środa, 30 października 2013


October 30 - new_biuro_skroty New office - I have my own desk, with Marcin in one room, but what a nice feeling today to go with Jarkey to the ladybug, to be alone, clean up, something new - a beautiful feeling! Eating yesterday's pizza - breaking the fear of an old dirty meal. Microwave. Re-energizing. Cool. Own refrigerator, hosts room. COOL! However, I have expectations, did not my expectations lead me astray despite my affirmation to this critical situation? As it usually happens in life? Although as for my own desk, I did not have the expectations and I have a nice nice desk with a comfortable armchair :) 2 days ago I tested a death note made for a good start in a red frame which I hate. However, a good start. I wrote affirmations about Banner tgs for grzegorz do bralchotrapezu. He likes it, but without the glowing brure. I have to put a new affirmation here, such as: his wife convinces him, all his friends convince him, Marcin, Jarek, and Skawski is impressed ... Wow, it will be a beautiful affirmation :) I was just training today in the morning. Later I went to training. No stress, fear or guilt. Awesome, really great! I did not feel fear when I was going to work, and it took me 10 minutes to get to the new office via N� :) But shame, the boss arrived a moment ago and I slept: D Today I am learning more keyboard shortcuts for Chrome + Totalcmd F5 - known copying in totalcmd alt + arrows - back and forth in the browser. Only in this fucking Toshiba I don't have a left arrow (damaged) backspace - I use chrome as back backspace - also works with totalcommander ctrl + w - closes the active totalcmd / chrome tab. All in all, ps also ctrl + tab - my recent discovery. quick tab change. Also ps, totalcmd, chrome NEXT DAY After work meditation banner tgs. I had all sorts of ideas about the tgs banner. How honestly and convincingly he convinced Grzegorz to his opinion, while some persuasive tricks came automatically then. Maybe it was like a state of love. At the same time, I practiced and visualized it all. Grzegorz took my vacuum cleaner back in the evening. But he was kind of overtaken by it. In the evening 17:30 after work. Stupid, really stupid vacuum cleaner treated extremely seriously: D Before 20 I was exercising - as if it was a relaxing training. Then even after 20. Then until midnight and even longer sat in front of the PC. I had nice positive ideas about the work. I was sitting long in front of Toshiba, I was staring at my notebook, I made new interesting affirmations that I liked very much about the work. I enjoyed the moment as if I was enjoying a moment of meditation. As if I would like to devote myself to this work, to be strengthened by it! The newly placed affirmations were really cool, very much in tune with me. It benefits everyone. Visualizations as well. I enjoyed them. They were beautiful.

wtorek, 29 października 2013

wfm-tb-branded slippers

October 28 - wfm-tb-branded Slippers today on radio Krakow about the work of a freelancer and a little about work in the office. I recall a certain guy coming in earlier to leave later. I have something similar, but later I come and then I leave. Disabled student status - radio Krakow? ECR CONCEPT: Strength and speed at the same time (?) - ... but how (?) CONCEPT: Higher mental activity and performance for work? for tgs? CONCEPT: Large amounts / excess of food is like an overdose of a drug (?) Hence such a huge hyperactivity (?) Wogole in the office I had a nice joke with Jarek and Marcin when redirecting the account to Allegro: D markoweKapcie.pl: D IDEA: After a meal at the edge of the bed, WFM-TB satisfies the urge to reach for another meal. It allows you to draw more energy and power!


October 29 - fizyczna_praca // speed overcomes fear CONCEPT: ImageStreaming cw wiz ECR That day, physical work in the old office. Move. I have experienced a taste of what a chimek has on a daily basis. It's better to work in a place (I wanted to work physically) but I felt like walls. After that, I talked to chim on this topic. No fear when facing a neighbor in the morning. I took off my shoes, and I walked on stones at the same time. I was preparing a staple retort in my head. CONCEPT: TRAINING: While using creatine, the ecr levels were probably at the highest and the body was recovering quickly. TRAINING: Stretching plus intuflow upside down CONCEPT: Saying affirmations slowly is soothing. Quickly gives you a stressful tension. Although it all depends on the situation. Slowing down gradually. SHOPPING - Allegro electric screwdriver AFFIRMATION: speed (solidity, accuracy) overcomes fear. Home, light evening training, stuffing pizza, somehow it went with alcohol in the new office (affirmation on the phone), although I felt sorry for myself that I refused so weakly. I refused like some pussy, although at least I managed to refuse

niedziela, 27 października 2013


October 25 - tate_ugryzl_kleszcz Today morning conversation with Rafal Pawlik. I told him about my life mess. He pointed out to me (but I do not remember how he put it) that my life is in a mess and I am proud of it. I'M NOT! I do what I do to survive - I answer! I felt like a fist again and yesterday morning I was doing many activities without fear or guilt AFFIRMATION: May the strength serve you well! Is there a universal affirmation / self-suggestion that will allow me to combine everything into one logical whole?


