, if I don't look, I'm the other one ...
Lack of time, little time, too hurried meeting meant that I did not have time to talk to her about it.
I borrowed 10 PLN from Kaja because I missed it. I bought a ticket only to Krakow. I was afraid of what would happen, luckily, by eliminating negative thoughts, I managed to reach Repair where there was an accident. From there I went on foot, then a woman gave me a lift to the rabka where my father came. I ate dinner, nice homely atmosphere - something unbelievable. I also stuffed myself with dinner and other delicacies. I also went to read the tombac book.
What I have learned today: to control the hunger, to control it, to understand its beneficial effects.
środa, 15 sierpnia 2012
Tuesday (2)
Probably nothing concrete happened. I spent the day without a laptop, the weather was terrible and I really wanted to sleep.
I wanted to borrow a USB flash drive, unfortunately, I couldn't find it anywhere at home.
I made an appointment with a kaja, I tried various ways to get money. I did not work anything due to the lack of a laptop. I decided that in the morning I will not be wrong, due to the large water costs and a large lack of time. Now I'm going to wash up, it's 10:30 and it's time to optimize all of this.
poniedziałek, 13 sierpnia 2012
It is your choice
Pododka at 6:00 am. In fact, I woke up well earlier and couldn't sleep anymore.
I went on too. Every now and then I have bumps on my foot. At one point, I really wanted to shit. Luckily, I went to the toilet in the spa town of Rabka. Interestingly, somewhere along the way, Rafal saw me about or we talked about later.
Today we talked about such things: it is my choice whether I want to be calm or not. He showed me success charts. I don't remember their name anymore, but the point was, the more you want to get to your goal quickly, the more your motivation drops. However, if you simply do a given thing, the success comes with greater and greater success.
My constant laugh also made me realize. I am afraid to talk about myself, about my feelings, I avoid difficult matters. I kill it with a laugh. Until I was sad when I realized it
Late afternoon - departure to �arowski - the guy took my hopes away again. According to the arlet, I could easily change my doctor today. However, I chickened out. I put it on hold for later. Zarowski signed the documents for me. The more he talks about some kind of psychosis, the worse he gets. He will change the doctor by phone in a few days. It will be easier this way. I have signed documents on ZUS, besides, I recorded the entire conversation. He also drew my dad's attention to the herbs, breaking medical secrets as usual! What pisses me off now !!!
Bot Request: Unique YT Impressions, Mass Facebook Account Creation and Likes, and Mass Commenting.
niedziela, 12 sierpnia 2012
Better Herbs
Now they are playing under the mushroom and I will write my diary.
Sunday morning, sleep until 9:00. I didn't want to exercise. I abstained with affirmations for the time being.
I made herbs in a different way. after 15 minutes of brewing knotweed and giving herbs bonifrats, I gave them so that they burned while cooking. Thanks to this, the coffee grounds have fallen to the bottom and I have a better brew. Two minutes of course, maybe three.
I kept writing hacks to facebook and others ...
Nothing special happened.
Have I learned anything: maybe I have learned to make herbs better. I was also maniacally doing WFM to the rhythm of Madtracker's music
PS I just watched an episode of dr. House. It made me remember my good talk. I told my mother: yes, we're going to sleep - lulu because tomorrow is a beautiful new day!
sobota, 11 sierpnia 2012
3 dreams
First dream:
Hide the drugs from Daddy. That's what I did. I hid them in the herbs of Bonifrat.
Second dream:
Dirty Uncle Staszek who lay down in my bed. He was masturbating and he had a huge ejaculation that almost shot at me from a distance. A disgusting dream. What could that mean? The first dream.
What happened yesterday. I was still writing hacks, this time a facebook hack for my blog. Tired, I went to a dirty sleep. Maybe that's why I had such a strange dream.
Kaja wrote that we are losing contact again.
piątek, 10 sierpnia 2012
Could theSect
My name is Krystian Broniszewski, I am the leader of a sect because I learn and work on my skills every week, every month!