October 26, 27 - a bit unusual 2 days ... nose your defeat with pride humiliation is profitable if you process it you will become stronger shame and defeat are part of the struggle experience will make you more powerful and in the end you will never lose again ... You barely saw what I could do so you better watch your moves old man! CONCEPT Mind self-control to program acting talent in threat situations (no fear, stronger voice, personality sawyer / vegeta / etc ... /) AMBITION: Showing off to my father and Markiewicz with speed, physical fitness, etc ... AFFIRMATION: People worship and respect the tough. Angels in heaven too! He will do anything for them! Meditative state in Ponice on the river. Silence peace... Moreover ... At home, a moment of the acting state for itself. Watching Vegeta Majin dbz. I finally entered a kind of different emotional state. I wish to go back to the previous state. Savor every thought, dream, fall into different emotional states, be an actor and enjoy it. I WOULD LIKE TO! And enjoy it, draw energy, power and satisfaction from it! to channel: how to learn reiki / healing arts? EBOOK: Meditation: First and Last Freedom. CONCEPT: Don't write everything. Write only what you want, what you need. I enjoyed washing the house with my hands (dusting the dust)! CONCEPT: Acting personality - music - glasses - youtube video - dressing style - accessories / flashlights (bantaz, glasses, chains, terry cloth, telephone, watch, cross, niesmeirtelnik \) RAFAL: That despite the pain I realized my dreams (studies, detective, apartment, development, athletic body). Works for PLN 300 are treated as a blessing. A story about a doctor from Nowa Sól. My life is an interesting adventure. I did it, I downloaded the file from rebelantiov - secured. filemon + cache_google. Cool! Earlier a moment of meditation. headache affirmation: "I am completely healthy (...)". Pleasure to the beat of hotara music. AFFIRMATION: I want to experience what it's like to fly ... Only for a moment! Because the mind won't accept it anyway ... CONCEPT: Ask yourself: what do I want today? MEDITATION: Purring aids meditation CONCEPT: ECR strength + speed simultaneously (?) LIFE: Salt and runoff water. Washing the container outside the home. Man is the accumulator of inexhaustible strength and possibilities. simple dbz 3 exercises diamond (1 leg) alternately lay (lodka) stretching spoons basic position stretching everything! hah, a tick fell on my mother's head today. But she panicked. A moment ago my mother did not need to say that a tick bit my foot 2 years ago: AFFIRMATION: I don't tell anyone! He keeps his knowledge and skills to himself, defending himself against negative thoughts I am giving up the full thing today. almost 81 in waist. At one point in the morning I felt so stuffed that it was so thick. AFFIRMATION: I can eat what I want whenever I want, as much as I want, enjoy each meal, draw energy and power from each meal. 99.99% of animals on our planet eat as often and as much as they like (...).

czwartek, 24 października 2013


October 24 - once_super_moc_raz_disease // maly_strach (?) After the new item Through the day, more confidence at work. No fear that I haven't finished my projects. No, or at least much less fear during morning training. Before noon I felt like I had a cold In addition, my chin pain came back. For several days I have been feeling jabby light / tension pain in my hips and lower spine AFFIRMATION: Whatever it is, I forgive it completely and it doesn't matter to me anymore. Now is 3:40 pm. The cold seems to have largely gone. The ECR is huge. And it grows. Probably around 5:00 p.m. it will reach its peak. I'll leave work early and go to training. Ah, this hip worries me a bit ... WRITTEN NEXT DAY: "Fuck why .. I was healthy, full of energy. I could train without any problems in the park. And suddenly ... I ate a piggy bank. the whore says I must have a cold because I didn't eat that mean meat !!! I HATE YOU YOU FUCKING FUCKING FUCK !!! AFIRMATION / AUTOSUGGESTION: whatever it is, I forgive it / myself completely, AND YOU FUCK FUCKING HATES!

środa, 23 października 2013


October 23 - today txt TRAINING: CONCEPT: WFM hip thrust - I got this idea at work. The training was flawless. Long sleep. At night soundHealing. JOB: I started with an excellent template design for Allegro. I like it very much ;) I guess that's it. In the morning I ate only apples with creatine. Despite intensive training, now in the afternoon I am strongly regenerated! In the morning I ate just a lot of potatoes until I was satisfied. In addition, he has been feeling less fear lately. This fear of everything. At home: MEDITATION: New position at the edge of the bed. Legs down Super Breath RB. Plus Goth and Metal Jacobson style muscle tightening A screensaver for meditation Telephone as a lamp / fragrance

wtorek, 22 października 2013


October 22 - protein_rano_7 TRAINING: Breath during the meal Breath to 7 (counting) M - elbows on a bench. Flex your biceps Protein in the morning - sila + relax AFFIRMATION: My mother has no strength to fight with me that I eat so much JOB: CONCEPT: Office: own affairs. After work - office work. Configuration of the router in the table below. A really nice office OTHER: CTRL + TAB - change google chrome tabs NEXT DAY: I returned home amazingly before 8pm. I took my laptop with me, hoping that it would work at home. However, it was not so. I made a luncheon on-air. Before bed, ECR was fucking me up. It's good that I got cold in a fairly nice weather, maybe I'll be more resistant to winter. I also strengthened with stimulants chocolate and cocoa, although a simultaneous cold made me not want to exercise. In the morning, there are still potatoes, there are still remnants, I think I will get fat, eat too much, lose weight, get sick: AFFIRMATION: Every meal is like a breath. This is extra energy and power for my body And power and energy build up every cell in my body. My body I can eat what I want, when I want, as much as I want to enjoy each meal I can eat what I want, when I want, as much as I want to draw energy and power from each meal! In the office, before leaving, I worked a little more on my slides. CONCEPTS: WFM Drazek hips

poniedziałek, 21 października 2013


October 21 - kordex_bezpieka Magda, marcin - job request Colds - coping with work plus laziness Dad's house inflating his bike Szymon finally has dinner Regeneration no training Jarek photos for Marcin. He stayed with me especially after work. I get along great with him Kordex phone about IBM T41 and T60 from the Bezpieka.org forum


TRAINING - Teznia: playground: push-ups + triceps + biceps - The phone in the jacket has a hanging bar or a belt pouch - Mixed speed training system - Place: Krakow: Jordan Park - Place: ponice (not practiced) - Place: office (W, G, D, (B), E, ​​F) - Place: Nowy Targ: park / gym - Breathing: exhale (s ...) better voice and stronger lungs - P2 Legs + hips - P legs slightly up, head down. Better to feel the muscles - E Squat in tight fists / book (shoulders) - M1 hands forward, elbows on the bench (tight). Legs wide (buttocks) - M1 refinement. Light movement. Head a bit down - F2 squat on tree (energy intake) - W2 - a small stick instead of a fight to the back - Fl - oblique abdomen (flag / drazek sides / hips) - DBZ - legs, arms cross - feel the tension of all muscles better. - P wide hands (like a new form of exercise) - W2 fighting plus vibromasaz - Stretching in the field (10 exercises) DIET: - Eat a meal to your heart's content: enjoy it. - Breakfast at ZWM - as if making the meal a moment of meditation - Powerrade - ECR - Butter / cream + cocoa - a great and delicious stimulant! - The type of meal is like fuel for a blast furnace. AFIRMATIONS: He directs energy and power to manipulate events in the company. Adapt them to your own needs. I love to write, show off, show what I can do! The body has wisdom of its own. I take care of my body, my body takes care of me. TECHNIQUE: Brief affirmations (1-2 words) e.g. Adrenaline or Directs power. I arouse curiosity in people for fun. Is there an affirmation that will allow me to unite everything? In one logical whole? I'm a sithe / sajayn (fine-tune?) I want to feel like a young god again. Desire for divine power (GRADUALLY) - zeus CONCEPT: Letter, expelling everything: loss of power, max, kaja, parents, burning. The situation has changed. Change of plans. Chocolate is like a drug. It stimulates serotonin. What tastes and smells good gives energy and power. Love and joy are in me and for me. And to everything that surrounds me Anger and hatred are in me and towards me and everything that surrounds me. God is the one who leads me to victory. Let's party CONCEPTS: - Skypecore bedbug - Marcin johntheripper - Mantras instead of affirmations - Herbs for depression / neurosis? Bach drops? - CONCEPT: Morning training + + laptop - as if my morning meditation MEDITATION: - Albert (night) - a beautiful place to meditate - Zaryte - peace + quiet. I missed that! EBOOK - Sparta tutorial: lie / theft / survival JOB: - Never correct someone. - Never do complicated things - One-key door LIFE - Traveling by hitchhiking: - sheet of paper - hand high - visible silhouette - lean forward - backpack - nice clothes / appearance - looking people in the eyes / cars - New hairdresser next to the tracks - Overnight in the office - Sleeping in a forest folk (sofa, no roof) - CONCEPT: Office blanket (meditation) cover. ECR: - Tramal suction: sensational energy and power. Fear disappears. - Powerrade - ecr

Summarizing (2)

Last: September 25 DIET - Evening coffee fast - better stool, more ECR in the morning! - Cocoa + coffee in the morning = ECR is fucking hell! - Cocoa + cream / butter - a great stimulant! - Chili sauce for meat - Gradual switch to vegetarianism / little meat! - Chestnut meal - energizing - Blessing meals - energizing - Breath is a good remedy to satisfy chocolate hunger! - Breathe after meal - strengthens the energy and power of the meal! AFIRMATIONS: - Again, I can do anything and more! - I overcome my fear and get out of the house! - I'm getting AMAZING gains in mM - Everything that happens to me is for my best good! - It's not so bad. Everything is alright! - I gain the energies and power of Tramal - I awaken energies and power in my body! - The best revenge is success! - I'm freeing myself from fear and guilt. Everything is fine! - Overcomes fear and guilt. Everything is alright! - He perfectly manipulates doctors to get to the one with NS - I am freeing myself from earthly principles and the laws of physics! - directs energy and power to positively energize this meal. Provide the necessary nutrients and minerals. - I draw energy and power from what I have, in the conditions I have. - Each meal is energy and power for my body - Every meal is a building block for my body! - Draws energy and power from alternative sources. Everything is fine! - It buzzes with an even stronger, powerful muscular body. Everything is alright! - CONCEPT: As to regain acting talent (slide, photos / videos) TRAINING: - Minor exercise 1 a series of several repetitions for recovery (like bike / jogging) - Ladders to the roof in the corridor in the block - like a drazek - Head overhang down Nichi's hips. It relieves them! - Push-ups tucked belly. Better to feel the cage! - DIAGRAM breath during most exercises! - Technique: transformSSJ - Stretching the hips sideways / tuck - S - drazek neck. Receiver in front PSYCHIC - Writing under the AFIRMATION for things he is not proud of! - Meditation of Abundance and Riches (Wednesday 21:00) - Good heat for sadness / depression. Relaxation - Sweets + breath reduce the depressive state. - Radio Krakow in the evening the best (night, relaxation, music) - Tight fleece - it feels powerful and muscular! - The state of love after hemi-sync and reading a book, you can live without eating! - Writing down your successes - a technique to increase your self-esteem! LIFE: - I can attach a txt attachment (notes) to pdf files on gdrive - Office odor absorber (sponge + vinegar) - Going to WSZIB studies and impersonating a student - WORK - window slightly open. Freshness. Leave overnight. - Better to dress well and look good, because my mother despises me and gives me good looks when I look bad. I think he does it subconsciously. After all, the first time someone sees someone on the TV is whether they are ugly or pretty. SURVIVAL - Mom despises me (probably subconsciously) when I look bad - My mother stops despising me when I am handsome! CONCEPTS: - Pomegranate seeds = DMT? - The art of short writing / writing a journal. Sparta! Guess Technique! - Slide - lsita of dreams - Slide - Revenge Plan - Slide - Life optimization (homeSurival) - Slide - breaking the laws of physics - When breaking the laws of physics, add a justification, for example: excess apples are like hyperventilation (energy) AFFIRMATIONS - Ending, for example: I have achieved the energy and power of the tram! - Saying affirmations 4x slow instead of 16x fast - Before uttering an affirmation on the fly, the command AUTOSUGGEST! - Directs fear gaining energy and power. - Guides guilt gaining energy and power - Directs energy and power building an even stronger, powerful muscular body! ESOTERIC - With my thoughts I can do ANYTHING - JV Hellsing - There are rules that govern this world - There is a rule to break earthly rules! - The energetic places of the earth - Downloading thoughts - How not to worry about criticism of others! ECR - Compare food to battery charging (charging / discharging / format) - CONCEPT: ECR elektroakupuntkura (?) - Pay attention to the need for breath as I pay attention to meals! - Ultrasound abdomen - ECR (?) - Garlic, especially with protein!

sobota, 19 października 2013


October 20 - power_ecr What is energy? - definition of Hania. One-key door - office. AFFIRMATION: Music gives me energy and power! Program your mind for 21 days God is the one who leads me to victory / gives me energy and power AF: Let's have fun! TRAINING: Stretching in the field 10 exercises - greater psychological comfort Chestnuts in handkerchiefs. Instant regeneration of sourdoughs. Protein breakfast. Lunch: potatoes + cream. CONCEPT: Korek nalecowianka sprint to Cisowianka Powerade - ECR plus a nice bottle. Terrible taste when drawing energy and powers from PowerRade, but a nice bottle! God is it My body is regenerating faster and faster!

piątek, 18 października 2013

I care about...