Madtracker2 and PyroZone's music - I'm listening to it right now. I also listened to her yesterday. Brilliant electronic music. Yesterday I did a bit of a hard time finding converterea to mp3, but my efforts were wasted.
This is what I think: how this world is perfectly filled with a lie. Just taking into account my disease and modern medicine. Even doctors believe in diseases such as schizophrenia and neurosis. Patients believe it because it says so, because psychotropic drugs treat only the symptom of this disease - only pain. But if you don't destroy the cause of the pain or disease, it will appear elsewhere! Zarowski is a deep believer in schizophrenia and neurosis because that's how he was taught. He was taught a lie. And although he is a good doctor and a great man, I cannot trust him. For the whole world is built on a lie! And because of all this, the whole world is falling apart, the whole world is going to destruction.
Where is the truth I ask? Maybe hidden somewhere in this pile of lies. I believe deeply that the truth is hidden in simple things, you have to change and believe that this simple way of thinking gives you happiness, wealth, justice and the discovery of the truth! Psychologists, even if they want help, do not understand ... They also studied modern medicine, which is built on a lie
I wonder who built it all this way. Who created this mask of lies? Maybe all of us? People lie like Dr. House used to say. I think so. I wonder how live those who know the truth. And the truth, as Osho says, is hidden in Meditation.
For several days, since Rafal taught me a simple relaxation method, 10-10 treats it as a cigarette break. Thanks to this, I am much calmer and better adhere to my activities and duties. Relaxing helps me clean up the mess.
at 4:20 pm I had an appointment with Monika. We were supposed to go to the village behind Sucha Beskidzka, the church where healings are allegedly taking place.
We went by bus, with her uncle, aunt from the church. There I met Adam Paternoge and his family as well as Mrs. Dziub from Mathematics.
I took advantage of the prayer that Agnieszka recommended to me. Then the Holy Mass. In the meantime, Monika and I visited this beautiful area and I was taking pictures of it. What stuck in my head was the priest saying 3 things about me: I feel that there is a person who has intrusive thoughts, I feel that there is a person with a brain tumor on the left side behind the ear, something else with a spine, but that was probably not my thing. Everyone prayed and believed that they would be healed.
I was wondering how the priest knew about this? From where? On the way back, I thought: maybe those shepherds who prayed over us then passed this information on to the priest. That would be a valid theory.
This intrigues me, that's why I will be going there in a month. I have to check it, I have to be sure, I have to check it carefully !!!
czwartek, 9 sierpnia 2012
How much has happened until I do not want to write everything, therefore I will write very briefly:
On Monday, August 6th, my mother and I went to Nowy Targ invited by aunt Marta. We entered Fuss for the first time in Nowy Targ. Dad asked me to try on new T-shirts. They were nice, although I did not want to go there because of Jada !!!
Then my mother and I went to the MOK in the new market. Auntie from patrycja arrived. We visited a pub. Although we really didn't want to eat, our aunt forced food on us anyway. I wonder if she made it and she is fat and wants to fatten all the skinny around or if it's her kind of hospitality.
After that, the restaurant took us to the apartment with Patrycja and Dominik. Pretty nice apartment, clean and tidy. We watched a movie about Smugglers in the series "difficult matters". He talked about a woman who hoarded unnecessary things until she littered the whole apartment.
In the evening there was a movie called "Recruit". He talked about people admitted to CSI, the way they were trained, how to recognize a lie, how to curl ... etc ... I felt tiny with them. Watching this movie made me feel very little about my own personality. These people were brilliant compared to me. Athletic, intelligent, they could do a lot.
Later, when they arrived, I found out that "my mother married a goldsmith and she had a hard life". I suppose it was about my dad.
At night we were teased by the villagers through the window. They did not sleep. Mom went to pay them attention. Until I believed me, I did not want what kind of mother was with them. She spoke such a squeaky voice that you wanted to tease her even more. How is it possible that she fucked us so hard all her life and did nothing to them? I wanted to stand up for my mother, go out there and fight. One problem - health. Or even two - I can't fight properly. Fear would destroy me.