October 19 - depends on ... Coming home in the morning. My mother was clinging to what I was doing and where I was. In the morning, departure with my father for Nowy Targ. New Kia, very comfortable. Buying a few things in my father's shop, eating nearly 0.5 kg of sweets practically with a psychic attitude and draws energy and power from this food. Cool! I was more sorry for my own money, and I spent nearly PLN 10 on food. Returning with David, lunch at home. Due to poor organization of meals, I was unable to completely regenerate. TRAINING: CONCEPT: shoulders walking on hands / cushions Training in a new market - psychological comfort, nobody knows me. Move out? AFRIMRATIONS The situation has changed. Change of plans Chocolate is a drug. It stimulates serotonin. What tastes and smells good gives energy and power (today's Michalki and chocolate (break)). Love and joy are in me, for me and for everything that surrounds me Anger and hatred are in me and towards me and everything that surrounds me. Affirmations in flight are just as effective - something like that, back to the old one. The type of meal is like a type of fuel for a blast furnace (paper-apples / coke-chocolate) Hah, today I realized something. I do not care about joy, satisfaction, love ... I care about energy and power. For them it's worth fighting for, it's worth living!


October 17 - zaryte meditation Early awakening. Large ECR. Then training, Ponice, home. Office - No one is there. I took the opportunity. Legs, breath MMA (start with a yawn). Today is a strange day, I completely don't feel like working. I'm burned out. And this breath. Breathe MMA. Begin by yawning. This is what I miss. I think about Kaja. I want to go to my grandfather in the afternoon. Yesterday Elen - Channeling. She sensed manipulation on my part, although my intention was to convince her to channel faster (duality of hate and love). For today (for now) that's probably it. I'm going to breathe. Today I got an email from Adrian Kolodziej. Donald Tramp who has a lot on his head and can please everything. Leave work early. Meditation in a box. Great - silence, peace, music irritated me later. I calmed down. This is basically my place for meditation. A place that I love and where I regained peace / happiness! Intensive training - my body is regenerating very well. The soreness in the evening is already eliminated, the ECR is huge and the body is ready for further effort. AFFIRMATION: Treiningi is the meaning of my life today. CONCEPT / LIFE: In the morning training + laptop - as if my morning meditation

czwartek, 17 października 2013


October 18 - ecd_energia_caly_dzien CONCEPT / LIFE: In the morning training + laptop - as if my moment of meditation. Mother retorts Jesus the stones Maria Magdalena the Virgin. TRAINING: - I added biceps. Legs forward, thin bar - better biceps feel. - S - drazek neck. - C7 / 8 - Legs forward (biceps - DBZ - leg / arm cross - feel the tension of all muscles better - H - sides of the hip leg. - M - hands parallel in front of each other Today I wanted to read about kundalini / energy Kundalini chestnuts / energy? Read! AFFIRMATION: Through dark power (...) Today I bought a Lenovo x220 on the allegro for less than PLN 2727. Now I have motivation to sell old things and collect money :) Maybe Grzegorz would agree to buy on his company to issue an invoice. I was in everything for a student. I think I'll buy this leather Case + Briefcase for notebooks. The energy fucked me up so much and despite the intensive training my body is regenerating in a few hours after training, just like after today's morning training. Yesterday also came drops of bach from hania. Today I tested it for the first time. I unloaded my strong energy when Marcin went to dinner at 13:00, stretching on this "pseudo-lane" by the stairs. It's better;) Today I also started to intensively exercise my stomach and do splits. Every now and then I practiced. The body was regenerating really fast. Marcin went with Magda after 15:00. I was alone. I trained in the office alternately working. This is an interesting method! I hope that in the new office I will be able to install a drazek;) I managed to make a transition effect on every page. I want to exercise and at the same time work a little more. It is a pity there is no drazka here. TRAINING: - D - dips in the office. Triceps feel great - W - fighting also in the office. Great! It's fun to be in the office like this. Tomorrow it is good to get rid of the old garbage + buy this A5 leather briefcase.

I am_calkowicie_healthy

October 16 - I am_calkowicie_healthy CONCEPT: Mantra OM, instead of affirmation (?) * / Although today I have discovered something better * / CONCEPT: A blanket for work. Laptop in the office Current event of the day: I shortened the affirmations: "I am completely healthy" - the fear disappeared, courage appeared. Something beautiful! Besides, by looking in the mirror and measuring the circumferences, I can see my dimensions increase. I feel more powerful! 16 breaths at the same time completely satisfied me. The morning training in chaos mode regenerated the evening soreness. Ah I feel so powerful On the way out, I met Lukasz Lopate. Pissed off where his money is. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to tell him AFFIRMATION: The dark power is in me. Everything is fine AFFIRMATION: I am completely healthy. My body is radiant, harmonious. Each cell vibrates with pure and creative light (making the sign of the cross, looking in the mirror - more power) That's all for now. I have plans to call Kaja and go to my grandfather. All thanks to a new affirmation. NEXT DAY: Chatting with Jarek. There is a new friendship that does not have in relation to Marcin. With Marcin, I have to keep asking for every bullshit. There is no problem with Jarek. I will be happy to help me in any situation compared to Marcin. In the evening I called Kaja. I took the droplets before the interview. I mixed up the food a bit in the morning and in the evening - these drops were spread over my ass with food, but I kept my energy and power anyway;) In the office, I was doing a new banner design for Ponice. He came out pretty cool. In the morning I ate a lot of cake and chocolate.

wtorek, 15 października 2013


October 14 - pragne_boskiej_mocy A day spent in the office In addition, after noon I quit my job. Nice weather, cycling, curvy and sunbathing. I ate a whole loaf of bread without fear or guilt. Power and energy were at an amazing level. In the evening I also came up with an idea for a brilliant affirmation: AFFIRMATION: Pragne of divine power. In the evening, training on creatine. Leaving the dove overnight In the evening after midnight, Kaja wrote an MMS, but I was unable to read the message. Lots of cocoa at night - it acted like a stimulant. In the morning I felt awake with sleepiness. It was confusing, but I got it right today. Today there is a problem with Rent, but I think we considered it with Grzegorz. She advises me well never to tell anyone that I have a pension and even to mention that I work. Is there anything else? I don't know ... That's all he writes. I want divine power!


October 15 - sleeping_w_burea In the morning, stimulants: waking up with sleepiness. I need to avoid these meals in the morning or eat them in addition to breakfast for my first training session. Drowsy after morning training to the office. Order. Light rest and sleepiness on the couch. Saying goodbye to Marcin and returning home. At home, making an emergency dove and breakfast. Go to the office. I was a bit earlier. Earlier too, a phone call Matthew Interview with Grzegorz about Renta. He was more concerned with keeping my pension. He can't hire me, I'm completely incapable of work. We agreed to hire me for a work. In this case, I also called Bargiel to find out what and how. Thanks to this, I must avoid certificates and I have a pension. At work, the robot was going pretty well. I was afraid of my hips, but I don't feel like writing an affirmation. I went to exercise park once every 30 minutes. The ECR was so huge in a puff and I had to discharge that energy. It went beautiful in the muscle. After work, I stayed, lay and breathed RB. CONCEPT: missing breath usually start with RB / yawn. This is how I feel ... Then there may be a diaphragm. It's 7:46 pm. Soon it's time to get home. Anything else noteworthy today? As I breathed, I uttered the affirmations: "I want a painless death. It's a really beautiful feeling to stay in the office, to lie alone. My moment of meditation. This is my way ... I think that's it for today ... Feeling that Grzegorz takes relanium every day. He is so calm, composed and cheerful and tolerant ...

poniedziałek, 14 października 2013


October 13 - birthday_office Perfection in filling dark power Comparison of food to the amount of coke in a blast furnace and its quality (paper, wood, coal) Elen, I'm writing to get you a little bit of channeling Gregory phone open window Sunday spent at the office He will meet zazie and Bartek in the morning Fear for the heart - cracking from the spine AFFIRMATION: All the power of my subconscious and all the power of my higher one, I make the following rules: I am completely and healthy (...) now I approve the amen! In the evening the tramal. No sedation. Super ECR. First cream, then apples In the office, writing down notes In the evening, training and writing Kaja's wishes. She called back 2x. I missed ...

niedziela, 13 października 2013

1500 PLN

October 11 - PLN 1500 back to work. Grzegorz clearly did not want to look for a new employee;) It was great. I had good contact with Jarek, I was motivated and willing to work and act. We talked a little bit with Grogrz about my pension. I told him that I have a social pension (I don't think I know myself). The accountant asked about it I stayed at work longer. Marcin invited me to a hockey match. I declined. I did not want to go with him and moreover, I wanted to work a little more. The last centimeter shows 36cm at 66kg. Nice result, I think a really nice result. So much for this day, a day exceptionally written with a 2-day delay.


October 12 - pseudo-studio Yesterday is written with a 2:30 h delay In the morning I went to college with impulse with David. I wanted to rent a room in Ponice, although no one told me to go with him. In Krk, I ate a lot of delicious cookies from the pastry shop, almost without fear or feeling guilty. 3.90 for close to 300gr. I haven't been to any of the classes in Wszibie. The weather was so beautiful and I trained twice in Jordan Park TRAINING: P - Hands wide, like a new form of exercise W - fighting + vibromasaz I want to sweat like a young god again. I want divine power - zeus CONCEPT: Letter: getting rid of everything: loss of power, max, kaja, kasia, parents: burning. I wanted to visit my grandfather, but I missed it. I was practically bouncing around in Jordan Park. He will meet Dawid Michalka and Piotr Danielewicz in the labyrinth. A young boy asking for food and I gave him cream. He did not eat, he left. But I was angry and I wanted to go give him an apple and some money - if only I knew that he had eaten! Return to rabka, Marta could not accept me. Staying overnight in a forest folk on a couch for free: D Where is the guard. Now back to the office, warming up, sitting on marcin's chair - really very comfortable. Only further support. I'd like a little more cream. I feel like it. Today is already the 13th Kaja's birthday today. Make her wishes? I remembered that earlier in the morning I was listening to the Tibetan book of the dead, as if I felt something this time ... And generally seeing how the forest folk is secured, I had a concept to use the "universal key" to spend the night in the rooms.

piątek, 11 października 2013

for PLN 700

October 10 - for PLN 700 All day spent in the office Clarification of matters with Jarek and Marcin Late return home. No training. Normal day I am doing dreamtoya and the rest of the work for 700 PLN The day written on the next day I do not remember the rest.

czwartek, 10 października 2013


October 9 - resignation Get up early. Fear. Preparing for an interview with Grzegorz. I wish 3700zl for dreamtoys I masked the template on the server. I wanted to remove it, but I am going to be forced to bluff nothing. In the end, Grzegorz does not know himself anyway, I feel that he is taking relanium, so he will be calm. I changed the names, I will bring back when I'm in place I have dressed up well. This is also how the tight white fleece feels for this affirmation: AUTO SUGGESTION: The dark power is within me. I feel powerful! Nice conversation with Grzegorz. Easy parting. I was under the influence of the tram I slept for the day. Mom started to remind me and I didn't eat anything but finally I turned her attention to it. She disconnected from me. I also set up her mail. Before the evening, Grzegorz called to ask us to complete our dreamtoy. I agreed Marcin also called. He warned me that Jarek is Grzegorz's family, although I told him that I had clear intentions and I just wanted to talk. I went to sleep. In the morning I ate a lot of cookies and bread. Cramps guilt again and ate at night. But in the morning the weight is stable and the biceps are close to 36 cm

środa, 9 października 2013

dark_moc ...