The next day my heart ached terribly. We visited a museum, then a castle. But before we did, we visited Peter with whom I became friends afterwards. My heart ached terribly. My aunt gave me food every now and then - sweets of course. I couldn't watch them poison themselves. I am ahead on these issues with my life experience. There was a great blonde in the castle, that's just great.
After the castle we went to Peter. I promised him help with the computer, unfortunately he failed. And again a lack of assertiveness. Peter invited me to his place to the festival, but on average I wanted to go to this festival. I could have said: you know, I don't like festivals (I'd be honest), but if you're in a new market, then maybe we'll agree and bring this computer. We agree in some place and I will try to fix this computer for you.
After peter come back to their apartment, eat, talk about sailor ass. Literally, country talk about sailor ass. And finally coming home. I felt so bad
But I prayed and I experience this moment as well as a gift. I experience what I once experienced for a year - sick with almost complete insomnia. Thanks to this, I appreciated even more what I gained.
The next day, ie yesterday, nothing special happened. Monika and Agnieszka invited me to Mass on Friday. I agreed. It will cost me PLN 20
What I learned today: I appreciated that I was sleeping again. That I can be like a battery according to Michael Tombak's book that will work even harder !!!
poniedziałek, 6 sierpnia 2012
Klotnia na tezni with a woman in the morning - analyzed.
Baba crashed into my shoes, which were folded down. She started talking and talking and talking. It wasn't some terrible aggression. I was silent and she was talking, which I guess was even more annoying. In this silence I also cooked, but only lightly.
I came up with a retort: Maybe the police will still call you because of the nicely placed shoes: D: D But then nothing came to my mind. I was just silent. But I wasn't cooking that much. This is a good technique
Let the woman talk and I will answer one big cutie. This is just brilliant! I'd get the support of the crowd.
Today, Rafal Pawlik taught me the relaxation technique. Counting the breath to the 10th time has slowed down again. The watch irritated me. I was just watching. He too is probably a follower of the observation of his own body.
sobota, 4 sierpnia 2012
Again, I terribly did not want to write.
Yesterday I panicked about the stops. I practiced a little vibration of the brain waves on the chair when there was a terrible storm. Mom went to gossip with Mrs. Basia. I'm terribly curious about what they could talk about? Could it be about me?
Out of this panic, I went to bed in time, then when the hotar was sending its healing energy.
In the evening I watched the dexter. But great ...
Throughout the day I wrote miniWebBrowser for UniBot. The function of clicking on the area and sending the text works. So the most important bot functions. You will also need to write text reading functions for some variable. I wonder if the option to download all variables is useful ... maybe it will be useful ... not and maybe we'll better interpret the html code ... Everything will turn out.
What I learned that day: the storm is pleasant. Time to go back to the risers. Besides, when my mom tells me something unpleasant, I can use the dexter technique
czwartek, 2 sierpnia 2012
Tumors of the Foot
Ah, fear again, for more ailments appeared. Bumps on the back of the foot where the tip of the shoe above the heel is located.
That fear again ...
In the morning I talked to Kaj�, I tried to work but I did a million things at once. I didn't go anywhere except my morning training
What I learned today: not to remove the tumor. It is a defense of an organism that has arisen for a reason.
During the day, compared to the previous one, I did everything and nothing on the computer. But I still think about pain. and yesterday I had so much enthusiasm ...
Posty (Atom)
February 24/25 after November 22nd, but as usual, I didn't clean the apartment, unfortunately, although I'll wait until I'll ...
January 2 and now it's high time to write a new entry from January 2nd. fuck me. fuck me. How in this prison I still feel so dirty, t...
December 9 - Today 2 dreams around 6:00. Holes as in the matrix (I wrote so, but I don't remember what's going on anymore). Rafal...