October 8 - dark_moc.txt Yesterday was written with a delay Quitting your job. 3 days off. Terrible fear of what's next. Escaping like some pussy. Sucking the tram like a meal. Reflexive power. Fear vanished and I gained courage and power. WOW something beautiful. I imagined myself going away with honor and respect, taking 3700 PLN for dreamtoy. 15:14 fear is suppressed, although the circle thinks and Gregory will call his mother or something like that. I'm afraid about this. Another Mateusz ... ah ... I want to go to sleep. And in general I feel like a Gregory. Cheerful, calm and composed :) I think so, since tramal gives such power as no auto-suggestion, what power does creatine give Herbs for depression / neurosis? Bach drops? CONCEPT: Putting Self-Suggestion to Power T This state is beautiful. "The dark power is in me because I am a sithe" Imagine how I take the 3700 to be tough and strong. I remembered what strength is. Dark power is in me. I want to live again. Fear of the hip after lying down. Shaken balances: AFIRMATION: With all the power of my subconscious (...) I am completely healthy, my body is radiant and harmonized. Each cell vibrates with pure and creative light. It has now been done, I approve. AMEN! - Room PLN 30 Honor Recovery Strategy: - Prices ranged from PLN 3700 to PLN 11000. I take 3700. - Dark power is in me! - I act like a kid - You act like a woman who says something like this and another time something else. It's hard to please you. - Speak with a hard voice about his forbearance and his merits. These words are meant to have power - Tramal - I did a long time and I have to face the consequences. You, too, have to face the consequences that you gave me a fucking job that we didn't arrange for - Kazek the red color. Brothel created? - Taking so much money buys respect - To marcin: when Dawid has beautifully positioned the pages, why don't you ask him what it is all about. - Funny that the dreamTOYS foundation costs PLN 300 - I'm taking it slow. Everyone has some curves. But since you prefer to pay for website positioning, the guests of the boilers do not do it and they cancel you sharply. Again, I can do anything and more.

poniedziałek, 7 października 2013

Sunday (2)

October 6 - dobryna_niedziela Remotely repair Mateusz's computer - to no avail. The viruses were too powerful for me to do it remotely. Brought the computer to me tonight. I met his son - my little cousin;) AFIRMATIONS: I can bend, adapt the content of the affirmation to my own needs. I can create new affirmations for my own needs. I haven't put them into practice yet. It's like too beautiful to be true ... I haven't felt the need to write so many things lately. He can accept this state and actually write on the next day what stuck in my memory the most. In the evening I was hesitating on creatine but the first time I took it was this morning.

Tuczylem_sie_oddychac = (

October 7 - Everyone wants fast ... Kieratyna - the first game after 2 years. Underestimating at work - wanting to cry, inner despair ... Fuck ... I tried so hard, I do everything thoroughly, carefully and I still get my ass ... I want to go to Zakopane after work and see this fucking banner. My heart cries, holds back tears. I have not felt so aggrieved for a long time. Didn't want bad, wanted good - requirements too high for PLN 300 / month. Even 1000 PLN. I quit my job, I have to look for a new one. Wow, now he is listening to the conversation where David who was supposed to position the pages and he did not want him to position them again. Fuck! ... BREATH: Breathe exhale s .... Better voice and feel strong lungs! JOB: Never improve after coms. Never do complicated things AFIRMATIONS: Uwilebiam showing off Since nobody loves me, I can fight for myself I arouse curiosity in people for fun I did AF64 thesis with affirmation - little success Is there an affirmation that will allow me to unite everything? In one logical whole? New hairdresser near the track - everyone wants fast ... Meeting of Mrs. chicken. I wanted to apologize. I was sick ... Shoulder braces. Training a huge amount of ECR Albert night a beautiful place to meditate The meat in the afternoon gave me a lot of strength. Look for a new job.

niedziela, 6 października 2013

I'm a student

October 5 - I am a student CONCEPTS: Bedbug skypecore Marcin johntheripper Sparta guide: lie, theft, survival ... Mantras instead of affirmations? Traveling by hitchhiking: - a sheet of paper "Krakow" - hand high - visible silhouette - lean forward - backpack - nice clothes - looking people in the eye of cars AFIRMATIONS: He directs energy and power to manipulate events in the company. Adapt them to your own needs I love showing off, showing what I can do. I can bend, adjust affirmations to my own needs He drives fear to fight for strength TRAINING: Gradual exit from exercise P at the very end of the leg a bit up. Head down Better to feel the muscles Mixed training speed system. Squat with clenched fists or a book (shoulders) M1 hands back Refinement of M1 - light movement, hands on the back VENUE: Krakow, jordan park. F2 - squat against a tree. By the way, energy consumption. A small drazek instead of a fight to the vertebrae - great! Oblique belly. Masselup barge. Philip the landowner AFIRMATIONS: Love and hatred are in me. It all depends on the situation The body has wisdom of its own. I take care of my body, my body takes care of me TECHNIQUE: Brief affirmations (1-2 Words) e.g. Adrenaline or Directs fear Today: An attempt to hitchhike to Krakow The girl in the bus bragging about her money. I was impressed that I earned little. I wonder what parents think when I don't tell them anything. This syt cheered me up AFFIRMATION: Manages my fear to make my parents think that I am earning well and can afford me a living. Father and mother themselves propose and agree that I leave the house. Rooms for Rent. Rabka I will sell student ID cards Login and password A little draze instead of a fight to the vertebrae. Spoktanie 2 nice guys in Jordan Square. Drazek helped the vertebrae. I was looking for a flat to rent. Being in a bohemian, I felt like a trickster. For moments like before. I was thinking about Kasia, I wanted to meet her, I'm not even sure, but I think I saw a bit ... But I'm not sure ... Returning to krk, I picked apples through zakopane / chabowke. I stepped into the office to warm up. Marcin came over to take something there. Come home, eat a delicious cheese. Today, the 3 or even 4x ECR was at a very, very high, fucking level. In the morning, after eating sweets in the morning, then after breakfast (potatoes and cauliflower + carrots (juice)) and eating apples in the city. I had to go again to discharge this energy. In Krakow, near the road and in the lunatic area, and now at home after a meal. It is power, only now this energy wants to be stretched neatly. Moreover, this "W" "vertebral fighting" feels positively affected my psyche and the vertebrae in my spine. It is worth taking an interesting note of the interesting situation. Namely: finally a good stool, odorless, nice smelling, not a rare one due to my fat burning at night. And what did I do: I was eating tonight too - lots of chocolate, cocoa, butter - almost without fear or guilt, drawing energy and power from this meal. Eat slowly while savoring. Oh, and I didn't go to sleep right away. So I think it is enough for the last meal 1 hour before bedtime SUPER! I am happy to Maybe that's why the ECR today is at such an amazing high level, and up to 3 times a day. I feel like stretching and alternating showers.

sobota, 5 października 2013


October 4 - manages your life 02 Wow, I got great affirmations yesterday. Universal for many things: AFFIRMATION: Manages fear gaining nergy and power! Guides guilt gaining energy and power! Fuck me, it feels great! I remembered the old situation in the sweet as a woman, she drew my attention, and I, scared, ran away, feeling fear and guilt that I hadn't told her anything. Now, with this affirmation, I visualized something like this: - {I utter affirmations: it directs fear, guilt, gaining energy and power] - I turn slowly, watching. - She will probably answer what are you staring at. - I'm taking out a lot of money and ordering ice cream - {take it slow slowly} - {I'm wondering} - And at the end of the day I'm a client, right? - I would like the manager's number. - Just big nice little balls. I have been a customer here for years and I know what other employees are imposing. - In the future, "please" think a little before you let go of your nerves. Because I do not know if you have your Period today and you still had to go to Work because of that, but we all have problems and we also have to taste. - Man, sooner, I could take the bill and ask for an apology. hehehe: D - Now it's me ASK for apologies ... - No - so please give the manager's number. woodo look. Some moments ago I visualized something similar with my father. I don't want to sign up anymore A moment ago I copied Greg Branden's 20 KEYS OF CONSCIOUS CREATION from Hania in profile. Today I was almost alone in the office. In the morning, quick training at the drazku. I discovered a lot of techniques that may appear in tomorrow's list. I was working slowly and slowly. It's hard for me to follow his chaotic programming style. Only once for a moment Grzegorz popped in. Man - this is a guy. Nice, nice and extremely tolerant ... It's a pity that my father is not like that. Before 5 pm I went to get some oxygen on the bike. I met Marcin R. Ah, I was thinking about him since yesterday. I even had thoughts like to give him a magde: D Today I ate a lot of apples until my teeth hurt. It was very pleasant to work alone. At home, praising my dad and I gave him a generous home. Maybe everything is going in the right direction;) Maybe my plan and dream will come true :) And all in all, shit, now I see that when I started to get on with my diary, maybe I can still sit at the PC and do some things ... Yes, let's overcome our weaknesses. I'll do a nicer job. I'll make dinosaurs: D

piątek, 4 października 2013

directs fear ...

October 3 - directs fear ... Salata in a 3in1 store. Wanting to be compensated. I did a test / experiment, but it will compensate for it well Mother - PLN 700 dish + PLN 20 per house = PLN 720. Asking about studies, I made a mistake and talked a little AFFIRMATION: He keeps his knowledge and skills to himself. I don't tell anyone. Early morning training. DIET: Butter + cocoa - something delicious! I accidentally deleted the gerland banner I put there. WORK: Gregory's gentle admonition to come early in the morning. WORK: Using energy to repair the compatibility of onet <> tgs: D For this AFIRMATION / AUTOSUGGESTION. Interestingly persuasive emails. Fun fun: D Message rules. I wonder what will come of it. WORK: Klotnia, or rather a light exchange of sentences with Marcin - about anyway, I have to do everything myself ... Maybe I will use it for a better price for the banners. Earlier, he boasted that he sold as many as 2,700 slippers. Actually, I didn't have time to talk to him but I didn't want to upset him so I listened to him again breaking the beat. I shot because he asked me and finally gave me this amount. Only later did I ask him for something WORK: Instead of staying longer, breathe by the window and take notes in a notebook. I love writing :) WORK: Then packing, bicycle, apples. TRAINING: Technical exhaust TRAINING: P2 hips on the leg TRAINING: The phone in the jacket hangs a stick Today I came up with the idea to enter Beautiful heroic death in ZWM Slide. Full of energy and power instead of a painless death. In ZWM I have affirmations such as: my earnings oscillate around 17,000 zlotys. I want to improve on 11 thousand - 17 thousand. 11 remind me of the taro bowl. I love this number

czwartek, 3 października 2013


October 2 - picking_the_z_drzew Yesterday I went to bed dirty and unwashed. I burned well in my clothes. And here is my concept to go to sleep in clothes, i.e. a T-shirt and underpants. In the morning I would wake up faster, I have more motivation to act and go to bed CONCEPT: Sleep in clothes I thought a little about Łukasz. For the first time in a long time, I wanted to be friends with him. I got up quite late, in the morning I had a great desire to be alone with me to the beat of the Krakow radio. I'm going to train soon. Pleasant eating breakfast at ZWM. I made it my meditation. I gazed with pleasure at my slides. CONCEPT: Watching slides while having breakfast! In a way, my mother at home attacked me that the norm is one glass of carrots. I could answer a nice retort that later came to my head: - "And who set such standards? Some wise doctor from the public health service, the one with the drug med?" Instead, at least I was answering something like (albeit hesitantly) Gerson setting the standard for 6 glasses a day. Tombak has developed a juice diet where you give more of one glass each day. I prefer to listen to Tombak and Gerson than those Konovalas and morons from the National Health Fund. I drank only 2 glasses - actually, now, when I write better retorts, I come to my head, because then such nice retortes did not come to me at all, but at least I did something: I replied something! AFFIRMATIONS: THIS IS ME and I impose my rules, that's why I overcome fears and guilt I respect my time, energy and money, so I overcome fear and guilt. Work: Grzegorz said: Krystian gives you 300 bases + 500 per page. The rest as you finish. I, as a dog, did not shy away from my voice, I said - "okay" Instead, I could answer with confidence. - "ok, the website has more, but let's treat it as a security, I want to be fair to you. I agree" AFIRMATIONS: THIS IS ME and I impose my rules, therefore I overcome old age and guilt I respect my time, energy and money, so I overcome fear and guilt. Overcoming fear and guilt, I dictate and impose my rules ------------------ Showing his worth, he accepts a lot of money. Showing his value, he accepts the appropriate amount. (after all dawit and the nt certainly deleted it more for worse projects) Maybe it even happened well. I have extra time to show Grzegorz what I can do and complete my dreamtoys as I dreamed, thanks to which I will earn more. By the way, I changed the order of the slides today. First an apartment, then a powerful body, then a mind. Now I like it, the order is excellent, or at least much better than the previous one. I deleted old unnecessary affirmations. Clean, simple and beautiful. After work, I feel that you will also be a good choice. How cool it would be to move out of the house. The power to pick apples from trees - what a beautiful, even poetic affirmation. Now, after the evening training, I feel strong, powerful muscles. Pretty strong and powerful. Chest and biceps. Ah, how I don't feel like writing this journal.

wtorek, 1 października 2013


October 1 - LukaszECR In the morning, fascination with the notebook, taking some photos Work. In the introduction from Grzegorz, the text that he does not cover human stupidity (regarding the Podlog as if I did all the scratches). Anyway, along the way, I developed a great Affirmation / Self-suggestion, which I will now quote: AFFIRMATION: I dictate and impose my rules, so I overcome fear and guilt! - // Man, saying it feels so aggressive Now I'm kind of pissed off with Marcin. I feel angry aggression. Gosh this affirmation is great, I have to put it into epic. Probably the first time I did such a number that in the afternoon I jump on a bike on a track in the park: D by the way, I almost fell (I landed strangely) hitting the pedal on the floor. I ate a lot of apples in my office. I had energy and power. I made a beautiful orange banner for gerland. Gregory, unfortunately, the first thing he said was an illegible font. Leaving the office, I spoke to Jarek. I said that Rakowska turned me up nicely. Teznia - drawing energy and power from the air and plenty of apples. Then a bike ride to Ponice. Then a kind of light training TRAINING: I also found out that the playground was great for push-ups. By the way, you could do triceps. Meeting with Lukasz Lopata. In fact, we were agreed today. I think it was the first time I enjoyed our meeting. Exchange of training experiences. Sweet conversation, I also told him about the ECR. Eating eggs at home, then cheese, hohland, a little cream - almost all milk-based. Almost no conception of guilt. Later, after the meal, go back to the bike for a light, restorative workout. Ride. Thanks to affirmation, he feels that he is overcoming the fear of eating. I have energy and power, I don't want to sleep CONCLUSIONS: Eat a given meal until you feel satisfied with it. Lukasz recommended me some hip exercises as well.


September 30 - WOMEN'S POST HANIA Asking for suggestions for work (pipes, closed window) / smoking, pipes do not hurt her Asking for suggestions on fear of food, quantity, combination of meals, gaining weight, losing weight etc ... Price for e-dreamtoys 1700 PLN - 2100 PLN? Confidence - The boss can't sense my hesitations. 1-2 arguments, I must also be convinced of it. (short) - I gave a shit, I am suffering losses for my irresponsibility. - the site is worth 2500-3500. - I want to be honest 1700 PLN. Patient Rights Charter. complaint to the medical chamber and the prosecutor's office. 21 days of reprogramming. what makes me happy Why do I need relationships with other people, especially women? OTHER: Clean salt as often as possible - its recommendations. My skills are still only "hidden". Today: - Work: taking pictures of palm trees at Grzegorz and in the Park. Really nice photos came out - In the office from Grzegorz, I got Denlax's notebook. Beautiful only terribly fat. After work, I stayed longer and rewrote the nearest tasks for purely. - We ate French fries in the park. Wow, almost no fear or guilt. Praie, I was getting energy and power from these fries. Below there is a slight feeling of guilt because I felt something unpleasant in my stomach after them, but I have perfected the affirmations: AFIRMACHA: My body and body can handle every situation perfectly, maintaining energy and power - I sat in my office until the end, copying my notes and fascinated by my new notebook of Denlax. Leaving, I also went. 16 breaths energized me enormously. I think I went to practice earlier. I don't even remember the order anymore and it's hard for me to say. However, I have not breathed at the same time for a long time. Something new, maybe that's why the ECR gains were so huge! - Once again training, although I probably missed some of the exercises by accident. With soft energy. - TRAINING: Exercise F2 based on my favorite tree. It looks like I'm practicing and on occasion I touch a tree, draw energy from it and can :) - When I left the office, I covered the metal bottoms of the palm trees with styrofoam so that it was not visible that they were scratched. I guess somewhere subwaidomie or consciously I wanted to praise Grzegorz and I did a good job. And I guess sin was worried because in the end he wrote back a text message on this matter. I wrote back to him more or less: "Steroate is stronger than texture. Be calm, metal bottoms are covered. Until tomorrow." And here, referring to this situation, I was arranging affirmations and wondering how to deal with this problem: AFIRMATIONS: "Grzegorz is embarrassed and wrote such a text" "I respect my time, energy and money. Everything is fine" I remembered that I had an interesting situation at home. Namely, my mother complained that she had enough life, she would like to find her job. I reminded her more or less: After all, when I was looking for a job, you said: you don't want this, you don't want that, you are not suitable for that, etc. ... I wonder how she felt when my whole life with my father treated me similarly ... AFFIRMATION: Builds an even stronger, powerful, muscular body overcoming fear and guilt! #previously interesting CONCEPT: Comparison of meals to coal / coke in the back (calories).

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